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Everything posted by ~Minerva~

  1. My thoughts: I’m a bit surprised that the computer history of suicide victims was searched in so many cases; not sure I believe that (not saying you are incorrect or spreading false information, just questioning that as standard protocol in suicides). I am no expert on this though, so perhaps I’m the one who is incorrect. With that being said, I do believe there are many people who contemplate/attempt/succeed suicide after a herpes diagnosis. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t one of them. It’s hard to accept you have a lifelong condition. I do think HSV should be standard on an STI screening, but I’m not sure how to go about fighting for that change. It would certainly save a lot of heartache if people were aware of their status.
  2. Just want to let you know you’re not alone in your thoughts. I think about this a lot as well- how unfair that HSV viruses aren’t included on standard STI screenings, and how dismissive HSV is as a whole. The thing is, HSV 1, and especially HSV 2, can turn into something more complicated- Mollaret’s Meningitis, which I am now struggling with. It’s not my experience that HSV-2 is a virus that should be shrugged off by the medical community the way it seemingly is.
  3. I just wanted to say that your worth as a person, as a future husband/partner, as a future father is not wrapped up in what viruses live inside of you, how educated you are, or how much money you make. Your worth as those things comes from the person you are, one that is obviously caring and compassionate, hence your weight loss and fear of unknowingly passing this along to someone else. The right woman will be the right woman regardless of your HSV diagnosis. Wishing you the best!
  4. Bumping this just in case anyone else is having these symptoms like I am. It’s not confirmed yet, but after much research, I believe I am part of the 36% of women with HSV-2 that experience Recurrent Benign Lymphocytic Meningitis. Is there anyone else here who has this as well?
  5. Thanks for the reply. I reached out to my doctor and was told that fever/general malaise can be part of the prodrome symptoms. I felt/feel tingling and itching, but have experienced no blisters since the initial outbreak.
  6. Hello, Quick background and a question: my husband had an affair last year, and we separated. I ended up dating and eventually sleeping with one guy one time, and 6 days afterwards got all the symptoms of an initial infection (high fever- 104*, full body aches, etc.), but figured I had contracted Covid up until the blisters appeared. I had the blood test done (negative for HSV-2, positive for HSV-1), and a swab (positive for HSV-2, negative for HSV-1). Long story, short I’ve had HSV-1 for years and never known, and I contracted HSV-2 from the guy I slept with while separated. My husband and I have gotten back together, and I am on daily suppression (Valtrex) meds. My question: I have not had another visible outbreak (of course I cannot see inside of myself, but nothing on my labia like there was before), though I have had some sporadic prodrome symptoms. Does anyone else also get a low-grade fever (99.7) and sore throat for a few days when these symptoms appear? I can’t seem to find anything conclusive online, and it has happened twice now (seems like every 6 weeks since my Dx). Or, does anyone suffer these as side effects to antivirals? Thanks for any input. A note: I have also had two HIV tests, which have been negative, so I don’t think it’s my body reacting to that virus.
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