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Posts posted by anne0314

  1. Hi Kyla! Sorry for your recent diagnosis. I was diagnosed  6 years ago and it was not a fun time. I have genital HSV1 as well and here are some generic answers for you. 

    1. Not exactly sure what you're asking here- there are two strains of HSV (2 is typically genital and 1 is typically oral) but they can move around. 

    2. Do you have a history of oral cold sores? I never had oral sores which is why I'm sure I ended up with it genitally instead. I've never had cold sores, but from my understanding from excessive research- HSV1 somewhere else typically protects you from an outbreak elsewhere as you build up antibodies. But it's different for everyone. I personally have had 2 outbreaks following my initial one over the past 6 years. Both were super mild compared to my initial outbreak. 

    3. Outbreak frequency varies per person. Ive read HSV1 tends to happen less. That matches my experience, but I'm sure someone on here will say otherwise. Valtrex helps to reduce outbreak frequency. 

    4. You can, I havent had to disclose yet but I'm planning on disclosing before anything besides kissing happens. Herpetic whitlow can happen (infection on fingers) but I don't think its very common. Theres shedding info on fact sheets on this site you can look at. 

    5. It's a skin condition. It's an STD. I guess it depends how you get it. Skin condition makes it easier to digest but it's still an STD. 


    Hope that helps. This site is great for resources- you'll start to get a better understanding once you read everything out there. 

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  2. Hi @annalove thanks for the reply! So I actually seized on the opportunity to go get it swabbed by urgent care because I caught in the first day or two that it was happening. I know I had an open "cut" when she swabbed because it was uncomfortable- test ending up coming back negative. She recommended I see a Dr because it could be related to something else but it doesn't seem like its herpes. Swabs aren't usually false negative situations- so I do believe that it's accurate. I don't currently take antivirals but I may start just to see if it stops the cuts just in case. They just happen so frequently that I'm having trouble believing that it is an outbreak given my outbreaks are typically more obvious when they occur. I've only had 3 total in 6 years so...who knows. I'm still paranoid even though the swab was negative lol guess that just comes with the diagnosis. 

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  3. Hi all, 

    New to the dating world after a long term relationship with my giver ended on very...unpredictable terms. Never really thought I'd have to navigate the whole disclosure thing, but here I am trying to figure it out.

    There's a new guy now, we talk pretty often and I've known him for a while. We facetime for 6+ hours, and have a great time when we have hung out in the past (at this point we were just friends). So now I'm interested in him- but the kicker is that he lives a few hours away from me. He has invited me to come visit him and I'm feeling stuck...

    Do I need to disclose before even going to visit him? Is it weird to accept an invitation and not have sex/get intimate for a whole weekend? I wish he lived closer so we could go on a normal date first but thats just not really how its going to work now. 

    I can't tell what the best move is here....do I go visit because I want to and just take it slow? Or is that something I shouldn't even do if I don't plan on getting too intimate...


    Ugh. help. I havent been in the dating world forever. 

  4. Hello All! Not new to this site, I've had ghsv1 for about 6 years now. In the whole time having it I've had 3 noticeable outbreaks. None have been severe luckily, and passed pretty quickly. However, given that my ex boyfriend gave it to me, I never really gave other mild symptoms a thought because I just didn't think it was herpes/didn't care because I couldn't pass him something he already had. 

    Fast forward now- my ex and I broke up after 7 years. He's apparently bisexual...go figure. Anyway, now I'm stuck merging into the dating world for the first time since being diagnosed, and am super paranoid about symptoms/possibility of passing it to anyone I may date next. 

    Every outbreak so far has been very obvious, but about 2-3x per month I get these two little papercut type things in the same exact spot. I'm just now realizing this may be herpes....but I find it odd that it would happen that often? I always thought I was essentially asymptomatic but now I'm thinking that I'm actually symptomatic pretty often. Has anyone had a similar occurrence/gotten these swabbed or confirmed as outbreaks? Could these cuts be something else? 

    Thank you to anyone who can help! I'm feeling very overwhelmed trying to imagine dating again because I guess I do have to navigate this whole disclosure thing after all. I can't stand the thought of passing this to someone else.. 😞

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