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Posts posted by dreamingofsomeone167

  1. My outbreaks usually last 3 days and I'm on 50 Valtrex daily, although the last 4 months I've been doing 250mg to see how it goes and doesn't seem any worst. I'm not in a relationship but I had frequent ob's prior and just didn't want to deal with it anymore. I also take 1000mg of lysine daily, 460 MG oil of oregeno daily, really watch my sugar (my trigger), and try not to get too hot, which is hard

  2. Thanks for sharing Jeff. I can relate to your journey. I was married for a long time and became lost in that relationship, I didn't know who I was any longer. I'm working on enjoying and loving myself now. Arial told me that I need to date myself to figure out what I enjoy, good advise.


    I am contemplating joining a few sites in the next month or two to get my feet wet again. It's scary but definitely if someone can't accept us with herpes they are not the person to be with, we are SO much more than that. Good luck and thanks again for sharing

  3. Hi Angelina,

    My ob 's didn't lessen as time went on either, have had hsv2 for 25 yrs. I suspect my trigger (s) are sugar and hormones, more sugar, worse hormones and more ob's. I'm 47 and my hormones have been changing (perimenopause) for last 5-6 years. I try to eliminate as much sugar as possible, take lysine and oil of oregano. I finally decided to do daily suppressive as I was still having more ob's than I wanted, maybe once a month. Just a thought, maybe hormones are causing you the ob's? Good luck ☺

  4. Hi Silliness, I've been taking the 500mg twice a day since last August. The first few weeks I was really tired but it passed and I was back to feeling normal. I'm not in a relationship but one of the lucky ones with frequent OB's for HSV-2. I know they say to stay hydrated and I try to drink 8 glasses a water a day, fortunately I like water, I know some people find it boring. I did notice I have a heavier period when I get it but nothing overwhelming. I've had 2 colds since being on Valtrex that were really mild, not sure if the Valtrex helped or I'm just taking better care of myself. I take 1000mg of lysine daily too and haven't had any adverse symptoms. I would agree with willow to see your doc the nausea/dizziness/etc continues. You could always try with 250mg a day and work your way up to the 500mg to allow your body time to adjust. Good luck

  5. Welcome @Turquise. This is a wonderful site with great people for support and love. It's so nice to come somewhere that everyone knows how your feel and what you are going through. If you have a bad day you can vent and we all still love you! I too am "lucky" enough to have constant OB's just as you do. I finally went on anti- virals last August. I still have OB's but they are not as long or as intense (about 6-7 since then and I can link at least 2 to extreme stress and 1 to too much sugar for my birthday).


    I can attest that since coming to this site it has helped me love myself and accept myself more than ever. Keep up the positive thoughts :-)

  6. I noticed that sugar is a huge trigger for me. I think the sugar also affects my hormones, so I would get many of my ob's just after my period was done. I love sugar so I have really tried to cut back. Stress and when I am too hot (sleeping, hot tub, etc) I noticed seemed to be triggers. I am on daily suppression for H 2 and still have ob's...one of the unfortunate to have continual ob's if not on it :(. It's just a nuisance, I still love my life and feel fortunate with all that I have in life. You just need to figure out your own triggers. Take care, keep smiling :)


  7. I kind of felt comfort yesterday at work when one girl said ,"yes, that's a big old cold sore over my lip". I know, not the same as HS 2 or HPV, but again makes you realize it's sooo common and let's just talk about it without any worries and learn/share. Another co-worker chimed in and said I get those too. Although I didn't blurt out I have H 2 in the middle of the office, I'm still working on my disclosures :}

  8. I know how scary "the talk" can be. I was in your shoes a few weeks ago. I knew I needed to tell him and finally mustered up the courage. It was very difficult but I did it. He was nice and listened to all the stats I had ready. I don't really know if he's decided to proceed with the relationship, but we are still talking, going verryy slow. The disclosure to him opened my disclosure flood gate. I've told 4 other close friends and received overwhelming love and support from all of them. I don't feel scared or even that "shame" which we all struggle to overcome with Herpes. I know I can disclose to any other future potential partners knowing I am giving them a choice. I think the first time is one of the hardest and we all fear the rejection, but you will know you did the right thing. As always, if he doesn't accept you with H, he's not the partner for you. We are all so much more than H. Good luck

  9. Okay, challenge accepted. I was nervous to put my photo up too, but nowhere else will I be so accepted than here with all of you. It's kind of old so an update may be to follow later. 2014 is definitely my year of change, so much in just the last 2 weeks, can't wait to see what's in store for the rest of the year. p.s. love the thread about dinner out, would definitely be hilarious!

  10. Dear H2 Friend,

    It's been a long time (25 yrs) that we have been "friends". I usually know when you will be making an appearance. I knew you would show up last week as I had to have the talk with the guy I have been seeing, and sure enough there you were, 2 days later. I also decided to disclose to 2 other friends, basically everyone within a 12 hour period, what was I thinking? I guess since I was pretty sure you'd show up the more disclosures the merrier.


    I've been hanging out with a new friend, Val(trex) for the past 4 months and it's been a very peaceful friendship. I guess you haven't enjoyed it that much since I hadn't see you show up. Where are you Val, please kick in and send H2 packing so we can get back to normal?


    I was hoping after this visit last week things would settle down and get back to normal. I've been sleeping better, eating better, working out, etc. To my surprise you visited me again this morning, now that was a shock! Am I still worried about my guy wanting to proceed with the relationship? He said he'd get tested and still is texting, calling me, etc. Humm? Whatever it is, I know you may have enjoyed the quick trip down memory lane, but I think I'd like to take a break for a while and get back to my OB free life.


    Thanks everyone for letting me rant. I hate successive OB's, gets me down and discouraged. I know tomorrow is a new day and I am happy to be here, it's not the end of the world.

  11. We all understand how you feel. I did my first "talk" in a long time on New Years and woke up with an OB yesterday. I know I shouldn't have worried because I can't control how anyone will react. Yes, we have learn to relax and not let it control us. Things to work on for me in 2014

  12. I think we all can relate at one time or another during our journey with H to your feeling of not being valuable or worthy enough for a partner. I am just starting to face my fears of disclosing and going to take what results I get, I'm tired of living in the shadows. As many say on here, a person who is mature and truly cares about you will look at the whole picture, not just one aspect of who you are and H is such a small part, but you have to believe that before you can move forward in a relationship (or that's my thought). I acquired my H-2 status 24 years ago from only the 2nd person I slept with, clearly not a whore. I called this person my best friend and believe him to be clean but clearly should have asked him to be tested. I felt we knew everything about each other so I didn't, not to mention he may not have know being one of 80-90% who are asymptomatic. I lived with a man who had depression for over 20 years so I have a small idea of how it affects your life and the struggles it brings. I wish you the best and we are always here to listen and provide support.

  13. Well I did it and had to share with all of my H friends. Boy was is scary, but I felt I was finally comfortable with the man I have been seeing for 5 months. He seemed to take it well, or as well as I would guess anyone would getting info of that nature. He was appreciative of my honesty. I gave him the stats of % of people who have it, % of those people who do not know, transmission rates for F to M, and that what ever he decided I was okay with, I reiterated that I really care about him and wanted him to make an informed decision. I offered some materials but he declined. I don't know if that is a bad thing and he may have already made up his mind. He said he had not been tested in 15 years but would go get tested to see if he had anything (guessing if he has it, then I'm okay, if he doesn't not sure what that will mean, he says he doesn't like condoms). I explained that he needed to ask for the Herpes test in the STI package as it wasn't standard, let him know it's considered a skin condition so doctors don't see as a true STI. He didn't run out the door, YEA! We continued to talk for another hour about our relationship, occasionally kissing. He still seemed attracted to me and hoping it's not any act. As everyone says, if he doesn't want a relationship with me, it's his loss and my gain for knowing he isn't one that sees a good thing in front of him. I did tell him if he takes one thing from his experience with me it's to be sure that his next partner is tested, you never know (since 30-34% of women between 30-49 have H and he/I are in our 40's). I hope to have a follow up that can be posted to the success stories, I'm going to think positive. Thank you to all who have posted there stories to help me have the courage to have the "talk". Love you all.

  14. How exciting! It does give others hope. I am another one who has been reading all the stories and a little shy to post. I have been kind of seeing someone for a few months and need to disclose when we get to that point and am terrified. We have know each other for about 9 months, definitely have gotten to know each other as friends first~ a little hand holding, kissing but nothing more. I hope to be able to post a success story for everyone to read and feel encouraged. Thanks for sharing

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