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Posts posted by Tiredmommaj

  1. Thanks but this is where my BOs are..on my chin. Also on lower lip sometimes alternating. I’m not looking for a generic answer you can find on the internet bc nothing about my gab is textbook and it’s not written in any literature. But my chin is always itchy and then this formed and it’s itchy then my son developed one. As I said I didn’t really expect anyone to understand or get it bc it’s so different. But talking with other people that have it I thought maybe some one had experienced something similar. 

  2. I just wanted to ask because of course I would never find an answer like this online or from a doctor as I feel HSV is so unknown to so many presents so differently of course…. In the areas affected by HSV little skin domes appear. They never form a breakout they just will itch from time to time. They’re not like a pimple that you can Simply get rid of. I’ve had one on my chin since 2021) and noticed that after kissing my son good night he shortly developed one on his chin in the same location. 
    Has anyone experienced this? I feel like it’s the virus creating a closer location to the surface for easier access. as always, I feel crazy to think this but there are no shortage of surprises when it comes to HSV. 

    pics are me 2021, today and my son nowIMG_6574.thumb.jpeg.82ddfb46cecbd5d855e41d32424800c4.jpeg



  3. Just wanted to say that I also have been on long term daily suppressants(approx 8/9yrs). My Dr was fine to prescribe and keep me on them. I did however decide to come off for most(2) of my pregnancies and go on for the last month. 
    I believed in the beginning of my journey that I should let my body fight it but with every OB it’s seemed to spread somewhere new. I felt every time as broken down as the first time especially bc I tried so hard to do all the right things. 
    I think it would have helped to be on suppressants daily from the beginning. 
    Also ozone with UV has helped to reduce the herpes in my blood that’s braking down my immune system. So that’s an option. If you wanted to stay off I mean. It’s not cheap though. 
    best to you and your wife on your journey of starting a family ❤️

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  4. Both my son and I are constantly itching our faces. Mostly in the nostril area for both and him sides of his mouth and recently now the chin area. He also wipes his eyes constantly. he will do all three areas at the same time. 
    For me it’s been my forehead and nose. I just don’t understand why it’s ongoing for months and months. Shouldn’t it stop at some point. 
    does anyone know of herpes that can adapt to be constantly on the skin. Or why the itching would go on for literally months and months with no outbreaks. 
    he is literally doing this every feW min and it’s bothering me bc I don’t want him spreading. I at least can try to refrain. 
    pray for us, this herpes journey has been so sad and frustrating. I just can’t believe he would get it in this way. 

  5. Just wanted to add here a general convo about a treatment option I have just been put on. 
    I was tested for Neglase levels and they came back elevated. 
    I have now been started on weekly injections of GCMAF therapy. It seems the virus has weakened my immune system and is unable to fight. So let’s pray it helps. I’m still taking antivirals and doing ozone. I’m also starting a liver cleanse and doing an IV drip for liver detox. Will keep you updated as I go along!! Hopefully it helps and maybe can help others. Here is a quick link for info. 


  6. I don’t want to add to the fear but speak from experience. My first couple OBs were genital and through foreplay it was spread to my chin. So I would say be cautious however if no OB there the chances for you are probably no. I had the OB pretty quick after contact on my chin. 
    I can relate to the fear of spreading to kids. There has been some great support here but I will always live to protect them. Im very cautious in everything I do. 

  7. @Grace78i just wanted to say I finally got my neglase test back and it was elevated as expected. 

    This was the email from my Naturopath

    Thank you for your patience. We have the GC-MAF now in clinic and are able to organize pick up for home subcutaneous injections. Please call reception to schedule a quick 10 minutes appointment in the lab for supply pick up and injection explanation. Our dispensary will be able to provide exact cost, but the 1 vial will be around $450.  


    The dose as per your Nagalase results will start at 0.25ml subcutaneous once weekly for 10 weeks. One vial will provide the full 10 weeks duration, at which point we can assess progress. The vial will need to be kept refrigerated.  Side effects are generally mild, if they do occur, and may present as an immune response such as fatigue, mild malaise & headache. These usually dissipate quickly after beginning treatment.


    there is lots of info but here is one link


  8. I have HSV2 only. I have classic ob/blisters if I am not on antivirals on my chin. At first they helped with the obs on my labia but now I get obs there regardless and regularly. 
    the tingling and itch I get on my face in various spots but always the same spot. Same with my back. Always same spots and the spots appear the same. 
    I haven’t had spots appear on my legs or arms but they get very itchy in the same spots like the side of my hip are the worst. 
    i did get an update that I’ll add to the original post about neglase levels. 

  9. I wish it was that simple for me. I thought the exact same thing. I’m healthy my immune system will take care. But it just kept spreading and the constant BOs on my face and tingling…then it became I would finish one BO and get one in another place. So I never wanted to be touched by my husband to avoid transmission. Now between antivirals and weekly ozone I feel I’m barely warding it off. I’m not sure where to go from here. 

  10. @Bloomer@Seeker1960

    This really Is why this site is so great, both of your posts really did lift me up and I appreciate you both taking the time to message me. Your words made me cry bc the struggle is so isolating sometimes and I feel like no one understands. I live alone in this. 
    My kids are 4 and 6, I havnt had an open sore per se when kissing him however here’s the thing with me. I believe I have it all over my body as ever since I’ve had this there is a particular itch(started on my chin and down there) And over time that itch has spread everywhere. I get little bumps and the itch is constant lasts for weeks/months. Particularly on my back and wraps around my ribs to stomach sometimes. This also happens on my scalp and forearms and legs. 
    I noticed a while back my husband started itching his scalp in the same way, that there is a deep itch and he will scratch constantly however he’s never had an OB. 
    only recently my son has started this same itching of his scalp and it is followed by this same constant itching of his nose and now sides of his mouth and then he wipes his eyes back to his scalp. 
    I feel like most would say it’s impossible bc it always says things like it’s difficult to spread without an open sore or to other areas of your body but in my case it has. And so nothing is a normal case for me. 
    I have been stupidly cautious, not using same towels, not bathing with my kids, wearing clothing that covers my body. 

    The ozone only helps if I go regularly…weekly it’s $650 for 6 treatments so I’m paying that every couple months. If I stop for a couple months the itching over my body starts and doesn’t go away for a month min. I havnt heard back from the neglase testing, but have been taking homeopathics to boost my immunity but nothing is helping. 

    im not sure why it’s taken over me in this way, also new is my eyes. I’m pretty sure it’s spread there as the inner part will be really itchy, constantly and there is a whitish discharge that daily is in my eye now. I also believe it’s in my left ear. As same thing has happened there. I use a Qtip with hydrogen peroxide that seems to be the only thing that helps the itching and soreness.  Now I’m concerned the next will be my eyesight or brain. 

    i know it’s super common however not as much hsv 2 and that’s what I fear is on my kids faces which tends to have more OBs and in my case has just been so horrible so I can’t imagine my kids with this like me…if my disease has spread so vastly in 10 yrs, my heart can’t take what it will do to my kids in their lifetime. 

    I imagine the treatment will be an mRNA v which is destroying people’s health right now which I’m against but hey which is the worst of two evils. My son can not get the V bc underlying heart markers for contraindications. 

    I love my kids to the ends of the world and know I would only be hurting them if I wasn’t here. But then I’m also putting them at more risk. 80% of my day consists of navigating OBs, bc they are everywhere and seems there is always one somewhere on my body. The other part is trying to be healthy like exercise and do ozone but I’m literally not living. I’m just coping and managing. 

    my husband says it doesn’t affect him bc it’s not his reality and I try to think this way but then I get an ob and it starts all over again. I feel crazy, but I’m not, I just don’t know what to do from here. 

    I’ve added pics of my sons lip and the bumps I get all over my body

    I really appreciate everyone here. ❤️




  11. So if you’ve been following in here, you know I have faced all the worst case scenarios. I thought i was finding some solutions but things havnt gotten much better to date and now my kids are both showing signs. 
    my oldest is constantly scratching/wiping his eyes, nose and both side of mouth. Also scratching his head a lot which I’ve noticed as a result of the same nerves being involved. 
    I kissed my youngest bc he wanted a kiss and then after felt my upper lip tingling which is newer. It used to only be the bottom. Now he has a red bump on top lip right where I would have expected based on where I felt it on my lip when I kissed him. 
    honestly I’ve struggled so much and feel like I can’t hold on much longer fighting but the thought of me giving my kids this when I’ve literally tried everything to avoid it incl not kissing them so much and it makes me so incredibly sad to not show them love in this way. But the one time I do I pass it on….makes me think they would be better if I wasn’t around to spread it to them. 
    I have ruined their lives and I fear their future relationships and if they want to have children passing it on. 
    Very little hope for the future, I don’t know what to do. 

  12. I would suggest ozone treatments. It’s helped me some, but I am finding I have to continue it as I took a break over summer and everything started back up again. Now after several treatments it’s starting to calm again. I go weekly..hoping one day it helps it just go away ❤️

  13. @BloomerI definitely recommend the ozone therapy when you can post pregnancy as I feel it’s just next level and helping to keep the virus at bay. As for the vitamins And supplements I’ll just copy her latest instructions to me

    Alternate IV MAH ozone weekly with Vitamin C 12.5mg + mineral IV Drip for 4-5 weeks to support immune function and provide antiviral support.


    -Medi Herb Astragalus complex 1 cap three times daily. This can be found at our dispensary or Pure Pharmacy


    -Lemon Balm capsules approx 500mg three time daily during a flare or signs of a prodrome. I advise taking this dose now for ten days then reducing to an ongoing maintenance dose of 1 capsule only or including a lemon balm tea to your daily routine. Lemon balm is excellent for reducing stress hormones that can contribute to outbreak onset.


    -Continue your spleen and lymph homeopathic at this time, as well as the Thymus-LF.


    -Increase Lysine to 3g daily for the next ten daily then reduce to 1g for ongoing maintenance.


    -Continue your AdrenPlus 1 cap morning and noon.


    -Begin the Probiotic 3 to support your gut microbiome post gastroenteritis episode. Begin at 3 capsules daily with food for 10 days then reduce to 1 cap daily until finished. This can also be found at Pure Pharmacy.


    -Regarding topical applications, a 3% bee propolis such as Coldsore-FX can be applied to the area. We can also compound a 0.025% zinc sulfate ointment that can be very beneficial in preventing further sores after onset and speed healing. Let me know if you would like a prescription send in for this.


    -Below if further information about Nagalase testing. This can be worth assessing levels, as alterations can indicate a need for GC-MAF, which acts the regulate parts of the immune system, tumour growth, and even enhance the immune systems response to viruses such as HSV and HIV. I will have front desk provide you with the cost of testing. Cost: $237


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  14. @Lynsi When I 1st looked I think I searched naturopaths that treat hsv and found one who recommended ozone in his treatments. If you can find a clinic that can offer both that would be ideal. Mine has a lab in it that offers and then I am now just checking in with naturopath every month or so after weekly ozone or vit iv. Also if you find a clinic that offers it I feel the Dr might have more knowledge. The ozone has 3 oxygen molecules so it kills any viruses in its path!! Here’s to hoping 🙏🙏 I hope you can find one soon!! Keep me posted and if you have anymore questions. I’ve just had ozone for the 4th time I believe and 1 vit infusion. 

  15. Thank you Grace for your continued support. I’m getting there, will be interested to know what the Negalase tests show. I’ll keep you posted. If it comes back positive it could be why I’m experiencing such frequent breakouts and would help those that feel after years it’s getting worse. The treatment would reduce the concentration in my blood and hopefully reduce outbreaks. Just working on boosting immunity right now. 
    Also we did a good sensitivity test as this can be hard on your immune system if your always eating foods that aggravate your body. 
    Another thing I just thought of is that she mentioned that when you eat foods high in arginine make sure your just have a higher amount of lysine…I always thought 1000 mg was enough but I’m taking almost 2000 now particularly when I eat those arginine foods. 

  16. There’s so much unknown and it’s normal to feel lost. 
    I wish I joined here sooner!

    I wish I saw a naturopath from the beginning!

    I wish I started antivirals from the beginning!

    That being said if I saw the naturopath early on maybe I wouldn’t have needed antivirals. 

    A few years back I read about Ozone Therapy for herpes. I wish I kept looking then. 

    Recently I posted here feeling at the end of my rope with this battle. With great suggestions I booked with my naturopath. I cried and said I wish I came sooner. Finally I felt hope. It’s only been 10 years!!

    She knew just what to do to get me on track. We started with supplements (which I can provide a list) but most importantly Ozone therapy!! I’m also as I type this doing my 1st IV vitamin infusion!!

    I was doing weekly ozone, now alt ozone and vit infusion weekly for next 5-6 weeks then back to ozone adding vit inf after an outbreak or if I feel one coming on.

    Another key point she mentioned and we are doing next is a negalase test. It’s mostly for cancer, hiv but most recently for hsv. 

    So just wanted to check in to say as a Veteran as I feel I can call myself after 10 yrs, terrible outbreaks, spreading to other areas of my own body, feeling the effects of life with the fear of spreading to others, being intimate/not being intimate/relationship trouble, managing outbreaks, trying every essential oil, vitamin, exercise known to man. Having babies naturally!! Learning to love myself with this(still working on it), I only just now feel like I’m getting a grasp on this. 

    so if you havnt seen a naturopath who’s familiar with hsv in particular, you must!  
    make sure they offer ozone and vit infusion. Ask for negalase testing!

    Maybe I can save others a decade of suffering 🙏🙏


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  17. @Bloomeryes I’m seeing a naturopath next week and will check for candidas. It’s on the list. But the tingling and pinpoint itching I suspect is not that. 
    I bought St. John’s wart but never took bc of the side effects. I wasn’t aware of a cream. Has anyone tried that, does it help? I use Melissa essential oil’s…not really helpful thus far. @Dreamz keep us posted ❤️ I’m sorry to hear yours is so similar. It’s really frustrating some days. Sending love

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  18. I do suffer from itching all over. It’s intensified in the last couple months to my entire back, hips, shoulders, face. Scalp has been for past few years, legs as well. It gets very intense in pinpoint areas where I believe I have OBs. I’m taking antivirals but I wonder and am scared that if I go off I’ll just be covered in them based on the coverage of itches. Right now my nose is quite itchy and sore. Never had an OB there but that’s what it feels like. 
    Based on recommendation here I’m going to get some vit infusions and hopefully get to see a specialist for my immune system. 
    This is a terrible place to be of just so much unknown and what if’s. I hope that you get some answers and feel free to stay in touch. Maybe together we can come up with something. 

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  19. Thanks for the link. I did listen to her discussion on your webpage link. In a way I find she responds like many general sites that talk about the disease. I feel like I’m my case and maybe others with it getting worse over time she’s not addressing that. Also she states numerous times once you have it it’s unlikely to spread to other areas but that’s not my case and I feel like others have said they get it in new areas over time as well. I guess I was hoping for more openness in her answers since she has seen so much with this. I don’t know maybe there is a specific thread that would pertain to me but they didn’t really speak to me.  I really am so appreciative of all other suggestions and will follow up with those. ❤️

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  20. Thank you so much for your insight. I really appreciate this and probably should have messaged on here sooner. 
    Im looking into an infusion right away and will speak with my Dr soon. Those all sound like great suggestions and I will look into them for sure. I’m really sorry to hear that you have also had such a hard time. It’s really hard to hear that some people don’t even notice it and then for some it literally wreaks havoc on their lives. 
    I would love to hear more of your journey, and what has helped you❤️

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  21. I’m breaking down, I appreciate your kind words. No I’m not on meds except antivirals and I’ve only recently started with homeopathic meds for immunity. I’ve had 2 babies since and lots of blood work which has not shown any other sti’s etc. I wondered if they missed that I have HIV bc in all the threads it says people like me usually have both infections. But I’ve been tested. 
    Im otherwise healthy and hardly even get sick. I’m not Vaxed against Covid and it was only 2 days for me for the most part. Other than this I feel like my body can fight things. 
    I have also wondered about birth control as I used to get them with periods now it’s harder to track bc it’s everywhere interchangeably. 
    I will check with my Dr about a referral and more testing and some IV treatments. 
    I know my family is better with me and I want to be here for them. I’m just scared for so many reasons that I feel I can’t control. I don’t feel strong anymore. 
    thank you Grace ❤️

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