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  1. Hi dreamer, If this helps I only take the meds when I'm having sex, but I personally have no symtomss or OB's I just do it for the partner. My ex fiancé decided he was down for whatever and we didn't use condoms for two years and he remains HSV free (we are no longer together). Listen to your body and find what works best for you.
  2. Sab123, My good thoughts are with you. I know the feeling if being worried constantly but have found that is a huge stressor that can bring an outbreak on. The mind is a strange and powerful place. Sickness is as much in the mind as the body. Women have been able to convince themselves they are pregnant when they aren't and have true pregnancy symptoms, just think you can use the min mind to tell yourself not to worry, take care if your body and believe in your health. I was so thoroughly convinced I was having an OB after disclosing recently I went to the Dr who found nothing, not even the bumps I was SO sure were there because I just told someone I never get OB's. The Dr was kind but reminded me stress is a huge trigger for not only OB's but for colds, flus, and overall hinderance of our daily functions. Vent away, clear your mind, take your lysine and (easier said than done) try not to fret too much. The holidays can be intense on their own.
  3. I'm so happy to see this post because I am in a similar situation with Dr's being confused or unsure of my results. 3 years ago I had now What I call "the scare" and was diagnosed with herpes at a planned parenthood. I had rash like bumpies on my bum, they gave me meds and told me that if it clears up after taking the round of medicine it was the H. I want to saw they did a culture but at the time the whole thing was terribly traumatizing and I stated drinking again heavily shortly thereafter so honestly I can't remember if I got a call about the results or not. After doing suppressive medicine therapy for two years I thought hey lets get a blood test and shockingly it came up negative. I thought I couldn't believe my luck and tested again and came up positive for anti bodies. My Dr said that the only way to know now is to wait and see if something pops up. Oh and to complicate things more now my newest Dr put in my head herpes zoster which is shingles or chickenpox and has been found to pop up near the rectum in small cases and can be misdiagnosed as an STD. I feel paranoid about what's going on with my body because I now feel more confused then ever and feel like I'm mindf**king myself into feeling symptoms I've never had before. I want the negative test to be true so badly I think I can manifest the results. Anyway, I started sleeping with someone new and started taking the meds just in case. I just disclosed to him after 3 months if sleeping together when he decided to tell me he has STD #1, a toddler. He's not happy and feels like no one will love a single dad with H. I can't blame him but part of me feels like it's a non issue issue because I have had + & - tests that I didn't need to tell him anything. I was with my ex for two years we never used protection and he's just fine. Moral of the story is, keep testing keep waiting keep living.
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