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Posts posted by AnnieO

  1. bummer. My heart goes out to you. Chances are he didn't contract herpes. The reality of it may have kicked in and he realized his risk. Pretty chicken-shit of him not to clarify his reason for "ghosting" you. I've been in your shoes, my friend. Hang in there. Take care of yourself, because no one else will do it for you. Stay positive. 

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  2. I think our symptoms of an outbreak can vary. Sometimes mine will feel like a yeast infection might be coming on, or I just have a sore spot because I wore the wrong pants on a bike ride. The glands in my groan area get sore. I've been dealing with this virus for over 30 years now. I went a long time between outbreaks, so when I did have one it took me by complete surprise. The Doc put me on meds but I never took the maintenance meds that they talk about here. I hardly will take an ibuprophen, only when my body REALLY hurts. I'd like to say that your best defense is a good diet and exercise, fresh air and sun. Positive attitude couldn't hurt either. Anxiety doesn't help your state of mind in general. Take it day by day and try not to stress. I feel your pain.. literally. 

    Hang in there. stay connected to the group, they all have great advise. 

    Message me if you'd like to discuss further about this "issue"

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  3. I am so sorry. I also contracted herpes at the age of 20ish. It's a freaking emotional roller-coaster for sure! 30+ years ago we didn't, or I didn't know about forums such as this one, so welcome to the "club".  I just joined not too long ago, and it's been a comfort to know that we're not alone in this.

    I hadn't had an outbreak for many, many years. I divorced after 22 years and the stress of all that, plus the terrible weather brought on an OB. That sent my head spinning! As one part of my life comes to an end, I wonder if there will ever be a new beginning with someone else. Till then I stay as healthy as possible and try to exercise every chance I get.  

    It's hard to share this kind of news with anyone,, let alone your parents. I think as time goes by and you're more comfortable with this new change in life, you'll be able to inform your folks and be armed with facts about Herpes and hopefully they will be understanding of the whole situation. 

    Do not let this define who you are! You are beautiful, unique and a child of God. There is a reason for all things under the sun.( I think I'm just coming to grips with that term.) Please stay as positive as you can. Get medical help and counseling if you feel the need. There are suppressive meds that can help control the onset. Stay connected to this group. 

    Take care of yourself. HUGS

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  4. I contracted Herpes at a ripe old age of 19 also. I suffered the same worries and concerns. I'm now 56ish. I had two normal pregnancies, recently divorced after 22 years and I am a bit fearful of the future. BUT, I'm filling my life with hobbies that make ME happy and someday I may share those moments with a partner, but for now I have to focus on healing...mentally and physically. Stress and a bad diet are a horrible mix for bringing on an outbreak. This "Issue" doesn't define who we are, so dont let it get you down. People will have mixed feelings others will totally understand. I believe I heard the admin say "Love is acceptance without judgement" Please stay strong. You are not alone. Glad to have you reaching out. This wasn't available in my days, if it was I sure would have done things a lot differently.  

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  5. I feel your pain. I just recently divorced after 22 years. The familiar chaos was hard to let go of, now the thought of disclosure to someone new scares me half-to-death. My fear is the "broken heart". I choose to fill my time with household projects. Learning new things all the time. I spend my spare time with good friends. We hike or bike ride. Some day someone will come along. I just dont know how I'll react when that happens. So, for the time being I try not to "future trip". I also fear the feeling of being alone, but I'm really not "alone". I have friends, family and co workers. I have a God that takes care of me and loves me despite my sin. Hang in there and just take care of yourself. I feel I'm preaching to the choir. Dont loose faith in humanity. Someday love will happen again for us and we wont be alone to face the future. 

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  6. Lj-broken Unfortunately, rejection is now our 'reality' (but thats not always the case) We need to evolve into something a lot stronger than others make us out to be. There is so much to live for. Focus on things, places and people that make give you serenity and peace. (I like to hike) This new thing, It's not going to go away, but there are ways to manage the outbreaks. It's what we have, not what we are.  You ARE stronger than you know. You've reached out to this group, which tells me you're looking for help. PLEASE stay connected. This is a safe place to voice your thoughts and emotions. Trust me, life will level out. BTW, I'm so sorry you're dealing with this. You're not alone..


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  7. I contracted Herpes at the ripe old age of 20. Now I'm 55ish. I was married for 22 years, I have two beautiful daughters. Have had boyfriends and dates in-between. Some of them were understanding, some of them..not so much. Emotions come in waves. You'll need to ride them out and most days it wont be easy. This is not the end. You have to take care of you, before you can hope that someone else will. This shit is definitely life changing but it doesn't define who you are. I just found this site not to long ago and have struggled for many years with acceptance, rejection. This site will give you hope and courage to move forward. Life is too short as it is. Live it to the fullest now.  We feel your pain. 

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  8. OH my God, are these people 14 years old! For crissake! The problem with them mouthing off around the work place puts that person at a disadvantage for dating others. Those "others" may feel like he can have an "issue" too. Stay true to yourself. Stay strong and know that your Herpes does not define you. Those folks are obviously bored and anyone with any morals and respect for others privacy would not have done what they've done to you. So damn childish! I'm at a loss here, as you are as well. I'm so sorry for your betrayal. 

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  9. Sorry to hear the meds back-fired on you. I was married 22 years... but he also had it. Not a good example. Sorry. 

    Ok, lets try this one. Prior to that, I had a three year relationship back in the late 80s and one daughter from that boyfriend that was ok with the situation. Well, that also wasn't a great example..LOL.. dang! I did have a 9 year stent of dating. some ok with the issue, others not so much. I sure hope someone else chimes in.  Now that i'm recently divorced, I'm starting to question any successful relationships, especially in my mid 50s. I just keep praying and keeping the faith. Best of luck. 

  10. Welcome! This is also the first I've found this group. I'm in my mid 50s and have been dealing with the Herpes issue since my early 20s. My brief history is that I haven't had a break out in over 30 years. ( Sorry that you're dealing with them more often than not.) have two wonderful grown children..Got divorced after 22 years, started a new relationship and then "Whamm!" I had a pretty good break-out. I had to then disclose to this person which about tore me apart. I left the ball in his court and it's been a slow-fade from there. I don't believe that we are built to be/live alone. I can do this for the most part, but I'd love to share my life with someone, as would you. I understand that this disclosure is terrifying for you, as it will be with me the next round of dating I dare to try. My heart breaks just running that scenario through my head.. I tend to "future trip". Bad habit.  Mr_ hopp has wonderful advise and a great positive personality. Hang in there, don't loose hope, stay strong and healthy. Most of all, stay connected to the group. Read the other posts and grow from there. Message me if you'd like some personal connection. I sure could use some encouraging words from a fellow hopp. 

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  11. Sorry to hear about your new diagnosis. Happy to hear that you'll still be doing what makes you happy and healthy.

    Have you checked with All Recipes? On line web site that you can plug in an ingredient and it will usually come up with some recipes. As for me,, I'm also HSV2 for 30+ years now. In my case I can eat anything, but choose to eat as healthy as possible. 

    Good luck with that. Please keep us posted on your findings. I also like to hike and I try to load my pack with enough to get me through a night or two if I ended up getting stuck someplace. 

    New Rock Lake.jpg

  12. On 5/1/2023 at 8:47 PM, PoppiVera said:

    Hey there… I’m feeling better after almost a week.  The swelling has gone down greatly and I’m slowly coming out of the depression.  I would like to say that I’m almost thinking this is a benefit - it would weed out jerks who are superficial and love you for who you are. 

    Weed out the jerks..Love this! With my recent outbreak of over 30 years, I forgot how painful those outbreaks are. What a relief it was when the meds kicked in and the swelling went down.  Hang in there medusakitten. You learn to evolve for a lack of better words. I have my moments of doubt if falling in love again is real. stay connected to this forum. As they say in AlAnon.."keep coming back, it works". 

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  13. Thanks for sharing thefartheststar. I'm in my mid 50s. was diagnosed at 20yr old. been in and out of relationships. disclosed my herpes in many different way. some of the men were understanding, most were not. just divorced after 22 yrs, have two beautiful grown children and now I'm starting all over. come to think of it, I dont believe I've come to the point of acceptance. I'm new to this forum and to read the other posts and those that are struggling, has been encouraging. reading the blogs and watching the videos is extremely helpful too. My current relationship is sketchy. I disclosed after 6 months of sex. wonderful man, and I feel terrible about the betrayal. See, I've been symptom free for over 30 years.. go figure.. So after this new outbreak and out of "fairness" to him, I had to speak up. I felt all the shame and disgust that we all feel with this virus. Currently, I'm not sure where our relationship is now and I fear the future and the thought of being alone.. BUT, this forum is helping me understand that I really need to "accept" this and learn to love myself before I can expect the same from others in any part of my relationships. I'm considering signing up for the Coaching with mr_hopp. I need more than what I'm offering to myself..a new perspective.


    Please hang in there, and dont loose faith. Stay healthy. Do the things that make you happy (I hike a lot, to places that help me feel close to God) Try to get "out of your head". I know it's hard because now this Herpes is life consuming. Dont let it define you. I've done it all my life and it's getting me no where. Stay connected to this forum.  couldnt hurt, right.

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  14. I wish I had enough time to read back through all these posts. I'm in Central California foothills. Sure would like some human interaction. Social media is a great way to reach out but it's not the same. Quick back story. I've been dealing with herpes for over 35 years. just recently divorced after 22 years. Had a recent outbreak after 32 years. Now on to a new chapter. 

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  15. Wow, what a situation. I always wonder how that would play out if I was in your shoes. The last thing you want to do is throw your partner under the bus or have it turned on you. So happy that he's understanding, and now you both can move forward. Sorry that it happened. Praying that the both of you don't have any outbreaks in the future. 

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  16. @mr_hopp Thank you for the kind words. I feel like my theme song should be "Here I go again" I believe its White Snake. But I know its "Hello, my name is" by Matthew West. I need never forget that there is a God who loves me and has a bigger plan for me. Right now He's not reveling it to me and I'm not getting any younger. God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I can not change.  I realize it's what I have, not who I am. It's helping those that I'm with understand it and I'm not very good at vocalizing my feelings but I'm great at avoiding those conversations which is not healthy either. At this point in my life, as much as I would enjoy a new relationship, I really need to focus on myself. Take of me for a change. 

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