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Everything posted by OHopelessRomaticDestroyed

  1. Hi Jason, I am female and newly diagnosed (HSV2) but have never had any "blisters" or "lesions" or symptoms really other than itchy skin that I am aware of. Im not even close to thinking about a romantic relationship just yet but know someday I would like to again. If I might ask, what precautions you and your wife have taken to not transmit to her thus far?
  2. Hello, I am new to the H-community and want to first say I’m so thankful to have come across this site. Its been a tremendous help so thank you all for sharing your experiences, recommendations and success stories! I am a 43 year old woman and was diagnosed with HSV2 in August. My mother had recently been diagnosed with cancer earlier this year which prompted me to get blood work done. I thought I would have a 10 panel STD test done at the same time since I had never had one before thinking to just get everything out of the way at once. Needless to say I was shocked to receive a positive result, especially since I had never had any symptoms that I knew of. I have only had 3 partners in the past 12 years and unfortunately contracted this from none of them as they have all stated. Since being diagnosed, I’ve spent many days in isolation, crying, angry, confused and begging the man up above for forgiveness and to take this away. While I still have those days where I wonder how I’m going to beat the stigmata of this, they have become less frequent. I’ve accepted my situation and now just ready to move on from the hurt, figure out how this works all while not drowning in depression. I absolutely dread the day I will tell a potential romantic partner. I’m not sure what I will even say but I know for certain that when that time comes, I want to be completely in tune with how my body has/is reacting to it and be as educated as possible to be able to provide to them so they can make an informed decision unlike I was never given. The doctor who diagnosed me was not very helpful and so most of the information I have gathered is from the many hours/days searching the web. These questions may be redundant within the site so my apologies in advance if there’s been a post similar with same questions answered and appreciate all the help/advice from anyone who wishes to comment. Questions…….. 1. A few weeks after being diagnosed I have been experiencing itching in my pubic hair and outer lips of my vagina area constantly. I do not see any “blisters”(and I now constantly freaking and checking frequently at any change since being diagnosed). The itch is an every day all day kind of thing and sometime have what looks like irritated red patchy skin in the pubic hair area. Is this a normal symptom or outbreak that’s not going away? 2. I have noticed a change to my discharge as well. Some days its almost non existent and some is watery and frequent. Is this normal as well and does it mean on the days its watery I am shedding? 3. If I don’t have “blisters” or “open sores” and only itching skin, if I touch my skin when washing or scratching, should I be concerned that I will transfer the virus to my eyes or mouth? I wear contacts so Im most concerned with the possibility of transferring it to my eyes. 4. Since Ive not experienced anything other than itching and perhaps rash like skin, will I eventually develop “blister” or “lesions”? 5. I tested positive (2.2) for HSV2 through a IGG blood test in August this year. My last partner (whom I was with in May of this year), did tell me he had HSV1. He shared screenshots of his tests that show he positive for HSV1 only. I’ve read that you can have HSV1 in your genital area and HSV2 on your mouth but can HSV1 morph into HSV2? If that makes sense. 6. Is there anyway to know when shedding? Like a test? 7. There are so many trigger foods and apparently keeping my lysine higher than arginine intake is key. If I consume a trigger food, how soon will I see the effects? Again, so thankful to have stumbled upon this site!! Even with all the limited info that’s out there, I still have so many questions and hoping to be able to get a little better insight from those experiencing these same things.
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