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  1. I feel like my ex will resent me one day when he ever tells the next girl and if she doesn't accept it, but I told him ( since my immune system is not the greatest and girls seem to have it worst than girls. I found out first but he mention something about having a sore before I told him soooooo idk who had it first.) but I told him and he still wilingly continued our relationship, he ended it, so I feel like he took the risk and at one point he did wanted to be with me. He tells me all he needs is time!!! Wtf (sorry) but I'm not waiting or someone second option!!!!! Don't give in!!!! Sometimes not getting what you want or getting a closed door can be the greatest struck of good luck! Learn to love your self before you have someone else love you!
  2. I been listening to Joel Osteen every morning for a couple months already. This video stood out to me and really changes my perspective and i thought of you guys. I might feel like I'm stained but I'm not going to let bad situations determine my future. Friends just let it go. It's easier said than done but if you are dwelling on what you can't change your going to miss the beauty of blessings. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1YgO00kCdnc Idk about you guys but I want beauty for my ashes and use what was meant for my harm to be used to my advantage. Have a blessed day.
  3. Yes! My bf broke up with me three months ago. The reason why? I have no clue. That's what makes it hard. But he did mention something about not having a career chosen as well. He has it too and who gave it too who? we don't know. So for me its so hard to think of getting close, catching feelings, or even cuddling with someone knowing that I have this, even to hang out with a guy I feel bad :( and it bothers me how free he is just talking to random girls. (Is he sleeping with them, idk? Hope not) so what happens when I am ready to date or meet someone amazing? I just try not to think of it. But it does cross my mind but can't worry over something that hasn't happened. But I seriously think its just a mental thing we have where we are keeping each other in this bad stage where we can't accept it yet. But if they are accepting of it why can't we??? Seriously, there are bigger thing in life than herpes, that's one thing I'm learning. Keep your mind open and read good inspirational books because when it comes down to it you are the only one living your life and you are the only you have to convince that its ok if you have it. Yeah, the emotional and mental part is what hurts the most but life keeps going.
  4. I was having a moment just looking back and reflecting on the people who have rejected me and man, oh man, every time I felt like I was being rejected for what ever reason, one main reason I got was because he liked her a little bit more than he liked me speech a lot, I was actually being directed to something better. Because if I look back and look at those guys now, wow, what was I thinking?????!!! I know I'm the last person to judge but I thank God for having escorted those people out my life. I'm going thru a break up and it hurts, a lot. I feel rejected and not because of herpes so this has a different perspective on me, now I think herpes is the least of my worries for someone to like me. Just really being yourself, knowing who you are, and loving yourself you will attract the perfect person into your life. I once too felt to my lowest and it happens to the best of use because we have the weapons to conquer this battle God has put us through and HE will get me through mines.
  5. I'm learning that sometimes not getting what you want is a wonderful stroke of luck. Thank you Mr. Dalai Lama.
  6. When I mean selfish is I was just thinking about my self and feeling sorry for my self bit even thinking what he could be going thru.
  7. Ok, I have herpes 2 found out dec 2013 from the way things happened it sounds like me and my boyfriend had a breakout at the same time so who brought the bumps along we couldn't tell. I'm dealing with emotional stages and trying to cope with it the fact that I have it but I haven't delt with the fact that he has it too. I can't believe I was this selfish. Now I'm thinking damn he has it too but after I told him what the dr said and we decided that we were going to be together we haven't talked about it till this morning when he told me he has a breakout. I feel guilty, sad, low, and helpless. I don't think we are both ready to talk about it and we are still dealing and trying to realize with that fact that we have it. I guess my question is how do two people talk about having herpes? Because I haven't talked to anyone about what's going on in my head besides what I write here and the only people that know ate the drs him and you guys that I have this. I feel awkward just thinking to tell someone about this do I know it must be awkward gir him too but how can we cope with this together?
  8. Well I found out I had herpes (hsv2) not that long ago and even tho I have this amazing person by my side making my days happy and I really appreciate him with all my heart I'm still so sad in the inside. I'm just holding back so many tears, thoughts, and anger that I just want to let go of. I have absolutely nothing to complain about I have a great job a roof over my head an amazing boyfriend that accepted me for me, but why why why am I so sad? Why am I bringing my self down I'm being my worst enemy and taking away my own happiness. I guess I'm asking when does this sadness go away? What are good book to read about acceptance, have any of you read any? What are good words of wisdom because my thoughts aren't making sense right now. :(
  9. I been reading, reading, reading. Getting to know the facts and stories of people here. I don't want to cry anymore especially when I tell him. Right now I'm just hoping for the best.
  10. It's kind of hard taking all this in especially when I'm doing this alone for now. Everyone that knows me says I'm different. I'm just scared to tell someone. :(
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