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Everything posted by juicebox8787

  1. Long story short I have had ohsv1 for probably 15 years about 8 years ago I got a surpise cold sore and accidentally spread it to my partner gentially through oral sex. They had the initial OB which was confirmed hsv1 and then didn't have one again until last year, so 2 OBs in 8ish years. Well we had sex and the next morning they woke up with an OB. About a month after that when we were traveling I developed what I thought was the worst yeast infection of my life, my whole undercarriage was uncomfortable and there was typical yeast infection symptoms but burning and itching like crazy but no sores that I could really see and wasn't in a spot that I could really look but I made my parter look and they didn't see anything either. Fast forward a week or so to us getting home I went a saw a doc not my regular and explained and asked for a swab she said she saw irritation but nothing that looked like outright sores she swabbed anyway and it was negative for hsv. Now almost 6 months later I am still struggling with this itchy uncomfortable sensation. I've been to my OB probably 10 times and had another swab done on what looked like a tiny painful scratch that also came out negative. She said it probably would bc there wasn't any fluid to swab. I went ahead and went on daily antivirals and I still have the same issues just not as intense as the first time. I've had bv and yeast infections off and on during this time and been treated for them. We are monogamous and been together for 10 years and tested for everything under the sun. What are the odds it's gential hsv1? Even though I have a well established infection orally can I still get it gentially? I have had doctors say hell yes you can just bc you have the same strain orally doesn't mean shit you can still spread it on yourself and get it from your partner. But most of what I read says that autoinoculation and reinfection with the same strain somewhere else on your body is also highly unlikely. What is real?
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