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Posts posted by zyphen

  1. We all have a story to tell, and this is how mine starts. I've always been careful, and never just had random sex, but like people have said, life is a risk in itself.


    Meet a girl may of last year, I was not looking for a relationship, but things just happened. We ended up dating in June, well shortly after, I noticed what many people have seen before, a bump on the genitals. I started getting nervous about it, and told her what I saw; ended up going to the doctors and getting checked out. About a week later found out what it was. no need to say it, otherwise wouldn't be here. Well she started freaking, wondering why I would still want to be with her. She got checked out, called ex's and found out where it came from. she's never had any signs or symptoms, so when she was checked out, she was asymptomatic. I told her if we could get through this as a couple, we could get through anything...and we did... The relationship was great, had a very active sex life still. I treated her like she was always my number one priority and she did same for me. 5 months later she got an out of country job. Thinking we could still make this work long distance. First two months were great, always talking, texting, calling... Then about two weeks ago she ended it. I'll leave that part of this short story out.


    Yes I am devastated because of this, heart broken, she was the love of my life. I've been hurt before, but never like this. I think about her all the time, hopeful we can one day get back together, and yes I've had a hard time concentrating on anything else...


    Yes it sucks that this has happened, and yes finding a relationship in the future will be challenging...however I still have a lot going on for me, so I try and stay focused on the positive things I have going. This does not change who I am as a person.. I am 26, veteran in the military, still serve, work out all the time to stay in shape, completed my associates degree last year, and I am now working towards becoming an RN. The right person will come along and see what I really have to offer... and if they are worth a damn can look past this small issue. Knowing what I have learned from school and just researched myself and talked to my professors about, its only a hindrance if we let it, medications are out there that help control it, and medical research has come a long way over the years.


    I really hate this saying, but, If we are meant to get back together in the future, It will happen, just have to go through the healing process like everyone else.

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