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Everything posted by MsJinx

  1. I had my first OB last week and was in excruciating pain with 20+ blisters in my vaginal area. I could barely urinate without screaming in pain. The only thing that helped was putting 5% lidocaine ointment in the area and using a squeeze bottle to pour warm water while urinating. The valtrex helped with the pain after 2 days and my blisters are healing after a week on meds. A very miserable experience. I couldn't even using toilet paper and found blotting the area dry with a washcloth a better choice. Hope u feel better soon
  2. I'm not sure where to begin, but I did get my test results back today from a swab of my blisters-HSV II. I had been having itching and pain in my vaginal area for about 8 days and I went to the GYN last Thursday because I thought I had an STD or yeast infection. I didn't get an outbreak of blisters until Friday and went to my primary doctor on Saturday where I was swabbed and started on Valtrex. I pretty much knew I had genital herpes at this point. I am having a really bad outbreak (20+ blisters) and while the pain has decreased since being on Valtrex, the blisters are not healing. I am obviously very horrified and disappointed in myself for having this and feel like what little of a dating life I have will now be zero. I am trying to figure out who gave me this. I knew I was positive for HSV I when I was tested about 2.5 years ago, but have never had a cold sore anywhere (had a blood test for herpes). My fiance at the time was blood test positive for HSV II but had never had a genital outbreak and I have never had a cold sore. We had unprotected sex (we have a child together). We have been broken up/no sex with him for a little over 2 years. Since then, I have had very few sexual partners. Most recently, I had sex twice in early Dec with a new partner-we only used a condom once. My vaginal area was sore/itchy after that, but there were no sores/blisters. I went on a weekend trip in mid Jan and hooked up with a guy I met-we kissed and had oral sex but no intercourse. I'm pretty sure it was one of these two guys who I got the herpes from. I'm not trying to blame anyone (I can only blame myself), but I would like to tell them thanks for infecting me and let them know they have this virus so they can inform future partners. I realize they may not know they have the virus and/or have never had symptoms. I also realize that I may have had the HSV II virus and have never had an outbreak until now, but the timing seems off. I also realize I need to get an HIV test. This website is a wealth of knowledge and support and I am glad my web search led me here. I am still dealing with the shock of having this disease-I feel like my sex life is over-I can't imagine anyone negative wanting to be with me :( Anyways, thanks for letting me vent.
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