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Posts posted by JohnB

  1. I hear you dancer, you're an inspiration to us all. It's been a 7 and a half weeks since my encounter, almost a full 7 weeks of constant pain and generalized burning. Thursday I have an appointment to go to planned parenthood, hopefully I will get my answers by the beginning of next week.

  2. The big difference between genital herpes and oral herpes I think is the sense of dirtyness we all get from it. Society creates a stigma for the same reason we feel the guilt. Like the stats say, most people get oral hsv1 when they are kids through innocent

    kisses from relatives, while genital herpes is contracted from doing the dirty. The big thing is most people have done promiscuous things in their life. It just so happens that we are the ones who got caught.

  3. I did read your post too, it definitely has me thinking about who i need to become as a person. What drives you to be so informative, compassionate, and understanding of everyone else? What inspires you to post on here so much and give such great advice each and every day? You seem to have such an understanding of life, Its honestly inspiring. You are a rare breed, there needs to be more people like you in this world. Thanks for all your help,

  4. Yeah no kidding, Yes I get so worked up in all this that I forget that I actually had negative results already. Im trying to wrap my head all around it so its difficult to keep it straight sometimes.


    Also when I wake up in the morning and dont move I have no symptoms whatsoever. Then when i get up or wiggle around is when I usually start feeling it. is that usually the case?


    That is what I want for my daughter to have that functionality even if we are apart. Thats very important to me. Its going to be tough with how the ex is though, and its hard to set up concrete custody being I work long hours on the road during the summer months. Hopefully we can work something out.

  5. yeah the head, face, lips, chest, forehead stuff I think was all brought on by anxiety. I think if i had shingles could it possibly be right on my penis head? I did have chicken pox when I was a kid. So maybe thats what Im going through, I dont know. The only redness I have is on those bumps. So its a little confusing.


    Thank you so much for replying. Youre having one right now and youre still so optimistic and kind about it. Its comforting feeling your compassion.


    Ive told my friend and he acts like im crazy and that all of it is just brought on by anxiety, I doubt anxiety can cause bumps which ive never had before. Could I have had this before and the anxiety just brought it all up? or does it seem like an initial infection. I was monogamous with my gr for 4 years and she had our baby so I would think that she would have experienced an outbreak with all the hormones motherhood has.


  6. Thanks for your words of encouragement. You're so right. Me and the ex are in a hard place, I dont want to take my daughter from her and I dont want to take myself from my daughter. I lived through the custody battle as a child and i dont want to do that to her. I feel like I cheated on her whole family, theyve all been so nice to me and have given me a home that ive never had. I know I need to move forward, the guilt is overwhelming, along with the pain im going through down there. Ive been having the pain and burning for 7 weeks constantly now so it is taking its toll on me that is for sure. Thank you for your support once again. I wish I could have this support in person!

  7. I was really stupid and didnt wear a condom the whole time, I had one and I was dumb enough not to wear it the whole time.. Alcohol influences the mind terribly. She also tested for gonorrhea, syphillis, Chlamidya and hiv, all came back negative. I plan to do all of those once more again. I did get an unprotected BJ. And with the tingling of the lips, and the canker sore (maybe it was a herpes sore not sure the difference) I was thinking that it could be HSV1. I was also curious what people know of Post Herpetic Nueralgia? If thats where all this pain could be from? As I understand when people have Breakouts isnt the burning and tingling usually isolated to the area where the sores are about to appear?

  8. Hi, Im new to herpes and am so afraid. I am 23 and a father of a beautiful 2 year old girl. My herpes story is overwhelming to me. Me and my girlfriend have been going out for 4 years, it hasnt been an easy 4 years as we've had times of breaking up, but nevertheless she is the mother of my child so we've stuck it out. Well we broke up for what I presume to be final and it is devastating to me. We broke up in November and quit romantically hanging out in december. Well after being so frustrated with it, I went out with one of my buddies drinking. I ran into this girl I used to know, ended up taking her home and had sex. The next day i woke up Mentally sick to my stomach. I felt like I cheated on my ex and cheated on my sweet little girl. That very next day I started to feel a pain on the head of my penis and what appears to be an irritation. It was a sunday so the next day I went in to the clinic freaked out and the physician labeled it as "rough sex". So that made me feel better. However, 3 days later as I was working I started to feel an intense burn on my scrotum. When I got home and laid in bed it became worse, I probably got about 10 minutes of sleep that night. Im periodically checking myself for marks or bumps all day long. It seemed as though that initial irritation looks like bumps and its starting to migrate across my penis head. The next few days it only got worse, the burning started to go into my thighs, groin, and back. Once again I went in to the clinic, already in fear of herpes. I explained my symptoms and the dr once again said that doesn't sound like herpes at all. Anyways, I was tested again, unknowing that my results wouldnt be accurate 10 days after an encounter. I continued struggling through going on with this pain. I waited another week, and testicular pain started to develop as well. I'm not really sure what that is from since I understand that herpes doesnt cause testicular pain. I got in to see another dr, She also said all this burning does not sound like herpes, I also forgot to mention at this point I do not have any bumps or ulcers and it doesnt hurt to urinate and there is no discharge, but the pain is unbearable. She checked out my prostate and I had a ct scan and an ultrasound revealing no abnormalities. She basically blew all the pain off on anxiety. I once again waited a week and I once again couldnt take the constant burning. I was at a professional convention and had to sit 6 hours with burning pain in my genital region, and also tingling up my back neck, chest, face, lips, forehead and back right side of my head. Also when the burning would subside i would have ithciness, somedays it would burn and some days it would itch. So I made another appointment with the second dr, she referred me to a urologist. I then got a canker sore (I think) on the inside of my lower lip from all the stress. I finally got in with a urologist after a couple weeks, they ran prostate infection tests, and prescribed me doxycycline, naproxen, tamuslosin, to clear up any bacterial infection if there was one. That of course didnt decrease any pain. So About a half of a week goes by and I go see another doctor, she didnt think it sounded like herpes either, however im online 5 hours a day researching all this, at this point i'm positive I have herpes. She noticed the redness on the head of the penis as well, and thinks it could be balanitis. Im like come on balanitis with all this extra pain, all of the doctors so far seem so uneducated about herpes its insane. But I take the cortisone 1% cream anyway, I put it on and it seemed to make it worse. Not sure if its in my head though cause ive read that it does make it worse before i tried it. So here is where I sit now, it has been 7 weeks since the encounter. Ive still got the pain, Ive also contacted the girl at about 3 weeks and she went in and got the herpes select IGG Hsv2 done and it came back negative. She told me the last person she had sex with was 8 mo prior, she could be lying though. I understand the herpeselect igg is pretty accurate? Shes also said that shes never had symptoms. But I understand that is common to not have symptoms. I am an educated guy with a good job, It is driving me crazy and I think that the anxiety and stress is only making it worse. I feel like a terrible terrible person for all of this. In my heart I know I am a good hearted person and sometimes good people make bad choices. As of today I do not have a positive herpes test result. I am going in to planned parenthood in a couple days and getting tested as long as they have reliable testing. Any help would be great.

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