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  1. After finding out a year and a half ago that I had genital herpes, It has been so hard on my ego. I finally went to get a second opinion as I also need my annual check up. I found out that I do not have genital herpes but oral herpes. I don't know whether to be relieved or concerned. I am not freaking out due to the fabulousness of my new doctor. She only has a heart of compassion and truly no judgement, she is an absolute saint.
  2. I have been wanting to get my hood pierced. Is it necessary to tell whoever is doing the piercing that I have herpes? I apologize if this is innopropriate for this site. I don't know who else to ask. I have not had an outbreak since I first was diagnosed. Again, my intention is not to be innapropriate. I just need to be educated. Thank you
  3. I have only been a member on this site for a few days and I can already say that I am so grateful to have found this. It had done wonders for my confidence, I still struggle but good for you to have made the first step. You can do this :) Luv ya Big!!
  4. I have been all over his website and things. I am so glad that others have heard of him and read his stuff. Its amazing.
  5. As far as the angry vagina goes, my bf came up with that term when I am on my period due to my cramps being out of control. But I have adapted it to be also when I have obs which I am still trying to figure out with my body because clearly everyone is different. As far as the church and religion that is why I left the church because it was all nonsense. Which also why I started reading and listening to audio book of Eckhart Tolle. I am tired of going to a place where I am constantly being judged and made to feel like crap. Since reading and listening my life has already started to change, it is what lead me to join here.
  6. That's awesome :) I mean that we're so close in age haha. It helps to know there is a community of people just wanting to support each other and just have a shoulder to cry on. Check out the Eckhart Tolle stuff. It is life changing!!! It gives amazing insight to enlightenment. I don't know what your spiritual practice is or if you have one. If your any thing like me I was so turned off by the idea of "religion" that I was so turned off by the idea of anything. But I also came to realize that there is something greater than myself. It's just amazing :) so what's your story?
  7. Thank you so much. Its been so hard for me, I found out September of 2013 and finally decided to join a support group. I got divorced and have found the love of my life. I have been disowned if you will by my parents and most of the people since I left the church and started dating a "non-believer". I felt alone until I searched and found this wonderful place. What is your background? Mine was southern baptist. I have since started to see things in a different way. I have been studying the Eckhart Tolle book A New Earth, and it has helped with a lot of things that I grew up learning. Thank you again for the support. It means so much to me. My bf is very loving and says he loves me no matter what but sometimes I don't think he quite knows what else to say because I don't think he has it.
  8. Oh my gosh, thank you so much for posting that link. I have been struggling with acceptance partly because the "outbreak" that I had didn't look like one because all I have ever seen (thanks to Google) looked nothing like mine. I have also been in denial about it, because of that. Thank you for sharing the link again. It really helped me out in some ways :)
  9. Blood cells counts could be low due to the infection. Because with any type of infection your immune system is working its hardest to prevent. You are fine and keep your head up!! Positive thoughts, generate positive feeling :)
  10. Hello, Since I have found out that I have genital herpes, it has been extremely difficult to cope. I don't know if it is because I have only had 2 partners in my life and I got this or what the case may be. I come from a strong "conservative christian" background where things like this is in lieu of a "punishment. Well I have since left that way of thinking and am starting to be a free spirit. So I had just threw it in the back of my mind until I get an angry vagina. Then all the feelings of guilt and sorrow and denial and all these negative things come rushing back and it really puts me down. I don't feel beautiful or attractive, I feel like everyone will think I am disgusting if I reach out for support. What are some ways that you have accepted the diagnosis and moved on with your life? Also, if I am not convinced I have due to a lack of a serious all over breakout, should I go get retested? My drs visit when I went was for something completely different and I had only had 1 blister which I thought was an allergic reaction to a latex condom that my bf and i had used. I do have a mild latex allergy.
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