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Everything posted by ferndorf

  1. Thanks to @2legit2Quit and @hippyherpy. Sound advice, great support.
  2. I guess that is the general question. I was diagnosed over a year ago and was give the gift by my now ex-girlfriend. We recently broke up and I'm now faced with the prospect of dating. At this point, I've come to terms with having H. Even now when I have outbreaks it's not that bad. But disclosing it just gives me great pause. Why do I say "great pause" because its one part fear of rejection, one part fear judgement, one part fear that person telling other people, and one part lack of courage - which I think is different than fear. I've tried the PS dating site but alas it's not quite as teeming with options. I've read a bunch of different stories but I'd love some advice/support ... etc. Thanks! Dave
  3. Hi all, I was diagnosed a few months ago; looking for an H-Buddy in the Boston area. Honestly, I'm terrified of dating, disclosures, and rejection. I feel pretty okay with the fact that I have H, mostly due to support of ppl on this forum but alas, dating seems altogether like another ball of wax so to speak. I'm male but I'd be interested in having a buddy of either or both genders. TY!
  4. @willow @WCSDancer2010 Thanks so much for all the knowledge, support and humor ("it may sting like a mofo at first" - ha!)
  5. Hi all, I'm having my second herpes outbreak and while it is much milder - only one sore, no nerve pain - it's taking forever to heal. It looked like it was healing quite quickly the first week but now it seems to have plateaued. I'm coming up on two weeks and it's not getting any worse or better. During my first OB I took Valtrex but have decided not to take it this time around in order to see if it would heal on its own. Has anyone had a similar experience? How long does a recurrence take to heal? Is there a range of time? Thanks! Ferndorf
  6. Thanks for the great advice Dancer. I told my gf and she responded very supportively. I braced for the worst but she was extremely appreciative that I told her and was relieved because she thought I was falling out of love with her since we hadn't had sex for a while. She recently got her test results back and came back positive with for HSV-1 and HSV-2. She was upset. I felt bad because of course I could have given it to her. We're not sure who gave it to whom or whether each of us had it independently before being in a relationship together. Although I'm positive, should I get the blood test to determine whether or not I was infected within the last 4 - 6 months? In other words, if I'm negative on the blood test would that indicate that I was infected by her? At this point, I don't care but I think she wants to know.
  7. Not sure when I contracted H, or who gave it to me. Any advice on who I should tell? I get that I should tell all future partners before sex and intimacy but how far back should I go to tell exes?
  8. Thanks Dancer! That is great advice. I didn't take a blood test. Instead, I had a culture swab on one of my open blisters that tested "Positive for Herpes simplex virus type-2. Typing was confirmed by monoclonal antibody microscopic immunofluorescence." Should I get blood tested too? What is the difference?
  9. Thanks Herry, going to buy some today. And thanks for heads up on the gel vs. cream.
  10. I think the time is drawing near. I have to tell my girlfriend because we haven't been intimate for a while and its starting to get weird. I have to tell her but after having read the disclosure doc (which is really helpful with opening and perspective) I'm not sure how to tell someone who may have given it to you or to whom you may have passed it. This in my mind is a little different than telling someone you've been dating for a month but whom you're sure didn't pass it to you nor vice-versa. Any good advice on a first disclosure from someone you've been dating for over a year?
  11. Thanks Dancer! I see your helpful comments everywhere and really (really) appreciate it.
  12. I'm struggling with understanding just how and from whom I got herpes. Ugh. Is it possible that I got it years ago but never noticed? In other words, by all accounts this is my first herpes outbreak - first time I got painful blisters that hurt like hell - could it be possible that I had herpes but never had an outbreak until now? What are the chances that I got it from my current partner with whom I've been for a little over a year? Super confused and struggling, Ferndorf
  13. Finished my first full dose of 1000 mg x 2/day Valtrex for 10 days, 6 days ago. Sores have been gone for 12 days. While I don't have the full body itching I had before, I'm still having itching on shaft of my penis where the outbreak happened. Does anyone know when this typically goes away. Also, I have blisters/sores where is pinkish and while it looks healed (i.e. not open, no blisters or pain) when will the pinkness go away? In other words, does the skin in the area of the outbreak ever start to look normal?
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