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Everything posted by ChemistChick

  1. So I'm also taking valacylcovir daily (500mg) and find that I'm tired all the time. I could sleep 10 hours at night and take a 4 hour nap during the day and still be tired. I just bought a pill cutter so I could cut the dose in half to see if that helps at all. What tips do you guys have for energy? I'm going through my phd candidacy right now and have a lot of work to do for it and can't see to find the energy or concentration. I'm glad to see this is a common problem and that I'm not the only one!
  2. To go back to whether a H girl/guy would be willing to date someone with H... I feel that almost might be true. I was just diagnosed last week and the guy I got it from had no idea he had it. I don't think before this happened I would've been so willing to date someone with H but now that I'm more educated on the subject I'm realizing it's not such a big deal and I'm a lot more open. And I'd be interested to hear more about what ppl think... Is it really easier for guys to date than girls? It makes me a bit nervous to hear that. I know I'm a very attractive young (24) student getting my phd in nuclear chemistry and I'm honestly not used to rejection. If anyone has been in the dating scene for a while I'd love to hear the ups and downs so I can prepare for what's coming.
  3. Thanks ThisIsMeNow! Tell your mom she is awesome! Also I'm going to look into Dr Jerome's work. I've already started adding some of his articles to my library. As an analytical chemist i will be looking into his research quite carefully. I will let you know if I find out anything :) can't hurt to be a little optimistic!
  4. Hi. I just found out last week that I had H. I'm a 24 year old chemistry graduate student looking for new friends to talk to. I'd love both male and female so that I can get perspective and advice. If you live in atlanta that's even better (I'd really like to have a real life friend if possible). My name is Alli, feel free to message me! Right now I'm doing everything I can to make OB#1 go away and I'm loving that I've found this conmunity :)
  5. Thank you! I will definently have to try the panty liners and I will take a look at the links. The comments are much appreciated!
  6. So I just found out on Thursday morning that what I was dealing with was herpes (by Wednesday night I had a feeling that's what they were going to tell me in the morning). I'm only 24 and I live over 1000 miles away from home by myself. I'm in grad school trying to get my PhD so I don't make a ton of money. This means that I can't miss work for long periods of time. Over the weekend I really have not made it out of bed, I'm in a lot of pain still, and I can barely eat anything. I also have a huge interview with the DoD on Thursday so I'm slightly panicking because I'm afraid I will not feel okay enough to go. Does anyone have ideas of what I can do? Did anyone still go to work during their first outbreak? How did they manage through the day? What can I be doing to help this heal faster? Any advice would be great. My doctors really did not tell me much expect prescribe the meds which I've been taking. Most of everything I know has been reading other people's comments on this forum.
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