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  1. I decided against suppression meds.. they honestly just make me feel like garbage.. I talked to like 5 or 6 of my friends and 4 of them have had cold sores (type 1 hsv oral) said they don't use suppression and they kiss their partners and lay in bed naked with them; they kind of found it funny why I even asked if I can lay naked with my bf. I guess I'm just overly cautious ? I mean if 75% - 80% of the population has hsv type 1, my bf could just as easily pick it up from a glass at a bar .. or his best friend who has oral hsv and they share drinks like all the time
  2. I was diagnosed with HSV type 1 (Genitally) about two months ago; my first OB was extremely minor, I had 1 bump that literally looked like a pimple. I'm currently seeing someone and I don't know if I can lay in bed naked and cuddle with them.. I'm so scared of transmitting this to him as he is unsure of his HSV1 status but assumes he is negative (he's going to get tested eventually). So my question is, can I lay naked in bed with my partner and cuddle? Or should I wear boxers to protect him?
  3. @avigail I'm 23 and found out almost 2 months ago; I feel the exact same way you do. message me and I'll give you my skype, I'm more than happy to talk to you about this.
  4. Hey Everyone, I could really use a friend to talk to. I'm 23 years old and just starting to deal with being gay. To top it off, if having to deal with being different wasn't bad enough, I now have genital hsv1. I got it from receiving oral from someone who has had oral HSV1 since they were a kid, so there was "no need to tell me" even though I had asked if he was clean. Very unfortunate but there is nothing I can do now; my first OB wasn't bad at all, I literally had one small bump that was never a puss filled blister, it formed as what looked like a small cut and then healed.. That was almost two months ago and I haven't gotten anything since. I've been going through a lot of depression over this and it would mean the world to have a friend that understands what I'm going through; someone I can just text and talk to or skype and talk to. I feel alone, ashamed, and fearful for what this means for dating in the future. I had so many things going for me, I have a great job, I work out 3-4x a week, most consider me cute.. But now every time I get hit on its literally like a jab to the heart because I know once anyone finds out they'll literally run. Sorry for my grammar, I'm from NJ and its 12:33 am here.. ~Chris
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