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Everything posted by Lady_j988

  1. Thanks, I don't even know why I bother going to the doctor, they don't know anything. She sat there and told me, as long as there's a sore there it can be tested for herpes and it would be a definite answer. She said yes I have hsv 2, but this one sore was not an outbreak. She also said it may not even genital herpes, it could be hsv 2 orally and maybe that's why I haven't passed it to my boyfriend in the last 2 years. Just wish these doctors knew what they were talking about so frustrating
  2. So on August 2nd I felt a little irritation down there, by August 8th I had a blood test that came back positive for hsv 2, I had one little sore down there.didnt itch, no burning sensation, just a little irritated when my tight clothing would rub up against it, almost like when I caught impetigo But not nearly as bad as impetigo. Any who I wanna know if I can trust what this obgyn said, she swabbed the sore and it came back negative for herpes,is this swab accurate or was there just not enough of the virus present to get a positive diagnosis. The doctor told me as long as there is a open sore there, if it's herpes.it will come back as herpes....on another note still can't believe I never gave it to my boyfriend after 2 years of never using a condom, makes me think it's not as contagious, well maybe that's wishful thinking. Would really like to know if I can trust the coulture the doctor did on me
  3. So I just got my coulture back and it came back negative for herpes, how accurate is this coulture. Because the blood test said I had herpes. The obgyn told me I have the virus just they don't know where it will pop up at, if I even have an outbreak. So it could be oral or genital she doesn't know until I have an actual outbreak....My problem with the coulture she took was that it was takin 3 weeks after this sore popped up, I asked her was it a chance that it came back because it's starting to heal.Her words exactly were, as long as there's still a lesion or cut there it can still be tested for herpes because herpes is contagious and can still be passes on from one person to another from the prodrome symptoms until the sore is gone. Is this true
  4. Glad someone is getting it, even with 1000 my of valtrex a day for 10 days.this one little bump is still here.... but I'm glad you have found happiness again! Good luck!
  5. I've learned that herpes can happen to anyone and everyone. In school they taught you to wear a condom and always check a man's pens for bumps or anything of the sort on a man. But how do you avoid something that may not have any symptoms along with it and can be spread even when there is nothing there, and even if you do use a condom it can possibly affect other parts of your vagina, buttocks, and thighs. Smh, ok I'm done ranting, lol. Thanks again!
  6. Lasko was it only one sore, I wonder why some people are in pain, have burning sensations, itching, tingling, and the whole 9 and some dont.i wonder does that mean were not as contagious as others who do? So many questions, my mom said I'm going to drive myself crazy researching and praying the blood test was wrong.but after experiencing what I think is my first out break, I think I'll be just fine, just gotta get to know my body, with symptoms like mine it's hard to pinpoint when I might be having an outbreak since there so mild. And YES, Mr.H Opp I'm getting a lot of education about herpes, thanks so much.
  7. Thank you aerial I now see why she wants to take a coulture, hsv 2 sheds 15 to 30 percent of the time and my boyfriend for the past 2 years and we've never used a condom is herpes free.all his test came back negative. So in order to not pass it a long to your partner you need to use daily suppressants and a condom and that cuts the chances down by 97 percent, correct?
  8. Wow, so if they can't tell if it's oral or genital herpes by a blood test, why did they diagnose me as having genital herpes
  9. Since I was diagnosed with genital herpes I have seen 3 doctor's, one was the one who gave me my diagnosis, the second was a female family doctor, and the third was a obgyn. I have heard so many different things from each doctor that I'm so confused it's ridiculous. One tells me you can only pass it to someone if you have an outbreak,another said the virus sheds at any given moment or time, and the other said it only sheds right before an outbreak, shit which is it. Two doctor tells me blood work is the most accurate way to diagnose herpes and the obgyn tells me blood work is not always accurate, it's not able to distinguish between oral herpes and genital herpes and a couture is the only way to really truly tell. She then proceeded to tell me she was going to take a couture for it. She told me non of my symptoms were like anyone else with genital herpes, it's was never filled with puss, it never stabbed over, and I was never in any pain.it stinged when I touched it but that was about it. So I'm so confused this is ridiculous, I think maybe why there's no cure because no one really under stands the herpes virus. Really could use some of the veterans insight on this one. Or anyone's actually. Thanks a million for listening and being here for me and everyone else during this trying time!
  10. What an asshole, sorry he just is. I found out I had genital herpes August 8th, unlike most my symptoms were not like what most describe. It was one open sore on my outer vaginal lips, that would get irritated when I wore tight clothing. No burning, itching, no paid when peeing, would have never known it was there had I note wore some skin tight jeans to the fair.My boyfriend is negative for herpes and we've been together since 2012 and never used a condom, he's still around during which makes this a little easier. But the worse part is the side of effects of valtrex, which I was told by a RN that it can cause dry mouth, dry lips, and swollen lips that's why the they tell you to drink plenty of fluids. I guess I'm getting it 10 times worse since I go months with out drinking water! I hope things get better for you, I know I'm praying they do for me. Don't know how much more I can take of this!
  11. I was on 500mg, twice a day.i finished the medicine Monday, but my lips still feel the same. I figured if it was a supposed outbreak that it would of went away. Since It started day two after being on the valtrex
  12. The doctor I spoke to on Friday told me I didn't pass it to my boyfriend in the 3 years we were together and never ever used a condom.she told me the reason he didn't catch it because I didn't have an outbreak. And I have a cousin who has it and she doesn't tell her partners, she just uses a condom.i asked her why not and she said because there not at risk. So your telling me that's not correct dancer
  13. No, there chapped, super dry and have been like this since I started on the valtrex,it started off in the corners of my mouth, then moved to my lips.my lips have cracks on them everywhere and no matter what I put on them they stay chapped and dry.very dry, wondering if this is a allergic reation, I'm not allergic to anything as far as I know. And since I have genital herpes, isn't it almost impossible to catch another strain of herpes or the same strain you already have!
  14. Now there swollen, my dentist just said there definitely swollen.is that a symptom swollen lips
  15. A couple days after starting my medication for genital herpes,my mouth became very chapped.just felt really dry, then the tip of my tongue started to feel real dry.my lips still feels really chapped and doesn't show any signs of getting better could this be oral herpes.mg lips are act starting to cracked and bleed.i wasn't diagnosed with oral herpes, could I also have oral herpes, and by the way I've put carmex, neosporin, and any lip moisturizer I could get my hands in, on my lips.
  16. Wow, so @ jayz, your saying one can be asymptomatic carrier and not even test positive for herpes but can still transfer it to others
  17. Thanks for the feedback, I was told there are people who carry the virus but will never have an outbreak, is that true. And what's a dental dam or jam.sorry for all the questions. I don't see my on gym until Monday morning
  18. What is a asymptomatic carrier, do they still have outbreaks and can they pass it to others?
  19. His test results came back negative for the herpes virus he just got it back last Friday, crazy how in almost 3 years I never gave it to him, the doctor said it's because I didn't have an outbreak. And I will go back to the doctor, I have medical or medicaid and all those doctors are quacks, they don't help me. And I am not having see again until every thing is cleared up down there. My boyfriend knows his risk and we've also decided to proprotection from now on. Sometimes I wonder if what I experienced was even an outbreak. But thank you, yes I will go back to the doctors office. Just doesn't seem like they know what there talking about! Thanks again!
  20. I finished my medication, the one sore is still there, but almost completely healed.is that normal to still have the outbreak visible and have finished your medicine. When can I have set again, when is it OK to have set again. On another note, how accurate is it that this virus sheds. I've been with the same man since March of 2012 and he doesn't have herpes, but I do...and we've never used a condom. And another quick question, is it possible for me to have caught herpes a month prior to my first out break or it wouldn't of shown up in my blood work by then? Also I read the and watched the videos you sent me links too. Thanks so much dancer
  21. Thank you dancer2010, you've been a great help to me and made this challenging time somewhat easier. My boyfriend keeps asking me, when is it ok to have sex and althou ive been upfront and honest about everything, I dont exactly know how to tell him, it'll never be ok to have sex unprotected again. Is it known how often the virus sheds and what is the percentage you could catch it while its shedding and does the shedding, shed less and less the longer you have it.like I said, alot of questions
  22. Bloodwork diagnosed me, im not going to lie I had a 3 some with my boyfriend and another gitl and assuming these symptoms came on 3 weeks to a month after doing that, that it came from her. But if your saying it takes month for it to show up.in your blood work, then ive had it for years and never knew. Is it possible to have gave it to my boyfriend in those years time without having an outbreak
  23. I have no idea what I have if it's hsv 1 genital or hsv 2 genital herpes,thats why im going to the doctoes office tomorrow, I have alot of questions. Like if it takes that long for the virus to show up in your system and ive been with the same man since 2012, is it possible I got this over 3 yrs ago. Even without having your first outbreak, can the virus still shed and be contagious. The doctor told me its very rare that the virus has been dormant that long and it most likely was contracted in the past couple of weeks to a month....and no he doesnt have any open sores as far as we can see.
  24. On another note, I went to 2 doctors about the one bumb i had on my outer vagina lips, both doctors told me it didnt look like herpes, so my boyfriend goes down on me and literally two days later his throat is hurting and next day I find out I have genital herpes,his throat still hurts, he can barely eat and continues taking medicine for it.what are the chances he has it now and what are the chances it will show up in his blood work.
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