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Posts posted by seeker

  1. I agree with fitgirl and ihaveittoo, I think adding your journey thru the scare adds to the discussion. it could even be the opener, "Listen I want to discuss something with you, I recently had a very eye opening event in my life and I feel we are at the point in our relationship where this is pertinent" ( you could even throw us H+ people a bone by mentioning how many decent people you met because of it). or however you want to say it, plus if its the lead in you " inoculate" the conversation by bringing it up first. no, " why is he asking about this?" also its not normal to NOT ask about std testing when a relationship has come to a certain point IMHO. I know it came up with me and my now ex wife.

  2. I think dancer hit it on the head ( no pun intended). He may be feeling guilty or even less than desirable himself and I will tell you from personal experience and male friends ( im male if you don't know) we can only take so much rejection from the women we care for and then we shut down. it doesn't really matter at the moment what the rejection is about its the rejection itself. my ex used to reject me so much I stopped trying, told her to let me know when but I am not putting myself out there anymore just to be hurt and if I ever rejected her advances one time I know it would have sent her into a deep depression yet she would just shunt me aside regularly and I was suppose to just accept it as the way she was. so yes dancer was correct mostly only it actually may not be the "little head" he is thinking with, its the big one.

  3. ok, please don't take this as a joke but I get back discomfort with OBs. not a throb or whatnot just a low level, constant discomfort that feels like a combo of sleeping wrong and needing to be popped. I have tried heat, cold, tylenol, advil, soaks, etc and the only thing that makes it go away is beer. 1 beer, not drunk, heck not even buzzed but 1 blue moon and it subsides for hours. go figure.

  4. first thing that needs to be done, a constitutional amendment stating the corporations ARE NOT PEOPLE NOR HAVE ANY OF THE RIGHTS OF PEOPLE AND MONEY IS NOT SPEECH. get the money out of politics and it will begin to fix things. personally I feel more than a few beheadings and life jail terms are in short order for ALL of the previous administration and a fair amount of this one plus pretty much all of congress and several of the SCOTUS. oh and beachdude, not sure if you watch john stewart but he had a comment about congress and its approval. I didn't want to out it here because some would be offended but.......



    @ 2 minute mark on video and..






  5. our healthcare system works for those with good insurance and or deep pockets. you see I am one of those who fall in that "makes too much to get any help for healthcare but too little to afford it" my premiums for absolute crap bronze plans with a 6300$ deductible UP FRONT is 1/4 my income beyond monthly bills NOT counting, food, gas, emergencies, weather related non work days, etc. but ive been told BY GUN POINT I have to buy it because my money helps keep the system running for others. yep. it wasn't the affordable care act, it was the insurance industry subsidy act. fuck all of em and the big lobbyist limo they rode in on. last year I used @ 200$ for healthcare. in 2016 the penalty on our taxes will be equal to having a crap plan that gives you nothing in healthcare! literally nothing. ok I guess if I get cancer it only costs me 6300$ but guess what? I can pay 10$ a month for the rest of my life and they cant do diddly about it. Americas healthcare system need to be blown up, complete redo. if we the self glossing best and brightest in the world U S A U S A chanting people cant take any of the oh every industrialized country in the worlds systems and tweak them then our so called civilization is a joke.


    think about this for a moment. im in florida, our governor ran a healthcare company, He made several 100 million himself as CEO. they were working for medicare!!! yes a fuckin govt ran healthcare program! how the hell did they get enough out of it to make ungodly profits?????? forget for a second that they were busted bilking the system and got the largest fine, ever in the history of the US but they made enough money running it for the government that their CEO could walk away with 200 million dollars in personal wealth. WTF is wrong with us????? how is that acceptable???? and that's not the only company that does this, add in Medicaid, veterans benefits etc,


    as to R&D a huge amount of it is done at state universities that get a stipend from these corporations who then own the paten and get ALL the profits. I remember in the 90s it was estimated that over 90% of "R&D" for pharma was done by some sort of governmental group. and state run unis are those. do the grad students working on it get anything? nope, the uni? nope just a stipend up front that is nothing compared to the windfall for the corp.

  6. yeppers, they are allowed to have a paten for 17 years and they get to set the cost. when one of the rx allergy meds was going to become available for generic version about 6-8 years ago the pharma company that made them tried to get congress to extend the paten. thankfully it didn't. pre cost to consumer was almost 5$ a pill, generic price almost the day it went to market, $.5 a pill. now its even cheaper. I believe it was Claritin and it can be bought for maybe $.1 a pill.

  7. cool beans! now if I may, would you be so kind as to look up amazon or ebay and gives us a link to an approximate one to yours ( sans the price tag :) ) there seemed to be a lot on there and not knowing much wouldn't want to get a worthless one were I to get one. im wondering who it would do on the prebump, when the tingle starts. that would be hard to tell as not every tingle becomes a bump. does this thing work on acne? if it does im surprised you don't see it being marketed, ive started seeing laser hair removal devices now, I mean decent ones too.

  8. @beachdude you seem to be fairly knowledgeable in this field so I want to propose a question ( I wish we still had cityofangels around for this sort of discussion), I had one of those " be careful what you wish for" moments while looking @ at vaccine info. lets say a really good therapeutic comes along, reduces shedding 90%, OBs by 95%, lowers load to almost non transmittable. Then a few years later an actual cure comes along, however, lo and behold, whatever mechanism the therapeutic uses makes the cure non viable for those who have taken it! is that even possible??? I know one of the key avenues being looked at for a herpes specific cure is trying to turn off its ability to fool the body into leaving it be in the nerve. seems like if its forced into a state of dormancy by another avenue that could be blocked.


    @whitedaisies, yes its gonna be at least 5 years for the ones in ph2 trials and that's if they make it thru ph 3. it seems like several different groups are going down that avenue in beachdudes link so there must be some viability in it. however, every time there is a real emergency herpes gets put on the back burner. the link I had was to a site showing various medical research projects and as I said 80% were for HIV but looking at it, there were ebola, hantavirus, MERSA,SARS, etc interspersed. those cause death and should get bumped to the forefront, my little rash isn't worth someone's life

  9. actually catapillar, its government that mandated the orphan drugs law that makes pharma companies develop drugs for non profitable drugs for debilitating yet not widespread diseases. its government that led the charge against ebola in the US, no shareholder driven company was gonna do that, only 2-3 cases!! when everything is about profit nothing is not about profit. there has to be a middle ground. unfortunately we are in whats known as the predatory phase of capitalism. you notice, THEY never pay for their mistakes while the rest of us do. ( bank bailouts, corp bailout, CEOs not drawn and quartered {unless they don't produce ENOUGH profit}). as a matter of fact, most research is being done at universities with money from pharma co to the uni but the students are not paid nor get any stipend for any patens. that's corporate socialism. want the research? pay for all of it AND let the guy who makes the discovery get some of the cheddar instead of the CEO and shareholders. government is not all bad and corporations are not all good. im no ubber liberal but im no misguided libertarian either.

    the most profitable research for herpes would be a preventative vaccine, always new customers being born. of course there are those mouth breathers who don't like vaccines, they can pick at their smallpox bumps while sitting in their wheelchairs from polio. unfortunately they seem to be outbreeding the rest of us.

  10. @ wcsdancer I agree on the premise about the lesser stds and the laws. the payout though we need to remember that punitive damages are 3x the award so it was technically 300k, a much smaller amount. also if it had been hiv im betting there would have been another zero if not 2.

  11. @ fairlyme, not sure where your at but there are meetup groups. you cant find them by searching meetup, they are usually under an umbrella groups webpage. we have one in tampa area and ive gone to 4 meetups. mainly dinners with conversation and its always been fun and good to just be normal. just had a non valentines day dinner with 12 people from our group tonight as a matter of fact.

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