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Posts posted by seeker

  1. I wont argue with fitgirl, she is a mod and can do things to my account plus if she is that fit she could probably take me ( not that id put up much of a fight). I was trying to say, try not to think of everything in herpes terms. lord knows ive done it myself. with "stuff" outside the norm I would err on the side of reason. obviously if its really bad or odd then a splint and pill man is in order. im wondering tho, how do you go about getting the pusher with a degree to do a swab for herpes in non usual areas? seems hard enough to get them to swab in the usual territory from some peoples stories.


    @ dancer, the other good one is lice. im betting you just scratched your head just from reading the word, lol.

  2. um, there is a link between chronic fatigue and the herpes family and the research into that may help. seems the constant firing of the immune system, while not on par with HIV can in some people lead to fatigue. there is a fair amount of research along that line as CFS affects a fair number of people and the bonus for those researchers would be something to help deal with the H family, imagine the greenbacks, they are.

  3. there is a lot going on in herpes research at the moment. several therapeutic or preventative vaccines are in ph 2 trial this year. a new form of a very potent antiviral is also in ph2 fast track trials ( has implications for smallpox and ebola) there actually is an international association of herpes doctors that meets annually in grand rapids Michigan and interestingly there is a believed link with chronic fatigue and the herpes family that is showing promise. I wish I had all the links I found from reputable sources. I had been looking up hsv2 and mono as my initial OB either : mimicked mono, concurrent with mono, or brought latent mono out of dormancy ( mono is a hsv, 4 or 6 cant remember and is latent for life with periods of possible resurgence AND transmission, seems an effective evolutionary path).


    However, at 50 im not really worried about any cure or a preventative. im actually wanting a preventative more than a cure, as far as stigma goes and the discomfort of disclosure a preventative is the same thing and helps stop this thing.

  4. ok, im going to share my "whitlow" exp here. @ Christmas my right pinkie finger developed some odd skin issue on the knuckle. of course my first thought was herpes. it healed up but about 10 days later I used a handiwipe and it stung like a bear and the finger looked odd, again it responded to a bandaid and antibiotic cream. maybe 10 days later it happened again! of course my H brain is on overload and its herepes, ive got herpes on my hand, its right where when I masterbate my hand rubs my testicles and ive had a bump there, omygodivegotherpesonmyfinger!!!!! then rational brain got around to putting the beatdown on H brain and remembered, oh yea, you scrapped the hell out of your finger on the concrete floor of this lanai while doing demo. said lanai had a litterbox on it. it also had a very aged dog hanging around. the wood was rotten and had various live and dead bugs in it. I got an infection that lingered is what happened. due to the filth on this lanai and a nasty scrape. rational brain wins. now, if it comes back in a few weeks I will worry as the skin looks 100% normal now. however if it is I will do exactly the same thing I did when I had an infected scrape, a bandaid and some sort of cream.

  5. Ok, im going to chime in here but am somewhat short on time.

    @hereandnow and hottoddy, it does get better. I was diagnosed in august but believe it was a year before that I contracted GH2.

    here are some things that helped me in the beginning:

    A. finding this site,

    B. finding a local meetup group and talking with a member on the phone and attending a few outings, nothing like being with people who share your issue and behave normally to make you realize you will get thru this.

    3. disclosing to a friend, who having been thru cancer 2x and the chemo/radiation almost killing him/ giving him heart conditions that could literally kill him at any moment put it into perspective big time!

    D. developing a morning ritual where I burn sage ( not the cooking type) and give thanks FOR BEING ALIVE! and also find at least 3 things to be grateful for, even if they are repeats. its herpes not HIV, not cancer, not ebola. your gonna live!

    5. sometimes not giving a fuck, (there is a thread by dancer with a link to a blog about that) yes, one of my first good things post diagnosis was getting into a moment of NGAF and being in the mall and flirting my butt off with this beautiful 21 y/o girl at a kiosk. I had her blushing, stammering and everything. I knew there was no chance, hell im 50 this year, what would I have to talk to her about after the physical part? ( best damned 30 seconds of her day btw) but it did wonders for my ego and self esteem.

    now as to the mouth sores, I get canker sores from too much vitamin C ( I live in florida, its in the air here, lol). IF it is herpes its not in its native habitat so given time it should get less and reoccur less.

    as to handshaking, wash your hands. if you don't have sores on your hands no problem, if you do cover them, you would with a cut wouldn't you? our hands are very resilient when it comes to infectious agents. its not the handshake that gives you a flu its touching your eyes or mouth afterwards. if they went thru our hand skin ( which is very thick and has extra "wax" for a reason) we would all have every bug all the time.

  6. so I have been on antivirals for a few months, trying to get into a better place. I have no relationship prospects currently so I was thinking of stopping with the pills. whats the general plan to wean? im currently on 1 pill 2x a day 400 mg acyclovir. go 1 a day or 1 day 2 every other for a week? 1.5 a day then 1?


    Beuhller, beuhller??

  7. yeppers, it was monkeys and it was skin issues.


    @ beachdude, id have to go the other way on that conspiracy thing. if I spend a billion on researching something I sure as hell don't want someone else coming to market with a competitive product.

  8. @ MMissouri, I once drank a bottle of vodka in 4 shots, didn't even get drunk just passed out. luckily I didn't get alcohol poisoning. puked all over the house ( also lucky I didn't aspirate some and die) and no one took advantage of me, thankfully. but that was the last time ( I was in late teens and am old enough to have legally drank at 19 and back in those days teens often drank at parties that PARENTS thru. the idea was they were gonna do it anyway might as well keep them as safe as possible. then MADD and some lawyers started suing cause little Susie got drunk and maybe hurt herself or such) I ever drank like that or blacked out. yes ive come home and fell asleep. hell I slept in my car last night for a couple hours before driving home. usually touching a hot burner teaches one a better understanding of "hot" than being told not to.

  9. while I don't condone the lyrics, its words versus actions. those hip hop stars are saying unpleasant things ( and I don't watch videos in general, my info on them comes from my son showing me them occasionally) buy ms swift is stabbing his clothes and trashing his car. words while bad are not worse than actions. my point was if a man made a video doing those things he would get lambasted.


    and no I don't condone taking advantage of anyone. but thank you for assuming I do.


    no I don't have a daughter I have a son and all my friends who have both in his age bracket tell me the girls are worse about trying crap with the boys, their boys and that I need to keep a close eye on them. this is coming from woman with both gender teens.

  10. Well i hope its understood i wasn't speaking about the OP nor others here. I wasnt there and dont know the circumstances. I was speaking about the abdication of responsibility. And trust me i kniw alcohol can make you do some less than stellar things. Ive driven home, went to bed and woke the next day feeling so bad that i know i should not have been behind the wheel.

    Im mainly reading, " I drank, made bad choices and now have to own it" here.


    As a man i know i need to protect myself, i dont go into a womans condo at work alone, i dont babysit GFs kids for some time, i dont get flirty on their kids phones when they ask me too, i want nothing to do with an overly inebriated woman,etc. All it takes is one false allegation and im pooched. Hell taylor swift has a video trashing a guys stuff, think that would fly from a male singer? Yea right. Hell hath no wrath and its ok because she is a woman.

  11. Currently on phone so its tough to respond easily. A person is responsible for getting black out drunk as they kept buying the drinks and putting them in their mouths. Also, i in no way condone slipping someone the mickey but its SOP to be diligent about ones drink in a bar. Mine never leaves my sight or the sight of a friend.

    Again its become personal. Im not talking blacked out.

    Remember joe millionaire? I guess all women are gold diggers based on that show.

    For myself i tend to err on the side of caution, maybe too much as i dont trust that morning after regret wont make some chick decide to claim she was blacked out drunk and i wouldnt have proof w/o a signed consent form.

  12. well, yes you need to have a chat with him. use the info and printouts from this site. if he had it already then he needs info as bad as you do. you both need to go get tested and that ( if you want it to) could prove who had it first as it takes @ 4 months to get enough antibody to test for. he may react badly, esp if he had it, knew he had it ( or suspected) and bought into the stigma.


    be confident in your talk.


    now as far a kids are concerned, you need to go out and buy rubber gloves to touch them, sterilize your entire home. wash down your toilet and tub after every use with pure chlorine.


    That my dear was snark. unless your kids come into contact with your genitals ( and if they do you have bigger problems than herpes) they aren't going to get it from you. just practice good hygiene. wash your hands ( not like lady Macbeth mind you!!).

    I have a 12 y/o never really worry anymore. I do have a couple piece of mind quirks I do such as using a washcloth to dry my fun zones ( which then goes into the hamper) and spraying the toilet with hydrogen peroxide after I use it ( and really is a clean toilet seat such a bad thing? esp with a 12 y/o boy with bad aim).


    let us know how it goes, and good luck.

  13. ok, im gonna chime in hear and I know it may be taken wrong so please bear with me. I tend to just say things as I find being "politically correct" to exhausting.


    first, yes both due to open sore AND some odd attractor cell phenomenon people with hsv are 2-4 times more likely to get HIV. its NOT just about the sores. however. no sores, condoms and your talking 2-4 x more than a fairly low number. even if a health care worker pricks themselves with an infected needle its still only 1-250 they will get hiv. so A the person has to have HIV, B they need the appropriate viral load, C there has to be body fluid exchange and on and on.


    now on to the part that will get me in trouble. why does drinking absolve a woman of her responsibility of her actions yet make the man she is drinking with MORE responsible for his? I understand drinking and I understand "no means no" but when is it ok for 2 people to drink together and person A is absolved of their decision making abilities yet person B s not only NOT absolved but is responsible for reading the other persons ability to make decisions? either both are as irresponsible or both are culpable. does a woman drinking who then hits a person while driving get a pass on her inability to consent to driving? at what point does it become a he said she said thing?


    I know this will get lost in all this, I am not speaking of anyone in general I am asking a question about a subject that seemingly comes up a lot around here and as someone who actually believes in equality that means everyone is the same and equally responsible or not under the same circumstances.


    and one more thing, there is a difference in responsibility and fault. I know that's not greatly understood in our oprah culture. if person A drives to work and gets into an accident, person A is responsible for putting themselves into that place. ie, they chose the route, what time they left for work, etc. they may not be at fault for the accident. so while someone may get too drunk to be at fault for some of the events that occur, they damned well are responsible for putting themselves in the position for them to occur.

  14. planned parenthood gave me a printout on l-lysine and foods rich in it. its hit or miss for people. I personally don't know if it was doing anything for me but I did experience side discomfort when taking it with my antivirals so I dropped it and discomfort went away.


    and apologies for all the typos, responded on phone and have fat finger syndrome.

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