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Everything posted by Faith512

  1. I do have a question about the symptoms of an OB: my hip and upper thigh get sore as if I just worked out really hard, is that normal? I find myself limping because of it. I'm a very active person so because of these symptoms I haven't been to the gym since being diagnosed. I do find myself taking better care of my body now because I have to take the extra time to make sure "down there" is good haha so that's been good. I'm definitely a huge believer of "everything happens for a reason" and that God wouldn't give me something I couldn't handle. I don't understand right now but I know He has a larger and ultimately better plan for me. I really do appreciate the feedback Brenda, and look forward to sharing with everyone!
  2. @ whitedaisies: I know I shouldn't feel "dirty" but I kinda do :/ although being sexual is a normal and natural thing, the stigma attached to the virus makes me think otherwise. I constantly try to remind myself that it IS just a skin condition and it DOES NOT define me, but I'd be lying if I said it doesn't bother me deep down. I guess that acceptance and loving yourself comes with time....I'll get there one day :) @ seeker: yea I voiced my concerns to my doctor about the script but she said it should be ok.... It definitely puts things in perspective when you hear someone else is going through a much more difficult time. Makes my herpes so insignificant knowing that, at the end of day, my condition isn't life threatening unlike someone dealing with cancer. So thank you for reminding me of that! I really appreciate the feedback and am excited to be apart of this community! :)))
  3. "Just by looking at the bumps, it looks like herpes." That was the sentence I was hoping wouldn't come out of my doctor's mouth 3 weeks ago. But it did. My worst fear had come true. I was in disbelief that this was my reality. I was officially diagnosed with HSV2 about a week later after a culture was taken from my initial visit. That first week was the most uncomfortable, embarrassing and devastating week of my life going through my first OB. I wasn't (still not) sure if it was stress related or just a very intense OB but I bled a lot. Like a lot, a lot. I brought it up to my doctor but she said nothing looked abnormal and it was possibly my body reacting to the virus. I was put on acyclovir for my initial OB, 3x's a day, and now on suppressive therapy taking it once a day (is that enough?). I still get nervous that I'm not clear down there and get anxiety knowing I'll probably get another OB sooner than later. I've done more reading and research than I've ever done before trying to educate myself on my HSV2. I still feel lost though. Am I always going to have extreme OBs? Can I ever shave/wax again? Can I still have safe sex with a condom and not put my partner at risk? Is anyone going to want me now? I could go on forever. My life has completely been turned upside down. My self-worth and confidence levels are at an all time low. Although I know I have it and accept it, I can't shake the feeling of disgust and shame. My mother and sister are the only two people in my life that know. They've been unbelievably supportive but I feel like they can't understand what I'm going through. I just don't want to feel alone and could really use some positive vibes
  4. "Just by looking at the bumps, it looks like herpes." That was the sentence I was hoping wouldn't come out of my doctor's mouth 3 weeks ago. But it did. My worst fear had come true. I was in disbelief that this was my reality. I was officially diagnosed with HSV2 about a week later after a culture was taken from my initial visit. That first week was the most uncomfortable, embarrassing and devastating week of my life going through my first OB. I wasn't (still not) sure if it was stress related or just a very intense OB but I bled a lot. Like a lot, a lot. I brought it up to my doctor but she said nothing looked abnormal and it was possibly my body reacting to the virus. I was put on acyclovir for my initial OB, 3x's a day, and now on suppressive therapy taking it once a day (is that enough?). I still get nervous that I'm not clear down there and get anxiety knowing I'll probably get another OB sooner than later. I've done more reading and research than I've ever done before trying to educate myself on my HSV2. I still feel lost though. Am I always going to have extreme OBs? Can I ever shave/wax again? Can I still have safe sex with a condom and not put my partner at risk? Is anyone going to want me now? I could go on forever. My life has completely been turned upside down. My self-worth and confidence levels are at an all time low. Although I know I have it and accept it, I can't shake the feeling of disgust and shame. My mother and sister are the only two people in my life that know. They've been unbelievably supportive but I feel like they can't understand what I'm going through. I just don't want to feel alone and could really use some positive vibes
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