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Posts posted by chikitta13

  1. I was just listening to a podcast on the cure for Hep C on Saturday, and of course it made me think of what a HSV cure would cost (whenever that might happen). And what would I do if that ever became an option?? Even though it's an expensive drug upfront, what about the long-term? And I wonder if it is different those who are just adjusting to HSV. I'm still feeling the effects of the virus pretty much daily. And although it's not life threatening for me, it is certainly life altering. Up until this experience, I was an extremely healthy person. I rarely got sick, had a lot of energy, and felt strong. I do not feel that right now. I often feel rundown and unable to concentrate. Not to mention pretty consistent prodrome and discomfort, despite antivirals. It's hard not to think about what I would do to make this actually go away. And that's not even getting into the psychological. Either way, I know (or hope) that this will all pass and I will begin to feel "normal" again someday, hopefully soon. And I certainly won't be holding my breath for a cure or vaccine anytime soon. I think it is important to focus on the here and now, but it is certainly an interesting discussion, and one worth having. Not just about HSV but about how we care for our health in general.


    Anyway, the podcast is worth a listen. It's a pretty interesting story overall and raises some great questions about quality of life and health.



  2. Thanks for the suggestions! I will definitely keep an eye on foods. And I think several people around me have been sick lately. Might just be battling a cold too. Tis the season. As for yoga, at least once a week. And it's been very helpful for my state of mind. Thanks again.

  3. About six months in to this experience. Had been doing well but I just feel so rundown lately. I've had outbreaks the past two months in a row, after going without one for almost three months. The worst is that I just constantly feel exhausted. I actually fell asleep in the middle of my own birthday party this past weekend! Trying to watch my diet and cut back on beer. But it doesn't seem to make a difference. Trying coffee next. I take lysine and valtrex daily. I exercise regularly. And I typically sleep 7-9 hours a night. Certainly more than I used to sleep! My schedule is generally less hectic than it was for the first three or four months following infection. Just not sure what's going on. And I just want to feel normal again. It just seems like I'll never sleep or rest enough to feel better. Sorry for the rant. It's been a week of ups and downs.

  4. Deep breathes! Finding out and the first outbreak are the worst but it will get better. First, the pain. Did your doctor give you antivirals? They help shorten the outbreak. But the sooner you get them the better they work. As for relief, there are many different things and different things work for different people. Try a sitz bath. I will even keep some baking soda and a cup by the sink and rinse with cool water and baking soda several times a day. Then blow dry on the cool setting. It helps dry things out. My favorite is coconut oil with just one drop of tea tree oil. I use the organic coconut oil that you can find at the grocery store. Just make sure it's pure coconut oil. I'm sure others will share what helps them feel better.


    As for the feelings of loneliness, pain, and hopelessness: this will pass. Your body will learn to deal with the virus. But the psychological hurt is definitely tough. You are not a nasty woman. Many beautiful women and men experience this virus. And we're here to share our love and support. Please know that you're not alone!

  5. @GingerRita, I still do hot yoga regularly, although not 4x/week. But typically 1 - 2x/week. Not sure about biking, but I would just make sure you have a comfy seat. Actually my prodrome symptoms feel a lot like being saddle sore. But if I'm understanding correctly, you've been aysmptomatic? Has this changed? If not, I'd say keep living life the way that works for you! If it was working before you knew, there's no reason why knowing should change that :)

  6. I have also been wondering about this. I contracted H in mid August. Following my initial outbreak, I had a second outbreak right away, followed by constant prodrome. My doctor prescribed antivirals as a supressive therapy. Since taking them, I had one very mild outbreak at Halloween. This past weekend, I skipped taking them for two days. It was a silly decision because I was working in New Orleans for a few days, which led to many late nights and early mornings. I had another outbreak which began Sunday/Monday. Just one sore, but the most clear outbreak I've had since my initial. And of course accompanied by a cold. I've been sleeping at least 9 hours a night since Sunday. And skipping my regular exercise routine as I feel very tired, and have a lot of work right now.


    I do not want to continue with the medication long term, but I can't tell when I should just let my body do the work. Are the antivirals preventing this from happening? Or should I wait a few months? Also, @wscdancer2010, you mentioned titrating? I take one 500 mg valcyclovir daily, unless I feel an OB coming, then I take two. I also take 500 - 1,000 mg of Lysine daily. When I want to discontinue the supressive therapy, how should I do it? Every other day for a bit? Sorry, I just don't think my PCP knows enough about this to ask her.


    One other bit of info - I am in my final stages of a PhD program. I have two intense job interviews coming up (interviews that take course over a period of 2-3 days). There is only so much I can do to minimize the stress of this right now. Maybe now isn't the time to stop? Argh, so frustrating.

  7. It can be very difficult to connect to a therapist and finding one you like the first time is actually pretty lucky. It's certainly worth a try to provide her with the info. As a therapist, it's her responsibility to be where you are. This means learning about hsv. I would also suggest looking for a therapist that specializes in sexual health. Not sure if that is an option where you are but I know the first therapist I saw (prior to hsv) specialized in this and relationship issues.

  8. Hi @cariboo! I did the same thing when I was diagnosed about 5 months ago. Gradually I worked back to my regular exercie and diet regimen. Everybody is different, and what affects others, may not affect you. For me, I found that having the stress relief effects of exercise far outweigh the physical stress. I also work out about 6 days per week. I haven't run much (due to injury), so I can't speak to that. The few times I have run have been fine. I also hike, use the elliptical, and do hot vinyasa yoga. It really is just a process of getting to know yourself in a whole new way :)


    Funny thing - I initially cut out all sugar, alcohol, coffee, chocolate, seeds, and popcorn. This pretty much covers my favorite indulgences. I eventually worked back to pre-HSV intake and was fine. Oddly enough, after giving up sugar and alcohol for January, I've had constant prodrome. Can't quite understand how this works.


    Also, I had a lot of prodrome symptoms in the beginning. I ended up going with an antiviral for a bit to allow my body time to adjust. Overall, for me, the most important factor is making sure I get enough sleep. Rest when you feel tired. And if you feel worn out, it's okay to take it easy on working out. Best of luck :)

  9. Hello! I was wondering, do outbreaks typically return to the same location? Or will new spots "pop up" at later points? I noticed an unusual spot on my labia, but it is not in the location that my previous three outbreaks occurred. I am still a newbie, in my first six months of infection. Just wondering if it is a new spot or if I am being hyper-vigilant. Thanks :)

  10. Good morning! I am very interested in the studies used to develop the handouts here. I am comfortable with what the rates are, but need to know how they were calculated. I need to better understand where the information comes from, and how it is calculated. Research methods and statistics are part of my training, so I am comfortable reading scientific studies. Can anyone guide me to the sources? The nerd in me needs to better understand ;) Thanks a bunch!

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