Hey everyone, i am by no means an expert on the subject, but I am about to be 2 yrs HSV2 positive and think I can be a sounding board to anyone that needs it. I haven't been too active on here since I first got this, but I think I should be, not only to help others but because I also still have the need to have people in my same boat in my life. I only disclose to potential sexual partners because those are the only relevant people that need to know. I haven't told anyone else other than one of my friends just because i needed to get it out of my system, but I think it would be good for me (and for anyone else that needs it) to have people that can actually understand me so we can freely talk about whatever we need.
Message me if you are up for it, here or kik at darkangelkik or I can give you my email if you want.
I know it is difficult coming to terms with this and moving on to a normal life, but trust me, it is not the end of the world. Just seems like it now because your normal is different now. Just take your time. :)
Hope everyone is having a nice weekend.