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  1. No I have not heard that it works for Rosacea. Light therapy works better for that.
  2. It works on a lot of skin thingies. My finger was hurting in the side if my nail for days zapped it & it's completly fine. I had 1 tiny bump come up & wasn't sure if it was H starting. Was in a spot I've had it before. I zapped it like I was in a Sci-Fi movie! I probably over zapped it! It's gone :-) Blackheads you usually have to extract. If it's been there awhile then once extracted it might leave a bit of a hole. Zap the area. It's my new favorite go too! I've been sick with a cold & the side of my nose really sore. I zapped it & it healed up. Wasn't hurting at all by evening. It really works on many things :-)
  3. Isn't it crazy how much guilt is attached to having HSV?! You shouldn't feel rotten for feeling something that is natural. It's almost like HSV makes us feel guilty for feeling sexual or desirable. I know how you feel because I feel that way often too. I read something on one of the post while scrolling through them that made sense. You didn't have sex or like you said you would have disclosed before it happened. But why isn't the other party asking also what your history is? It seems so few do. I'm sure you have nothing to worry about. "Worry pushes the good away" I read that somewhere :-) Just focus on the good part where you felt desirable & happy. We all deserve that! :-)
  4. Thanks Fitgirl, he is amazing! We've been through a lot together. He's my Rock!
  5. I know :-/ I'm trying to get past that...I suppose it's just a process only time will help getting used to having HSV....
  6. Mine came with both colors but the one I use for zapping is Orange. They both work. The long glass piece with the ball at the end I use on my outbreak. I'd start at your lowest setting seeing some are stronger then others. Just depends on the manufacturer. Place your finger on the glass piece & then removing your finger gently tap the head of the glass piece on your breakout. I started at about 5 mins just zapping my spot. It was hurting before I used the High Frequency ALOT. As soon as I started tapping the bump it started feeling like it wasn't throbbing anymore. I kept tapping meaning tapping the glass piece on the bump. It started looking smaller. I did it for 5 mins. I'd suggest starting for a few mins a few times a day. It just feels like static. I also read if you start feeling prodomes or tender in the area the faster you start using it the less likely you'll have a breakout. I've used it on my last 2 breakouts & it helped with the aching pain & it cleared up within a few days. I hope that it helps :-) And yes it's great on the face to smooth fine lines & wrinkles. And a side effect can be hair growth. That's why they give a glass comb. The key is consistency in using it.
  7. Thank you, I have disclosed to my partner who is negative for HSV. I was curious with so many on this forum as to if anyone got it that way with certainty. I figured since so many read here that are in the same boat with HSV, I was wondering how many knowingly have contacted HSV 1 that way? Although my partner knows the risks it still something I don't want to pass on. I prefer not to be on suppressive therapy at this time because I'd like to give my body time to build up antibodies. I may consider it in the future. We do practice safe sex with condoms but by his choice not everytime. Then I just find myself more stressed out for putting him at risk. I've cleaned up my diet & am trying the natural supplement route. I'm still in the finding what works for me phase.
  8. I'd start out slow & see how your outbreaks respond. I sparked mine meaning using a tapping on the outbreak for 10 seconds. The total time I used it was 5 to 10 minutes each time. A few times a day. I'm used to high frequency since it's used where I work. But since it's new to you start out slow until your used to using it. It looks & sounds more intense them it is :-) Hope that helps!!
  9. I keep reading & hearing HSV1 genital to genital has an extremely low transmission rate. I have HSV1 Genital & know it was from someone who had it only orally. Since Physicians seem to not know as much as we would think about HSV it makes me wonder how accurate the statistics are? I've also read there's few if any documented cases of it being transferred this way. Has anyone transmitted HSV1 or gotten it knowing for sure it was from Genital to Genital exposure? I'm wondering if the statistics hold true??
  10. Witch Hazel works wonders & helps dry them up. If you purchase Tucks wipes or the stores version & look at the ingredients with hazel is in them. Or just buy straight Witch Hazel & apply it to a sterile gauze pad. I would leave it on the are with my out breaks for about am hour. It's something I use whenever I have an outbreak.
  11. I think most of us don't understand HSV unless we contact it or know someone who has it. I am an Instructor & honestly had not a lot of knowledge aside of what's in my textbook (which is minimal) I don't think it comes as a surprise seeing my doctor basically told me little to nothing about what to expect. I even asked during my exam if she could tell if I had any on the inside & her response was "Their not usually inside." Everything I learned was on my own. Now I could probably write a book! My point is if doctors seem to know so little about it how can we be surprised the public is as in the dark about how it's passed ect???? I wish the schools would teach this when were in High School in sex ed! Believe me my students are FULLY informed when I am teaching "Infection Control" but it's only because I myself in my forties contracted it because I didn't have a clue how it was passed.... Just reinforces it's hard to have public awareness when so many physicians are not properly informed....
  12. Here's an article about Light Therapy. I also have one of these that I'll also try if another outbreak arises. I find all these devices hopeful :-) http://more-than-words.hubpages.com/hub/LED-LIGHT-THERAPY-FOR-TEENAGERS
  13. I don't see the actual one I purchased but I'll post a link to one we use at school. They all work similarly. Hope this helps :-) http://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B00EON7ZAM/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?qid=1424616451&sr=8-1&keywords=high+frequency+portable&dpPl=1&dpID=415hMZCNzmL&ref=plSrch&pi=AC_SX200_QL40&dpPl=1&dpID=415hMZCNzmL&ref=plSrch
  14. I'll look and see if I can find the one I purchased. I bought mine awhile back before I had HSV. Yes it is used for Acne. We use it at the school I teach at as do most Esthetic schools. We use it on breakouts & after doing extractions on a client to heal the skin faster. I'm not sure why it's not marketed as much as other devices out there. But I do know it works very well at healing skin lesions. I've seen it first hand. I just put 2 & 2 together one day and thought, I wonder if it would help heal up HSV lesions, bumps or blisters? I researched a bit & found it talked about how it speeds up healing time of Cold Sores which we know is HSV. Although mine are in the genital region I decided to try using it on mine. I figured why not see if it would work there too. And like I had mentioned it worked well for me :-) I believe there's a lot of things out there to speed healing times. I think beyond Meds & supplements (which I use also) there is also Tesla & Light Therapy ( which also comes in hand held devices) Put all of it together & I'm hoping less outbreaks & when they do happen faster healing time :-) That's my thought :-) I don't want to dwell on the fact I have HSV. That I cannot change at this point but instead how to supress it & speed up healing outbreaks. I know everyone's outbreak are different but finding what works is just a process of elimination I'm assuming :-)
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