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  1. unfortunately my diagnosis has been around the same time as yours! I can totally give you some insight about what has worked for me so far. I have had 2 OB in 2 months. The first by far being the absolute worst... lasted a whole month and I wasn't even correctly diagnosed until last week at the start of my second OB which was much milder. My skin is still tender from the primary OB and having another one so soon has been unbearable. Are you taking medication? I started taking acyclovir for almost 2 weeks now.. 400 MG up to 4x daily if I have an OB and I do 2x for preventative daily. I too also feel the tingling and now that my second OB only lasted a little over a week I feel the medication is finally helping although I need to explore another type because I get frequent migranes. I don't know about you but i get pain down my leg as well. Another thing that has helped is I started taking l-lysine supplements and staying far away from food items that have a high arganine to lysine ratio. Not saying you can't have peanut butter, popcorn or blackberries ever... but I usually pop lysine that day if I know I'll have a lot. Oh and I will attach the link for the list that has helped me. Haven't tried to be intimate with anyone since... probably will take some time. Talking to a supper group and hanging out with people who understand have been a great help. Like I said, I'm the only one I've met so far type 1 and it's frustrating when people tell me "it's not that bad". so I completely understand and feel for you. It will get better, I promise. You just have to find a routine that works for you whether it's medicaion, oils, supplements, diet... being a female my menstral cycle is triggering a lot for me but I can't really change that! I'm staying optimistic. Can't stop living... but do you know anything that seems to set you off like triggers yet?? I know tingling means shedding and supposively we don't shed that much but I've been tingling constantly also until this past week...
  2. All research... well let me rephrase, MOST research online- which is why I chose to ask here... has basically designated HSV 2 as the "bad" virus and HSV 1 as the "good" virus. I'm sorry, but having genital HSV 1 sucks. I understand there are potentially less outbreaks and less symptoms associated but I feel like even the nurse who called to tell me I was positive basically told me to get over it. So I am confused... because some information I have read has said well everyone has some type of HSV 1 one form or another so you don't have to worry about disclosure. I don't necessarily agree with that because look what happened to me. As "unusal" and as rare as people are making this sound I would absolutely feel awful not disclosing before an intimate relationship. I would feel bad about even someone getting a cold sore from performing oral. I would never make myself sound like a leper and provide factual information about HSV 1 Of course... but am I the one who should lighten up? Or is it just being underplayed? I realize the stigma of herpes is why people think it's "icky" when it is totally ok. It will be ok. I've come to terms with that fact. I guess I just don't know how I should behave with this in personal intimate relationships. I thought I had a good handle but even a support group I've talked to keeps telling me I have it easy because they all have HSV 2. I have outbreaks, I shed, I am on medication for life, I have triggers... I am NOT trying to be a victim at all I just want to make sure when the time comes to explain to someone that I have to because after reading doctors explanations and other people's accounts in other forums and google searches shrugging it off making it sound like it seems to be "no big deal." Can anyone help me here? Maybe going through the same or just offer insight to how I should take this "unicorn" by the horn?
  3. Thank you so much!! I've had to do a lot of research since when I was diagnosed the nurse was super short and basically cut me off besides saying I had HSV1. Thank you so much for your help... I'm so nervous especially since I'm newly single. Planning on taking things slow when I do meet someone... haha, I'm in that feeling "gross" stage... but just want to make sure my facts are straight when I feel comfortable again. Thanks again @wcsdancer2010
  4. So, after a long and stressful few months, negative blood tests, one recurrent OB and a swab test later... I have been diagnosed with genital hsv 1. According to planned parenthood, where I was finally properly tested and diagnosed, I was not properly tested when i was seen for my initial OB mid December at Kaiser/Healthspan. I am happy to finally have an answer but trying to cope all the same. I have also been put on acyclovir. My boyfriend broke up with me, hopefully he gets tested... I told him everything. It was the hardest thing I've had to do. My question is... when I become comfortable, and willing to be involved with someone again- will I ever be able to be the recipient of oral sex again safely? Without passing it to my partner? I understand the shedding and obviously abstain during an OB... I guess I want to make sure if I have to have this conversation I am relaying the correct information and staying safe.
  5. Thank you so much!!! You are extremely helpful :)
  6. Sorry for lack of response, I was traveling out of the country for a few weeks and had lack of data and the wifi wasnt connecting. The unfortunate part is that my blood work came back negative, but the doctor claims after saying I had it, diagnosing me with hsv 2- that since the blood work was negative, it must be a fluke and to see someone again in case it happens again. This angers me as he told me my swab was positive. The talk with my boyfriend went better than expected but he was extremely distant and cold. Which I expected, but it is getting better. What worries me is that my doctor didn't prescribe me anything, and won't prescribe me anything. I don't know why and as I live in a different state as my health coverage right now for school I am having a hard time trying to get a second opinion. I have been free of my first ever outbreak (classic signs fever, jt pain, lymph nodes swollen, weeping sores, pain urinating, pain in general etc) for a little over a week. What is worrying me NOW is that it feels like it's coming back again. My sores are coming back in the same region. I know from research it can trigger from a menstral cycle which I'm currently on right now but this really really sucks as I know you sympathize!!! Also, if I am planning on getting a second opinion since my doctor is demographically unavailable and can't make up his mind apparently, can I go now or should I wait for it to get worse again for a better diagnosis. I'm trying to get my boyfriend to get a blood test but I feel like he is scared because he knows if it's in his blood he's the one who gave it to me, most likely then. If not there's really no way to tell... but regardless what his result would be I'm trying to make him realize that we have to deal with the present and not blame each other regardless of the results.
  7. Thank you for your response, it helped clear a lot up. I just hope if his comes back negative he doesn't take it out on me. I had absolutely no inkling before my flu like and UTI like symptoms. Thank you again!!!
  8. Looks like we got the same Christmas gift, my doctor decided to go out of town and refuses to prescribe me anything yet even though the nurse already called me with the results. The pain is immense... I came home to visit my family, I told my mother as well.. I have been fortunate enough to have time to lay around and try to stay comfortable. I saw a commercial for shingles and claimed it was the "worst pain ever", now since shingles is in the same family I just had to laugh because I don't know if I have ever felt a worse pain than this first OB. I have to have the talk with my boyfriend tomorrow. I have no idea who I got it from, we have been together for 2 years for all I know it could be either of us. I just hope he hears me out. I started taking vitamins, lysine, and have been using baking soda and water mixture (which hurts like hell) but seems to dry out my sores. I hope you have a better NYE and feel better soon!!!
  9. This is going to sound a lot like a first outbreak story but just bear with me please, I have a question. I was just diagnosed December 24th (Merry Christmas to me...) with HSV 2 after having blood work done and my OB swabbed. The week before my outbreak I thought I just had a urinary tract infection. It was onset by burning while I pee, general flu symptoms and tender lymph nodes in my groin region. I did not have any blisters or sores at this point. I have been in a committed relationship for almost two years now. My boyfriend and I had sex up until the point where I was about 2 days into the flu like symptoms. I flew home to visit my family a week later, and at this point developed blisters and lesions. My doctor diagnosed me like I said, on the 24th. I was planning on having "the talk" with my boyfriend tomorrow when I got home, and hope that he love me and accept me considering I have no idea how I contracted this. He texted me an hour ago asking me if he could have gotten a UTI because it's starting to burn when he pees now. So here is my question. Did I give it to him, or could he have had it also- and me having it first is just a coincidence?? I just want to know what my options are so when I talk to him he knows exactly- even if the only way was through me. I'm just scared, and I hope he at least hears me out. I would be devastated if I gave it to him, so I guess what I am asking is, is it a coincidence or was it because of my outbreak, or is there any way of even knowing that??
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