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Everything posted by enlight67

  1. I don't think what I had was a cold sore either now thank god . I don't think it was a canker sore either it didn't hurt . I cant really explain it and i don't have any pictures but it looked like blister like a little bloody scab. only lasted a day and no pain . I was gonna go to dermatologist but , right now I have nothing to show . i don't think herpes last a day to heal and if i did have it on my tongue I would guess it would hurt like hell
  2. well I was saying I had tingly burning feeling around my face. I woke up this morning and i was happy it was gone. but I looked inside my mouth I have fever blister on my tongue. is having it on your tongue worst ?
  3. I have lysine . will see if it works thank for the information wCSDANCER always a great help
  4. does your body depend on antivirals if you take them? some people say they get worst outbreaks later on after taking the drug
  5. this symptom has been like a month. it doesn't hurt but it feels really annoying could the hsv1 give you nerve problems ? I don't know if i should go see a doctor but I don't think they can do anything about this
  6. it never devolves as rash or blister . I wonder if I'm shedding when that happens
  7. I looked information the best one i found > at duke university where they find out how to trigger herpes virus all at ones getting it out and completely killing all of it with acyvilir or valtrex antivirals. just like I heard there is a lack of funding but there still trying
  8. yess shingles are definitely worst its on your face or anywhere and hurts also could get in your eyes blind you
  9. I really thank this website :) . the people on here are very loving accepting community. I always read the messages on here . there is so much good information , it is comforting . its an honor to be on here
  10. yess you can have pharyngitis type symptoms swollen white tonsils . that's what I had when I catched cold sore from my gf
  11. ever since I have been exposed to this I feel really disgusting and contagious . I feel really bad am I making a big deal ?
  12. I don't know anything about cold sores . I had one primary infection from a girl i was dating and i had blister on lip and I never had any tingly or burning feeling that people talk about. that was 3 months ago . right now i have a cut on my lip it doesn't burn or feel tingly if I look close enough it looks like small open sore its like a cut . is this cold sore ?
  13. I actually heard some people will get out breaks once a year or later and still transfer to their partner ghsv1. which is sexually transmitted
  14. I have cold sores / hsv1 oral I bet its nothing compare to hsv2 genital or genital hsv1 but still sucks and almost 80 % of population has it that's a very large number they should do something about it
  15. yeah that's what I thought . they can find a cure if they really want to like they did with hpv . I could see they would not want to because then they lose alot of money. i think that's just wrong it really affects quality of the persons life .
  16. they have vaccine for shingles which also is herpes virus but why there is no vaccine for herpes simplex yet ?
  17. should I disclose I have cold sores before kissing ? I feel very uncomfortable about it cause there isn't any trust or chemistry before you kiss someone and 80 % of the population has it
  18. thank you for the information
  19. I just got exposed to cold sore virus from my gf i kissed her and apparently she had a sore and didn't tell me and I didn't know what it was cause it was soo small and it was dark anyways I got exposed. I was wondering can that give you really bad sore throat ?. I went to doctors they told me tonsilitis . and it just has not gone away for a month is that because of herpes? . I never heard herpes causing sore throat for month I cant find anything about that
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