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Everything posted by Bslydell

  1. Thanks for the insight @WCSDancer2010. I'm still just so confused about my experiences and where do I go from here in my life.
  2. Kind of off the current subject here, but I have been wondering this. Heard a lot of talk about eating chocolate and nuts can cause/affect an outbreak. Not sure if any of you experience this. What I am wondering is that are these foods not good to eat while having an outbreak or they cause outbreaks? I kind of want to eat a bunch of chocolate or nuts too see if anything happens.
  3. Sorry to repost again @Beachdude1984. My redness has never itche'd or really caused any pain. I notice it if I touch the spot on my penis I can tell if it is sensitive. If I scratch at it, then it hurts. I thought I may have been something else at the time because things just didn't make sense. Had unprotected sex and 2 weeks later my penis head kept getting cold. Went to the doctor, he did an std test and my igg for hsv1 was positive and igm was negative (3 weeks after sexual encounter). He explained that this means I have had herpes for some time now. Never experienced any tingling or cold sores ever in my life. He was certain all the tingling and burning was herpes related even though I never had any sores. Just seems strange that after the sexual encounter I started experiencing these things. Was with my previous gf for 2.5 years prior with never having tingling or burning. I'm still dumbfounded that my doctor said I didn't get herpes from this last girl. Too me it just doesn't add up.
  4. White daisy. I went to that website, but never saw where I could order a swab test. I did read a few posts about people swabbing 4 times a month and never got a positive result when he/she was sure he had herpes. Can you repost once you swab and get your results?
  5. You not alone. I'm currently talking with an ex-girlfriend and Im in the same situation. I want to tell her, but I'm afraid. However, I'm going to get it out of the way. I have not told anyone I'm my life. I don't want to be judged. Good luck, keep us posted.
  6. Thanks daisy. Can you swap just skin? I don't have any sores that I could swab, just sore red skin.
  7. I am currently trying some lotramin to see if that provides any relief. I could only hope it wasn't HSV, but other people are having some of the same symptoms as I. I would just like to know for sure if this is herpes related or not. My luck it is, but still a little uncertain. I have some lysine coming in the mail tomorrow. Going to start taking that and see if there is any improvement.
  8. Sorry for asking so many questions. So far all I have really experienced is the burning scrotum and like a red rash on the underside of my member. The burning is staying in my taint area. I can touch that area and feel no pain, so no rash or sores exist there. The red skin rash on my member just seems to hang around too. I don't really want to use meds right now. I want to see if it goes away on its own and how long it takes. I did ordered some multi vitamins and lysine. I'm going to try that route first. Im pretty sure what I am experiencing is herpes related, but I don't know for sure. I went in for an std test and tested positive for HSV1. I had tingling going on downstairs and my lips (after prescribed a steroid) and my doctors said it was herpes. Can they swap the skin if it is only a rash? It is more red skin rash, like I said and not a cluster of red dots type of rash. Also, if any of you had a rash experience, did your skin seem to peel when you had an outbreak?
  9. Thanks you two for your comments. Trying to determine if this is all related to HSV1 or some else going on. Another question, if I encounter an outbreak. How long do they herpes take to heal without antivirals? I currently have like red tender skin on my shaft that's been there for two weeks now. Does it normally go away on its own or do you need antivirals to get it to go away?
  10. Getbetter is this the tingling/burning or the testicle pain? If testicle pain, when did you experience it? Soon after your first prodrome or long into your knowledge you were positive? How long have you had the pain?
  11. How long does the tingling last? I had and currently still have tingling in my scrotum. It has been like 15 days. Also, for ihaveittoo. Have you ever encountered a kick in the balls feeling due to prodrome or an outbreak? Once I started having the tingling for the first time my testicles were so sensitive it felt like I had been kicked in the balls. They still feel that way and this has been since around the 20th of December 2014. I can't sit right half the time because I put pressure on them and much makes the kick in the balls feeling much worse. Also, if I squeeze one testicle it does the same thing and when I mean squeeze, I mean barely put any pressure on them. Has anyone encountered this as well?
  12. I recently found out that I was positive for HSV1. I was having a weird feeling in my penis, i went to get tested. This was 3 weeks after unprotected sex. At that time I was put on a steroid for ears ringing and seemed like all hell broke loose after that. Started having tingling on my lips and tip of tongue and in my scrotum and back of legs. This went on for 2 weeks before the doctor prescribed me Valtrex. Never had any visible sores in that 2 week period and the feelings were starting to go away before I even started taking the valtrex. I recently had sex again and the next day my scrotum burned and was all red and i am still having a slight burning feeling two weeks later. I thought I had a sore on my shaft, but couldn't tell. It was really tender. My main question is does herpes show up at the area of tingling/burning? My entire scrotum burned, but never had any sores there. Also, does the tingling/burning last for 2 weeks plus? Also, do the sores hurt? And if so do they hurt all the time or just when you touch them or your underwear rubs on them? Thank you for all your input. Any and all input would be greatly appreciated.
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