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  1. Hi Dance55, I was diagnosed in February 2015 with HSV2. I'm 46 and might have a different outlook on my experience. I've disclosed twice so far. Both understood and really wanted to proceed with a relationship no matter. These are good men who looked at me as the most wonderful woman I am, more authentic type of love. They talk of herpes being your wingman in the area of authentic love. I'm such a strong believer in this. It's allowed me to check myself and slow down my roll. Overall, this has been a blessin in disguise. If this man loves you, this virus will not matter. Tell him, be prepared with information, and accept that what ever happens was meant to be. Good luck.
  2. Hi there bent_not broken. I was diagnosed February 2015. So I'm New to this too. Ever since dx I've been on Valtrex. My OBGYN recommended it for at least the first year. I had my first outbreak, took a while to recover from it, like 3 weeks but I have not had an outbreak since. I also take an assortment of vitamins that I've read assist with keeping H at bay. I have had no side effects from Valtrex and at this point I feel like normal. Maybe I'm one of those that get that one outbreak and responds well to antiviral. Knock on wood! There really have been no documented issues with antiviral being taken long term that I know of and as stated by my doctor. I don't feel worried about being on antiviral for an extended period. At some point. I would like to see what my body does without antiviral but frankly I just want to adjust to having hsv2. Furthermore, I'm in a new relationship, no sex yet, and he is fully aware of my h+ so I want to do what I can to protect him if we go there. Btw, he is negative for both.
  3. Thank you all. I appreciate the guidance. I guess I've never had a man be so selfless, caring and endearing like this. Goes to show you what kind of men have been in my life before H2. People talk about herpes being their wing man in a developing relationship. Thank you herpes for sorting the good from the bad and slowing my roll. Silver lining to all this.
  4. I was just recently diagnosed with H2 at the beginning of February 2015. I'm 46. I'm dealing pretty well with it. Initial outbreak only so far, on Valtrex and no outbreaks since. I started seeing a man before H2 and was going through symptoms. I got tested and then told him. It was not a deal breaker for him, he did his research, and still wants to proceed with a relationship. We have not been intimate yet mainly because of my resistance. He is type 1 diabetic. Tested negative for both. I am so concerned for his health. My H2 seems like no big deal but for him it could be a big deal. He says to me "I'm not making love to a woman I love always worrying about it. I'm sharing it with her so it never becomes a reason not to make love to her. Catching it is inevitable." Is this normal? Could this be a normal sentiment from someone? I just feel as though it's not. Need a little guidance here.
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