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Everything posted by Namaste333

  1. Where to begin. about a year ago I used to hang with this guy I had a really huge crush on, we had sex a couple times and that was that. We weren't dating and I was a freshman he was a senior so I didn't think it was worth it to pursue him if he wasn't going to pursue me first. (Men will be men, am I right?) basically he's kept in touch with me, throughout the year asking to hang and and how I was doing. Well fast forward to about two months ago, he has hit me up nonstop. He finally got the urge to take me out on a date and we had a great time. I spent the night with him because I live pretty far and it was late. But he didn't pressure me to do anything sexually with him. which is very rare because most guys do not know how to take no for an answer. He asked me to his companies christmas hotel party, where we will definitely be getting drunk and then who knows how the nihht will go down. I am already expecting that he's gonna try and have sex with me but I am extremely nervous for my first disclosure. Hopefully he understands and is ok with it. Any advice for first disclosure stories? How did they react? What should you say!
  2. I used to be so upset over my diagnosis of HSV-1. I Couldn't get out of bed for three days when I found out. I thought my sex life was over. "I'm only 19 how could this happen to me?" I didn't realize how easily transmitted this virus was. Now that I have had time to get over it and accept myself and my body, I've realized a lot. Scratch your thinking that herpes is a virus, and that you'll never have a "sex life again" If you think in those terms and in that negative way, you're right. Who wants to have sex with a negative dingbat like yourself? If you don't love your body and who you are, how do you expect anyone else to love you? Posiivity attracts positivity..so start working on that. Another reminder, think of all the people you weed out of you're dating world for having an std. No longer will you put up with men or women who want to use you for just sex. You are now forced to open up and be vulnerable to potential partners. The right ones can overlook this flaw and see beyond this facade because they love your soul and are open minded enough to understand it is just a small flaw that can't possibly get in the way of the greatness and beauty of who you are on the inside. That being said, an STD makes for a GREAT wingman! I'm not sure about you but I'm going to be honest, I like sex. Sex is very enjoyable and I probably didn't value it as much as I should've before I got herpes. I've been vulnerable and naive and that part of me is dead. No more being naive to mens motives... I am now forced to not be vulnerable....to have sex with a trusted partner...and value myself....Sex is a very powerful thing, its power is so often overlooked. Don't be fooled- you become one with the person you're having sex with, your energies are being intertwined into eachothers...no wonder its not meant for random people. I have yet to disclose and tell someone I'm actually interested in, but I'm keeping a positive attitude so the universe will deliver the perfect man to me. I know that when I disclose I will find acceptance. It will just take time. So heres to having an std. many of the people without it wont ever understand the power of sex like we do. We understand, and it makes way for sex to become even more powerful, if we use it the way its meant to be-shared with a lover.
  3. I got diagnosed with hsv 1 about 6 months ago. I took my prescription medicine for my first out break and the bumps went away. About a month or longer ago I had a recurring out break in the same spot. This time though, it has bumps that don't seem to go away. I've read that bumps take 2-4 weeks to heal. It's been longer than that for me, so im wondering if anyone else has had this problem? My obgyn said it wasn't hpv, but I'm scared because it left behind bumps. does anyone know how to cure these bumps? What kind of topical cream would be good to use for this problem? I am not currently using any prescription medication at the moment, any recommendations for a good medicine that has seemed to work good for you?
  4. Wow I feel for you. I met a guy I clicked with recently and I was really into him. We went out for drinks and came back to his house and before you know it clothes were off and we had sex. now he's trying to hang out and I'm just mortified ..how could I have been so stupid? I never want anyone to go through the pain I went through ...and to someone I care about? Even worse. I really am just filled to my core with guilt for not disclosing there is no excuse. I feel sickened to my stomach and it is hard for me to connect with him on a romantic level when I have such guilt in me. I feel like a fucked up person. this feeling won't go away. I can't own up to it either ...how would he react? He would hate me....I don't know what to do. I hate that my sexuality is so broken..it hurts my soul deeply...I just want to be normal again.
  5. What have you found to be the best medication, valtrex or acyclovir ? I heard lemon balm works on open lesions well is this true? What are your personal best ways to keep outbreaks to a minimum? I want to be able to wear a bikini freely and feel sexy in my natural body!! What are your secrets please share i am dying to know!
  6. I have the same thing as you. My sores aren't like a pimple or blister, it basically is like a white circle in my skin so I wouldn't worry about it. Everyone is different
  7. i just feel like literally im going through the same shit as you. It will be okay.
  8. Awkward you don't have a girl friend I don't know why I thought you wrote that! Anyways sorry I'm high but I want to add another thing. I have known I've had herpes for five months and im finally wanting to go out and experience and explore my sexual nature. there is a guy I really connected with and it is so strange the timing of everything ...the universe has a strange way of putting things together at certain times . By that I mean finding a girl you care about after you found out you have herpes. I urge you to not be afraid to tell her and don't be embarrassed either. So many people have it. Accept yourself and fuck societies opinion of herpes it's really not that bad. If she can't understand it then guess what? You need someone that will. A person that understands is someone you know is right for you...
  9. I can relate to you in a lot of ways. I was sleeping around, not really paying attention to the consequences. I remember the doctor looking at it and just as you did, I began crying my eye balls out. The realization of never having normal sex again...I couldn't help but feel alone and different from all my friends that are constantly hooking up and thinking nothing of it. I always compare myself to others and think they must not have herpes they are so lucky. Ha I'm just being honest here. Everything you talked about I relate to and it sucks. I know it does. I couldn't eat or get out of bed for three days. i was going crazy in my head. That is when I seeked hearing others stories over the Internet. Knowing other people are going through the same thing really helps especially when we are here to offer mutual support. Just remember one thing; the blessings that surround you on a daily basis. We as humans enjoy focusing on the negative things. Why is this? Why must we focus all this wasteful negative energy on such a small problem. Put it in your own perspective and not society's viewpoint of it. Is it really all that bad and life threatening? Remember that this is a chance to change your health habits which in the long term can help you tremendously feel better emotionally and physically and may just give you a longer life. Also, sex will now have more value. There will be a woman out there who will be willing to take the risk for your love. Also, don't feel pressured to stay with your gf just because of the fact you both have it and you don't think anyone else will accept you. Hopefully the relationship is strong but I'm just putting that out there. Be patient and don't beat yourself up over it. Meditate, seek your inner guidance. You need to take care of your body health and mind. Much love. Check out my story I'll leave a link http://herpeslife.com/herpes-forum/discussion/6466/embracing-our-scars#latest
  10. So I'm finally sharing my story. I am happy I've found this website because the emotional support provided on here is astounding. Hearing everyone's stories really opens you up to the idea that-maybe this isn't as bad I thought it is, and normal people just like me are living with it. And so it begins... I don't really know who I acquired herpes from. I got diagnosed in January so it's been about 5 months I've had it.I was dating a guy 5 years older than me (I am 19) Once I started college as a freshman I broke up with my boyfriend. I wanted to be free and have fun while in college and not experience the emotional guilt he would give me for going out with my friends, accusing me of cheating for whatever reason (which I wasn't) anyways I finally saw the light and got out of that relationship. You know how college is- lots of partying. And that's just what I did to cope with being alone. Now I'm not gonna lie to you, I slept around, got drunk all the time and also got taken advantage of a lot. Nothing ever crossed my mind about ever getting herpes. I would get tested for chlymidia and gonnoreah and that was it, now looking back I can see why herpes spreads like wildfire. Anyways, I don't know who I acquired my Std from, I am always running through my mind trying to figure out who it was...I try to be positive, and some days are better than others. I just really enjoy sex...and now it is causing me to reevaluate my sexual activity and how I view relationships. it really does cause such pain thinking about if I ever will find someone who I love who will accept me for me. I think herpes really causes you to mature and view love and sex and relationships in a totally new light. For instance instead of sleeping around and feeling empty I am now forced to be patient and not give in to sex. I am forced to let my partner know beforehand, and this will show me who really truly cares and who really truly doesn't. I saw a really good quote that made me think, "while they all fall in love with her smile, she waits for the one who will fall for her scars." Wow that quote hit me hard, it truly has so much meaning within such a short sentence. I want you to know, whatever you're feeling-whether it be Shame, guilt, anger. Whatever negative feeling herpes has caused you to be possessed with I want you to know one thing, you will find the love of your life and this happened to you so you could find your true soulmate who will accept all of your flaws because that is what love is. If a man or woman won't accept you because of herpes, what else in life could this partner not be able to cope with? I strongly recommend that becoming spiritually in tune with your inner nature will help you to embrace this. I suggest meditating. After writing all of this and looking at the motivation I am trying to send out, I notice that even I can't take my own advice every so often. It is so hard to be positive sometimes. But you know what, deep down, no matter what negative things I try and tell myself, I know I will find the love of my life. If that means waiting 5 years without having sex so be it, I guess I should go ahead and purchase a dildo, ha! Not a bad idea lol. What I'm trying to get at is even though the waiting is tough, and the outbreaks are scary, slowly over time we will learn to cope with the out breaks and learn to love ourselfs. There is such beauty in that. We can't find our soulmate until we truly truly love ourselves and are capable of being alone and happy on our own. Let your spiritual light shine through and know you're not going through this alone. I am here for anyone who wants to talk about what is going on. I love you all and keep up with the positivty. Love and light!
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