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  1. Thank you guys for all the support and positive energy I really needed it.
  2. June 20 I just recently found out that I have X and I probably have had this virus in me for about 3 months now since that's the last time I had sex with the guy who gave this to me...I been prescribed this medication call Valtrex I think it's called does this medication prevent outbreaks because I haven't had one yet.
  3. Hey just know that you are not alone in this I just recently found out that I have HSV2 and I know that it is going to be a journey for me...Just always remember you are not herpes you have herpes.
  4. It was June 20, 2015 I was just getting home from work an email came in on my phone from Quest Diagnostics stating that my labs results where ready so I open the email with my heart beating so fast I could barely even breathe similar to an anxiety attack because I just knew something was wrong because I have been having some discharge some abnormal discharge so as I'm looking at my results and there it was HSV2 POSITIVE I didn't have a reaction to it at first until I googled it and then I read Herpes Simplex Virus 2 aka Genital Herpes I just felt surreal like I'm having a nightmare and I can't wake up so I called my best friend she didn't answer so sent her a text message and I said "Girl call me ASAP something bad happened" she calls me I told her that I got tested and something came back positive and I told her to guess what it is because I couldn't even say those 3 little words. I said to her let me give you a hint "It's something that is going to haunt me for the rest of my life." And then she said please don't tell it's herpes and then I started to cry. I feel alone I feel cheated I feel dirty I feel unattractive I feel like I lost something that I have once treasured so much. I just don't know what to do. It's just not fair I have always been the careful one the one to always use protection and that one night that I wanted to be a little naughty with the person who I thought was my friend for over two years changed my life forever. I told the guy who gave this Virus to me he was very nonchalant about the situation his words where if all of this that you are telling me is true then he is the only person that I need to be seeing. Ever since I found out I can't even go a day without crying I just want my life back.
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