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  1. @2Legit2Quit @mtngrl @WCSDancer2010 Yes, that is correct I received hsv1 from genital to genital sex. As well as in my left eye. The infection site is on my groin, about an inch above and to the right of my penis. My thoughts are that it should be classified as "herpes gladiatorum." I imagine that grinding during sex irritated the skin and hair follicles in pubic region creating an opening for the virus to enter. As an extra stroke of luck I must have had sweat carrying the virus on my finger and rubbed my eye. Bonus track, 274 days running of daily irritation.
  2. @Brynn2012 I was infected with genital HSV 1 in November. I have an odd case as the feeling, prodrome like, has not stopped. I recently had my 2nd OB and it was very mild. A few red marks appeared, I took valtrax, and the symptoms returned to the prodromal status quo. As a new person struggling with acceptance of the reality of my life, i get a lot of what you are saying and struggle with the same thoughts. After initial infection I was in a bad place for months, I was surrounded by all my happy friends enjoying there life. I told all of my close friends but I still felt terrible. There were a number of complicating factors, including a good job offer, but I left a city I truly loved and friends that had been a part of me for 7 years and moved 1,300 miles away to where I grew up. I never liked the place growing up and I had very few friends left, but i did have my family. I spent months here isolating myself and I still mull over how I messed up. It is still difficult and I do recommend therapy and taking care of yourself. I try to keep the disease as a motivator, a sign of a need for change, and I try to put positive spins on it as much as possible. Don't get me wrong, I really wish that I did not have this. But I put myself in this position and wishful thinking won't change anything. So I take the good that I have and focus on being happy about that. And as a side note, I do see and read a lot about a sort of laisez faire attitude toward the disease and transmission: "And HSV1 sheds far less in the genital region than the oral region so your risk of passing it on is far less." I asked an infection disease doctor "what about having sex?" his response was "You should have more sex." His resident student or whatever was under the impression that there isn't viral shedding outside of outbreaks. There is a lot of misleading information out there. I had sex with a woman once, with a condom, and contracted HSV1 that night. And she knew she was infected but did not feel that was worth sharing. I state this not to be negative or discouraging, but because I believe that it is important to understand that there is a risk and the feelings that you and I experience are probably the worst part about this whole virus. However, the more you talk about it the easier it gets to accept. And like ann112's story you will find a lot more people around you have it and have created happy, normal lives.
  3. @WCSDancer2010 Thank you for the reply. To answer your questions: Are you a guy? Yes. What have the eye Dr's said? The eye doctor was the one that originally diagnosed the problem. I have not gone back to an opthamologist since the outbreak ceased. He did not give me Zovirax but did prescribe Zirgan. The acyclovir and Zirgan did cause the lesions to retreat and heal. have you tried Famvir? I have not gotten a prescription for Famvir. To be clear. There hasn't been any outbreak since the original. No redness or signs of any thing breaking the skin. The only visible symptom is that the infected eye will tear overnight. There is just a constant irritation. I look forward to seeing if anything comes of this list. It really would be nice to have a day without feeling this. Looks like I have a lot of reading to do. Thank you for the information.
  4. I was infected with HSV-1 in November 2014. The out break lasted a few days in my groin and eye. Took acyclovir daily until December and then switched to valcyclovir. The irritation in my eye and groin at the point of outbreak have never completely gone away. I stopped the medication in March and tried LLysene, olive leaf extract, and vitamin e. The irritation can be mild to the point where I can ignore it and can get painful as well. I've seen a ophthalmologist, two dermatologist, and an infectious disease doctor and they have no answers. Has anyone experience this as well? Did you get a diagnosis or answers? Anything would be helpful at this point.
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