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Posts posted by luna1088

  1. Ugh I just have to release a little stress lol I hate that you can't diagnose yourself if you have herpes or not it sucks that you have to wait the 4 months to confirm that you have this stupid virus and how easy it can spread even when you do use protection this is gonna be the end of me they should have a cure already its just annoying ok I am.done lol

  2. @Hguy2016 well I do get really itchy and it gets swollen but no actual sores just a little red but after we messed around again I haven't gotten tested so idk if. I should again


    @fury I think I did read your story its a little similar in the symptoms but I never had a rash just did have 2 pimple like things on my other lips but I believe they were ingrowns since I prone to those since way before this ever happened and I never had unprotected sex with the partner I had but still 100% sure I am in the save

  3. Well I had a test done at 4 months (which we stopped having sex for 4 months) after that's when I first started getting the infections but I still kept having relations with the same guy (after I found out I wasn't infected) so I haven't done it after we last had relations (which was 6 months ago from now) but the infections don't go away so I didn't think it was related to that ...I had an IGG test no swab cuz there wasn't anything to swab just swab for yeast and BV and always was positive for either yeast or BV ...that's why I am wondering if I should have them do it again

  4. so I am a little confused on things I been here before asking other questions well this time I have already tested and came negative for hsv2 but positive for hsv 1 orally (I get cold sores) well I thought I was in the clear but I keep getting BV and extremely bad yeast infection that don't go away at all and the Dr keep prescribing me deflucan and it will only go away for a week and comes back I already tested for other STDs and I am negative for everything so is there a chance that the test could have been wrong and I do have HSV 2? Or can it be something else...and also everything I have oral sex or mess around (no actual sex) I get really irritated down there any has had this happen to them?? And also I am a person that has never had unprotected sex

  5. @2Legit2Quit yes I did and was only positive for hsv 1 I got the test right away when I started getting burning sensation down there but they tested me and was only positive for BV and yeast infection and tested 4 month after possible exposure and was only positive for HSV 1 and was a high value cuz I've had it for quite awhile and hsv 2 came out at a value of .74 so I'm guessing that negative

  6. No I actually haven't been diagnosed yet I only know I have hsv 1 orally but I might have it genitally but I'm not 100% sure I just think because I've been having a lot of yeast infections but when I tested for herpes I only had hsv 1

  7. Can an outbreak look like a skin irritation caused by having diarrhea? Sorry for TMI but I all of a sudden got a rash on my bum from having diarrhea idk if it can be an outbreak or just a rash from wiping too hard or too much its right when the line start on my butt no where else just there...idk if its something I should worry about and go to the doctor or just let it be

  8. @2Legit2Quit I thought I could only get it swabbed 48 hrs into me getting it. It has been longer than that well its still a little bump but its not as big anymore I think its going away and I took a pic of it and it looks like there is a little hair coming out of it so it might have been in ingrown not 100% sure though but does look like it and hope it was

  9. @WCSDancer2010 I haven't been sexual active since September but did receive oral sex about a week ago so idk if maybe that made it worse cuz I did feel a yeast infection coming on a week before


    So I did pop the pimple and white stuff mixed with blood popped out of like a pimple and then just blood, that was last night but its still hard this morning like if its still has stuff inside and one pimple is just about gone by itself

  10. @2legit2quit thanks


    @WCSDancer2010 because I keep getting yeast infections and then stopped getting then I started getting them again and not I have these 2 bumps and the don't look like ingrowns and I believe I have a yeast infection and my genitals are very irritated it hurts to put a tampon on I'm also on my period and yes I tested positive for HSV1

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