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Everything posted by As89

  1. Yea that's very true. Thanks again.
  2. It completely stopped my first ob besides the prodrome I've been feeling I feel fine. The guy I'm with is my ex boyfriend of a couple years we split up and are getting back together ... I'm just so scared to tell him.
  3. I actually came across a study about valtrex and newly diagnosed... I believe it said the average transmission rate was 2.9% I wish I remember where I saw this. But again like you said it's different in everyone.
  4. those were all really good. Thank you!
  5. I know that is what I'm struggling with. Thanks for the advice it really helps. I just want to be happy again. All the stuff on the internet scares me when I know it's not true.
  6. I feel ok physically I'm just really nervous about telling the guy I'm dating. I know he's not going to mind I just have to accept it. If there wasn't a risk of transmission I wouldn't care because it really isn't a big deal.
  7. Also, do we asymptotically shed on buttocks legs etc? I read somewhere that we do not but I feel the tingle.
  8. I know I thought of that. It can't possibly be that hard. I've been so depressed since this all happened. I feel like I'm not myself .. When will I feel better?
  9. Ok so how long should I avoid sexual contact? (For future reference)
  10. Ok thank you. Another question is I've been having the tingling usually everyday but just for a second here and there is that still prodrome?
  11. Yes I did and that was very helpful I guess I was just wondering what the statistics would be if someone who is newly diagnosed. I found out about a month ago. she said it was a new exposure. Does anyone have any of their own stories (not transmitting it or vice versa)
  12. I am so happy i stumbled across this website! I was devastated when I found out. I thought my life was over. I am wanting some more information on transmission from other h positive people. I asked my doctor about the 1% with condoms and valtrex and the 2% with only valtrex (I am a female). She told me that the rate of transmission is most likely even lower than that. I was just diagnosed last month and I'm wondering how much more contagious I am and what the % would be considering the new diagnoses. Also, almost all of the stories I've read says when being on suppressive therapy and being cautious that the positive partner DID NOT pass h on to their partner. It seems to me that it's not as contagious as some make it to seem like, being responsible. I'm working myself up to tell the guy I'm dating I just want as much information as possible so I'm confident in myself and can provide real evidence. Pleaseeeee make me feel better about this situation! :/
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