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  1. Thanks to you both, I didn't mean to imply that this method claimed to be a 'cure'...but was really wondering if the H202 and DMSO had any effect to suppress for anyone in the forum. I'm mostly worried about frequent OBs since it was pretty bad the first time (even if less severe going forward, the stats of 4 to 5 per year or more are scary) and I'm getting more and more bothered and preoccupied with the tingling nerve pain in my buttocks and legs. I've accepted that I'll have this indefinitely or until there is a REAL cure. My aunt is a PHD nurse and 40 year medical veteran and helped me a lot when I first had the OB. She agreed that it was wise to try an immune-boosting natural approach to see how that treated the virus first. She also felt that like HIV nowadays, there could very well be alternative treatments out there (although she wasn't aware specifically) that could get it suppressed enough to not show up and remain forever latent. She also challenged to watch out for claims from natural alternatives and skeptics claiming big pharma doesn't want you to know about this OR would be onto it if it worked...NOT because they are onto everything but rather because with the advent of the generic drug industry, all the claims that they make more money on the drugs than finding a cure could be bogus since the generics have leveled out the industry and opened up the playing field regarding the pharma financial benefits from keeping alternatives, particularly inexpensive and non-patentable ones, under wraps. That said, pharma does not make money on treatments as inexpensive and readily available as DMSO or H202 so it follows that they would leave them alone. I guess since you know some that were helped with their OBs from DMSO and/or H202 I'll keep going with it to see if I could be one of them. I was also wondering if the neuropathy/pain in my buttocks and legs, which seems to be constant rather than 'prodromal' could mean I'm at higher risk of currently shedding despite not having any sores for over a month? Any other suggestions to relieve specifically that also (I'll look at all the links)? Reason I ask is I'll be home for the holidays in the States (I live in Europe) and just before the infection I sort of made plans to have fun with a guy/friend while home...I'm recently divorced and was unlucky with my second new partner in over a decade having not only taken advantage of me being very drunk but didnt use protection, which only flew cause of how drunk I was and obv. did not disclose and infected me. I was looking forward to a period of casual (but protected) relations before anything got serious and before the H and now I'm worried that's just not in the cards. Although that could be better as I read on many of the posts, I'm happy to avoid the jerks. And I'm adamantly in the camp that I will always disclose openly before sex and will not be ashamed of my bad luck. I more just want to be clear about the present risk IF this friend turns out to be willing to risk it. I don't want to use the 4%, 2% (with condom) figures for non-OB female to male spreading risk if they are lower than my actual current likelihood given the pain I feel. As I'm not yet on anti-virals (I took them for 5 days during the first OB and I felt they made me even more tired as it was towards the end of the OB when I finally got them). I'd just hate to actually spread even after someone knowingly risks it with condoms.
  2. Has anyone had good results from this or even eliminated OBs? In particular, I'm wondering about the rather inconvenient and messy step 2 involving daily spraying of H202 diluted in 8 ounces of distilled water combined with rubbing in DMSO cream on the area where it hides. This is supposedly a natural way that might find the hiding virus in the nerves and break it down to suppress it/potentially kick it down enough to not be detected. I'm new to this, HSV2 (genital) contracted in October. Wanted to try a natural approach to suppress amap before conceding to anti-virals if I'm unlucky with OB frequency. First one was rough in terms of fatigue, flu-like, pain but not bad regarding sores. Still feeling neuro pain in butt and legs/with tingling sensation and it's been 4 weeks since the OB was no longer visible. Taking tons of supplements as well including lysine, C, B, olive leaf, etc. etc. Really curious if there is feedback on this because looking it up online only seems to bring me to sponsored sites about the protocol. Thanks!
  3. Well to put your mind at more ease on if these are prodromal symptoms then I would suggest to start taking note now of when and what you feel (when it started) and give yourself a week or two to see what happens, if it goes away and/or nothing happens towards an OB, then you might feel more at ease. You could be someone that is headed towards not having OBs anymore but still have prodromes. Given that you feel something most of the time, it's probably safe to say that it's not always H related. But you'll feel more confident I think if you wait to be sure.
  4. Ok, right GHSV1 (as you wrote), perhaps you are aware that risk of transmitting that is about half that of HSV2. I would try to relax, have the talk and then take it from there...at least it might help you to relax either way. Esp since you say this feeling is often present. The vag can be feeling off from so many things. Good luck!!
  5. But either way, if you feel like this person is ready to be told about your H then I don't know why you would wait? The bigger question is whether you intend to proceed to have sexual activity with him now (immediately) and how to go about that, then the prodromes are relevant and whether you are on suppressive therapy and of course use a condom and ensure he knows the (low) risk.
  6. You say you have HSV1 but are experiencing the feeling in the genitals, have your OBs been down there or on the mouth? Usually I believe HSV1 can, when contracted from oral sex create a genital outbreak but often it will never recur in the genitals. I have several friends who got a genital outbreak from exposure to 1 and never had another outbreak again. You have had outbreaks but I assume on the mouth?
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