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Posts posted by officer195

  1. 2legit, I waited longer then that after the outbreak, but I'm thinking she actually caught the virus during the outbreak on November 19th. Which at the time I didn't know it was an actual ob since I never had one in the first place. Talking her today I've found out it is so much worse for her the it was for me. My heart hurts that I gave this to the woman I love. :(

  2. Christmas morning I fond out out that my girlfriend/fiance has contracted the virus from me. I feel as though I've totally let her down though she says I didnt. The symptoms seem to be worse for her since the breakout is forming under her lips near the opening of her vagina. feedback would be helpful. It is one thing that I have it but then to give this to someone you care deeply for is something I'm finding very difficult.

  3. Yes took my yearly blood test in January, more so because the lady I slept with the last week of December 2014 I noticed a rash, a small one while having sex with her. She said she was clean and based it all on having to much sex, she was a nurse so I took her word for it. By the time I took the blood test the rash was gone and it came back positive but my Dr. and friends said it was a false reading because I didn't have an actual outbreak , little did I know. So the first major outbreak was November 19th. By December 7, 2015 all has gone back to normal. So I am wondering is it ok to have sex without using a condom?

  4. My gf soon to be my wife is more comfortable with me having herpes than I am. She keeps telling me I love you more than yesterday so I believe that is a good sign we are going to be together for a long time. I was diagnosed January 2015, first ob was 11-19-15 about the size of a fifty cent piece. With meds everything cleared up 12-7-15. Would I be placing my gf at risk if I didn't wear a condom the first 12 months?

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