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Everything posted by lam284

  1. Hi everyone, I'm a 21 year old female from New Jersey. On NYE I started feeling sore down there but attributed it to rough sex (my gyno asked what "rough" met lol awkward). Anyway, a week later I finally took a look down there and was totally at a loss of words. Although not in a relationship, I had been sexually active with this one person for months. I was diagnosed with H the next day. Still waiting to figure out which simplex although at this point I'm thinking HSV2. It hurts and it's uncomfortable. It looks a lot worse though than it feels I suppose. The emotional damage is unreal. I have always had clinical depression and now this just makes it 100 times worse. I know in the end no matter how careful you are, sex is like Russian roulette. I really would like someone to talk too. Anyone. I don't know how to date on a good day and that was before my diagnosis.
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