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Everything posted by jojojo

  1. I just got my prelimary urine test back and it shows no bacteria...so I am to take valacyclovir daily again now. Thanks for your advise.
  2. No when I go, I go a regular amount. I just have this dull ache like I need to pee all the time. i did take 1g of valacyclovir last night before bed and am feeling slightly better this morning. I am still going to have a urine sample tested just be sure. I'll let you know the results. By the. way I am not prone to UTIs, only ever had one in my whole life and my doctor did do a complete UA with culture (no growth) a little over 2 weeks ago when I first went In with my OB.
  3. I am over 50 as well....and just getting over my first out break. I also got HSV1 from my husband who has a history of cold sores. I don' t have as much experience as others on this forum. But I can tell you that it will get better, get a prescription for oral antiviral medication, take Epsom salt baths, buy some Bactine Spray. Hang in there:-) with time you will get better.
  4. I am just getting over my first OB. Diagnosed by swab as HSV 1. I had a severe OB ( in my mind anyway). Flu like symptoms, leg pain first then followed by vaginal swelling and pustules, extremely painful urination. I ask some questions here on this forum and appreciated the advise I got. I took valacyclovir 1 gram twice a day for 7 days, then once a day for 7 days, then 500mg once daily for 2 days. I am now 24 hours after my last dose. I am experience a deep pain in my pelvis area, and the feeling of having to urinated all the time, which I did not have 1 day ago, no increase in swelling in my vaginal area, no pustules coming back. I am thinking of calling my dr tommorrow morning to be checked for a UTI. Do these symptoms sound like a continuation of my ob, if so should I restart the valacyclovir? I just seems to me that I took a full course of medication, do some people have to take a longer course until their body can handle the virus better?
  5. Thank you for the link Elise1977. My husband is not in anyway requesting that I take suppressive meds, he is leaving that up to me. It is my doctor (who doesn't have a clue) that is.
  6. One more thing: I am talking about having genital sex in the future NOT when I am having an outbreak. That would be a BIG OUCH!!!
  7. It's funny that you mentioned that because one of my concerns is passing the virus to my husband's genitals. On this you tube video Dr Hansfield makes it pretty clear that it is impossible for a person to get gential HSV 1 if they have oral HSV 1 ( it is about 4 to 5 minutes into the video). i have learned on this forum that genital HSV 1 shreds at an extremely low rate compared to HSV 2. I have also read on this forum that you all think differently than Dr H, that it is possible for me to transfer genital to to his genitals, all be it a smal chance. I guess I just need to be confident that if we have unprotected sex that he will not get it, since he was the originally source of my infection. I know there are no absolutes in this world, but I would appreciate your thoughts on Dr. H 's statement.
  8. Thank you 2Legit2Quit. Thinking of the meds as a "battle buddy" is what I will do. I do use Bactine Spray, some times it stings, but I found if I spray it on after I get out of the tub when I am still wet with bath water, then blow dry, it stops the stinging, and still works i.e. numbs.
  9. I am a 52 year old women in the mist of my first OB, I tested positive for genital HSV-1. I am 100% sure I got it from my husband. We have been together for over 30 years. He has had mild cold sores off and on through out his life. We are both confused and embarrassed to think that we have been alive for over 50 years and never known it was possible to get herpes thru oral sex. Maybe, way in the back of my mind, I may have heard a rumor of such thing years and years ago, but who would have thought after 30+ years together this would happen!!! My question is concerning suppressive therapy. I am a healthy person: eat good, exercise, don't live a terribly stressfully life, and I am not on any other medications. I don' t like taking unnecessary medications. I am on valacyclovir twice a day nearing the end of my prescription. I have an appointment in a few days with my doctor, she wants me to go on suppressive therapy. I am leaning towards not taking any medication for suppressive therapy. Is there any reason/evidence that continuing suppressive therapy during and after the first outbreak lessen the chance of further outbreaks? Does suppressive therapy affect your bodies ability to mount a resistance to the virus? Should I at least continue the medication until my symptoms subside, to help myself heal faster? As these are the only reason I would consider taking it. Thank you all on this forum, it such a wealth of great information and has help me deal with this situation (Epsom salt baths have saved my sanity!). I trust your advice over my doctor's, she doesn't seem to be very knowledgable in this area.
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