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Posts posted by Katidid

  1. Oral H would be really difficult to obtain. Unless, maybe he had an obvious ob and you chose to do oral then. I'm Hvs2+ and hubby negative. We've been together almost 22 yrs. We've had way more oral than intercourse.......he also wears condoms during intercourse. It's his choice and I respect it 100%. It has kept him virus free. I only went on anti viral about 2 years ago. I've never passed this on to anyone in 35 plus yrs.

  2. First off, did you actually see his results? When I was tested, it didn't just show one hvs type, It showed both. Same with my husband who is negative. The test was through blood and presented values for both types (if there aren't values for one or the other, it will say hvs1 neg or hvs2 neg). In our case he was negative and I was positive for 2 which I pretty well knew. Anyway, my point is....if he's waiting on his test reults, it should come back with values for both hvs 1 and hvs2. If, he is positive for 1, then you would have gotten hvs1 genital, not hvs2. Hope this makes sence.

  3. Not quite sure what to suggest here, but you might want to get on an anti anxiety med so you can calm down. Stress is a definite contributor for ob's. Once you get your stress level under control, try using condoms to prevent transmission. Assuming he knows your status and has accepted it, condoms play a large roll in prevention when you are ob free. Also, you can try a different anti viral. I couldn't tolerate valtrex, but acyclovir works great for me.

  4. You giving him oral is fine....you have hvs2 genital, right? Him giving you oral is a very small risk.....like maybe 1% chance of him getting oral hvs2 from you. Read the handout here which explins the risks and have fun!!!

  5. @beakind I am the one in my marriage of over 21 yrs with hvs2. Have not passed this on after all these yrs. nor to a previous relatiinship. I only went on anti viral about 1 and a half yrs ago just to take my 6 ob's per yr down to zero which has happened. My husband (upon our first date...after my disclosure) promised he'd be the last person I'd ever have to tell and we went from there. We never discuse it!!! I never think about it. He, however, chose to always wear a condom during intercourse and we have oral without protection of any kind and more often oral than intercourse ( who would ever argue with that?). I feel perfectly fine everyday that I made my choice to disclose and he made his choice to use condoms. We are both ok with our decisions and have had a great relationship which involves traveling the world, great family and friends!!! He loves me unconditionally and that's all I can ask!

  6. He may just need more time to process. That's completely normal and happens all the time. I disclosed to a guy 22 years ago who said "thats a lot to think about" and literally there was no info out there. He called two weeks later wanting to go forward. We split up mainly due to him taking another job out of state, etc. Next disclosure went to the man I'm married to now who is negative after 21 yrs! He accepted immediately as he was totally smitten....lol It's all in what you make of it!!!

  7. Was your two sex episodes with or without condoms? If I'm reading between the lines here, I'm guessing no condoms only because of your reaction to "her" putting you at risk. If condoms were not used, I feel you share the blame here. There are two consenting adults here who know the risks of unprotected sex. I think you talk about it, decide if she is worth going forward with and go from there. We "all" make mistakes and use poor judgement at times. We are human!!!

  8. I can tell you that things will improve. You will likely never know if this guy knew he had it and didn't know or he knew and is a total schmuck! I've had this 35 plus years and have been married 21 of those years to a H negative man. He has been tested and is negative. I have never passed it on to anyone. Had one guy say "I need to think about this" and a few weeks later, wanted to date. We didn't work out for other reasons, but remain great friends to this day.You are safer than anyone else out there because you "know" you have it and can make all the right moves to ensure non transmission in future partners. I promise this will get easier!!! I was just 23 when acquiring and virtually no info. I can't stress enough to use condoms!!! They aren't everyone's cup of tea, but they absolutely help along with anti viral. Once you find a partner who is accepting (you will) then he can decide condoms or not!!!!

  9. It's very much a non issue for me as well. I've had this 35 plus years now and have never passed it on (hvs2). Without anti vira I have about 6 to 7 ob a yr, with (the past two yrs) I have zero. So, ive gone most of my life with out the the anti viral, married and my husband has never aquired it. He has been tested. Once you know you have this, you are safer than anyone else out there as you can take all necessary precations.

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