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  1. A small update which will hopefully act as inspiration for someone like me in the future... Had my first disclosure the other day. Bumbled my way through it in not the most articulate manner. But I got the facts across, talked about the minor risk etc. etc. Then the girl actually said she didn't want to hook up for other reasons and not the disclosure itself! (we were old flames and she was just back in town for a week, and thought it would eventually ruin any hope of us staying/becoming good friends in the future - I agreed, to an extent!). So I felt pretty silly about actually disclosing but we laughed about it a lot and she really respected that I told her. Oddly enough, and maybe because she was talking about others but not herself, she thought given the percentage risk and the fact i'm on valtrex etc. she didn't think I was obliged to disclose it to other girls and didn't have to if i didn't want to, assuming I stayed on the meds and used protection. Then the next day we decided the friends thing was cool but wouldn't be as good as friends with benefits and have been enjoying ourselves the last week :) So 1 disclosure 1 success. Happy about that obviously. Some points though that I consider may have been relevant to the success and may, if lacking, lead to a different result. 1. She's a very intelligent, mature and open minded woman in her early 30s. She wasn't going to freak out or run off just from mentioning the H word. Younger/less mature ladies may be more inclined to cut ties as soon as it is brought up. Of course one could argue that intelligence has nothing to do with it. Is it more intelligent to accept someone who has disclosed or reject him, I don't know. 2. We'd known each other a while. So there was already a strong bond between us. So the fact that we were already at a point where she liked me a lot I'm sure would have been a factor she considered. A girl that hadn't had the chance to get to know me/ like me yet (presumptuous I know) so much yet would I imagine be less likely to accept it. But we'll see what happens....
  2. Hi guys I'm brand new to this interesting world as of about a few weeks ago - herp type 2. I've never had any symptoms so this is all a bit surprising to me. Spent a lot of the last few weeks consumed with this, going to sleep thinking about it, waking up thinking about it. I think I've turned a bit of a corner. Everything in life depends on your perspective. If you think it's s tragedy it will be. If you look at it as a minor inconvenience then it will be, at least so I hope. So given the fact I've never had any symptoms that I know of and supposedly I've had this for a while says my doc the things that have been getting me down is the disclosure talk and the prospect of spreading it to others. In this thread I'm just going to focus on the first aspect. Been reading a lot about that talk and been heartened by some of the success stories on here but I guess on a website that's meant to be uplifting people are going to be more inclined to post the good stories. On the herpes virus association website (a uk charity focussing on this) they state that 90% of disclosures are accepted. They go as far as to then say there's a 1 in 50 chance of getting rejected twice in a row. The maths doesn't really add up but you get the picture. Now to me this seems absolutely ridiculous and I'm really finding it hard to imagine potential partners being cool with this, even if I am taking Valtrex daily (I am), will always use condoms, never get symptoms and am also dosing up on a whole bunch of supplements like olive leaf to try and inhibit the infectiousness even further. Can these stats be true or even close ?!? I Id be really grateful if the guys who've been dealing with this and get back to me with their success failure ratios. I'm only really interested in the guys' stories of disclosing because it is a slightly different situation; girls have much more to think about with catching this given the potential though very minor chance of passing it on in pregnancy. Plus I kind of have a feeling given our proclivity to reasoning with our genitals it would probably be easier to disclose to a guy as he'd be more willing to prioritise the short term over the long term in this scenario. Speaking very generally obviously but I just have a feeling. So guys if you could let me know honestly how these disclosures have been going that would be great. If you have any thoughts on why some have yours have worked and some have failed that would be great too. Much appreciated everyone and a big thank you to Adrial for starting this site. Bloody brave of you. Hopefully one day the stigma will thaw over this and it'll be down to sites like this. It's messed up how something I've had for ages and doesn't affect me at all suddenly has the power to play with my mind and emotions like this. All down to a big pharma campaign in the 80s apparently ... Messed up. Oh yeah and I've been on a date recently a girl I really liked which was planned before I got my diagnosis (she's actually why I decided to get tested) and of course she made a herpes joke on the date .....argh :( Thanks all
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