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  1. It isn't included in routine screenings but it doesn't mean that you can't request a screening to verify whether you have it or not. But you should still have yourself checked out if you're concerned about it and you do have some of the symptoms of Trichomoniasis. So, I would visit a doctor and get yourself screened, plus it would help reduce your worry and stress about this. By the way here's some useful information on it that helped me when I was worried about having it. http://edguidance.com/sti/trichomoniasis-the-most-common-std/
  2. I personally, would tell him, that way he can get checked out himself.
  3. Considering you were watching with soap and water, probably not that much of a risk to your eyes. I think paranoia can be devastating to your health too sometimes. :)
  4. He probably had more time to think about it and decided he'd rather play it safer than to continue. I would say that in my opinion it should be disclosed before sex, especially if there's any unprotected sex involved.
  5. Once you have confirmation that you have herpes, try to find out if he was the one that infected you, because you may want to contact previous people you've been with as they could need testing themselves.
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