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Posts posted by Mel2316

  1. Hi,

    I need some advice. I shave down there and when I do I get a lot of bumps. They look like typical razor burn bumps but it just seems like more then usual. And their mainly at the top area and sometimes in the side creases. But I'm still not 100% sure. I have had this problem now for a little while. And I'm getting freaked out. They don't turn into sores, but my outbreaks aren't full on blister like. But I'm confused. Anyone have any experience?

  2. @katidid thank you! I found out it was just dry skin. But I got freaked out lol. Plus I was curious if that has happened to anyone anyways. But that's good you haven't spread to anyone else! I'm on a suppressive plus would never do it with an outbreak, so I hope when I get intimate again I never do either.

  3. Hey! All the advice up there is right. I would just like to suggest two things. Because I was having the same problem. I would like to suggest to take garlic supplements and (it sounds gross) but also fresh garlic and raw honey every day. Garlic is the number 1 virus killer and they suggest it all over the Internet. I cut up fresh garlic everyday small enough to take it like a pill. Two garlic cloves a day and I take garlic supplements. I'm on valtrex too. But the garlic helps fight it off faster. Also, I use betadine as soon as I feel it coming. I swear by it. You can look into it if you want. But it helps me so much. So just some food for thought.

  4. I'm going to wait. But I didn't realize I could download stuff from this site. I'm just getting to know it. I did read some where it's best to get to know them first and get the feelings first. I don't think I should right now. We're just starting to really like each other, but I'm not jumping to sex or thinking about it yet with him. It's a scary thing. But I will at some point. I noticed a lot of people who have it then really get to know someone, usually the other person doesn't think it's a huge deal but to just be careful when it gets to that point. But I will read more. I for a while didn't want to even talk to any guy. Especially what happened to me with this. Excuse my language but the asshole was a scum bag and he so knew he had it and just didn't care. It was a careless mistake on my end making it really hard for me to trust anyone. It's sad.

  5. My period definitely does it, it's more itching but I get the pimple on the butt to lol. The way I can tell sometimes , and it's gross and I shouldn't touch them, is I put my finger on it and if it burns. Slightly. But look into the betadine. My friend who has it she uses it. She said that was all she needed. But my body is to stressed, with my bipolar and life I need meds. It'd you decide to use it put it on the first sign of outbreak it dries it up fast. Sometimes I feel so paranoid that every itch I have is it. You ever get like that?

  6. Hi,I have HSV 2. I was wondering if it could some how spread to your face? Not lips, like chin or cheeks. I'm paranoid about everything lol. But I don't know if I have a rash on my chin or what. I keep my hands clean. Unless I made a mistake. It's red on my chin. Please help!

    Thank you

  7. Hi, I just wanted to put it out there that I am just so happy to find this group! I am so happy that I can relate and have similar experiences with HSV2. Especially since I'm new to this virus. I'm seeing answers that I have been so lost with. Thank you for this group! I actually feel very comfortable. Thank you!

  8. @dudereally thank you. my story is really embarrassing cause I went off the deep end and slept with someone that I heard later had it. Well... It was true. It has taught me not to be permiscuous. I'm bipolar and me going through a divorce made things so much worse and I was out of control. But maybe this is a good thing to help respect myself more and find a respectable person. I just feel I can't do it. I feel if I do I should get to know them first get the connection and then tell them. I read that some where. My problem now, is to get out there and not stay in depressed. I just want so bad to show interest back instead of backing away. But I learned to that I can see the bad ones as well. I always had a good intuition but didn't care, but now it's different. So I'm trying to build myself up.

  9. Thank you. Yeah I seem to have trouble around my period too. It's more like itching then bumps. But I don't know lol. I'm on the highest suppressive of valtrex, but my body is also stressed from so much stuff happening in my life. But if I do anything at all I want to make sure it's not there at all. Sometimes it's hard to tell. I don't want to be afraid to shave or anything. Cause I have no clue if it's bad in grown hairs or what. It does go away pretty quickly though. But I mainly get pimples or H on my butt.. I feel weird saying that lol. Some advice though to you guys, if you don't already. I use betadine when I have an outbreak or see the beginning of one. Or think I'm having one. I will tell you it's a god send. It literally heals it in a couple days. So just some advice. It's a little pricey but totally worth it!

  10. I feel as if I can't go out and meet anyone. I've had people interested in me, but I back away. I'm scared to.. I'm scared to trust anyone. I'm scared of rejection. What are people's thoughts or experiences with this?

  11. @optimist it's possible. But even with my first outbreak it was more like cuts and second like little pimple sore things that weren't horrible looking but hurt like hell. But since valtrex it hasn't really happened. Maybe very light ones that are just itchy. But it's so hard to tell sometimes. It's so frustrating. I just don't want to be afraid to do my normal things. Shaving, cleaning with out being crazy about using two different towels, SEX (which I'm more worried about). I feel like I can't get use to this. I don't know. Sorry for the rant

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