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Posts posted by Mel2316

  1. Hi,

    I'm new and a little scared. I found out I had H a couple months ago. I'm having a very very hard time dealing with this. But I need some advice. My ob are very subtle sometimes I'm not sure if I'm getting one or if it's razor burn. I'm on 1 gram valtrex suppressive, but I shave and it seems like bad razor burn a couple days later. Or... I'm sorry to say but sometimes I get pimple like on my behind. Does anyone else have an issue figuring out if it's a break out or not? I'm scared to even shave or do anything down there cause I don't know. Any advice would help. Thanks

  2. Hi, I am bipolar as well and just found out I have H a couple months ago. He should not threaten to leave you.. I was in a very emotional abusive marriage where he would take my bipolar to his advantage. Say things similar, not saying he's emotionally abusive, but it's wrong to threaten you and make you feel that way. When I found out about H my bipolar went sky rocket. I wouldn't leave my home. I am very insecure about myself and the bipolar times it by 10, I understand what you're feeling and going through. Regardless if he's been with other girls with it, he needs to support you all the way. Having bipolar makes emotions more intense and you will need to try and have that extra support. You should explain this to him. If he doesn't get it, then you should reevaluate some things with him. Bipolar is serious, and then finding out you have something magnifies it. But do not let him threaten to leave you. You will get through this. I'm getting a divorce and I feel a lone, but I'm pushing through this. I'm happy I found someone else who is also bipolar and found out they had this. I have been trying to find sites with people who have bipolar and gotten diagnosed with HSV2. This has been hard on me too. But you're never a lone. And no matter what you'll be ok.

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