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Everything posted by Newtothis2016

  1. I felt just like you did when I found out back in June that I had GHSV1. It's definitely harder emotionally than it will be physically if you come back positive. Since being positive I actually have come across friends and family that have it too! Some genital some oral. You will be fine! Just be positive and find support, it definitely helps!
  2. Hi all. I'm 26 and tested positive for GHSV 1 in June 2016. I do okay most days but still have some days where I'm hard on myself.. To me something so minor is blown out of control! If you would like to talk message me! I'm up for conversation! 26/female Cincinnati
  3. Hi! I'm fairly new to this. Was diagnosed with GHSV1 in June 2016. I can't help but struggle and think about it every day! I haven't had any other OBs since then which I heard is not uncommon. Ever since finding out I have found other people I know Who have it , which helps for support wise. And I also have told a few friends who treat me no different, they are amazing and say everything will be fine. Which is easier said than done. But I'm terrified of even the thought of dating again. The thought of trying to tell someone about this scares me. Even though I'm no different than someone who gets them on the face mine are just in a different spot that you just can't see. I've learned that it's not as big of a deal and what people make it out to be. Yeah does it suck, of course but I'm still me and still can do everything I have ever wanted to do. But will someone risk being with me even though the risk is so small. I want children and I want to get married , but so scared it won't happen now.
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