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  1. I was diagnosed with GHSV-1 on January 23rd. I'm no longer experiencing an outbreak or anything but I still feel weird "down there". I'm still learning everyday but my vag has yet to go back to normal & it's been almost 2 months. I read that some women didn't go back to feeling "normal" down there again until like 3 month post initial outbreak but I don't know. My question is around what time do I start feeling normal down there again? Or should I just schedule another appointment with my doctor?
  2. Hey! Sorry you're going through this but I will try to answer your questions to the best of my knowledge! :) 1. It's not likely that you contracted it from your Brazilian wax. Asymptomatic shedding occurs around the infected area in which I'm guessing she didn't have hand herpes. 2. Genital-to-genital HSV-1 isn't as common as oral-to-genital. Since HSV-1 typically prefers the mouth area, it is less likely to pass it on to him genitally(but still possible). It is also less likely for a woman to pass it to a man, than it is for a man to pass it to a woman. However, if you do transmit it to your partner, you would be passing to him whichever type you have as well. 3. Yes. Even if you are all cleared up, there is no telling when asymptomatic shedding may occur. In which, if it does, it is more likely that you will pass it to him orally. 4. Outbreaks for genital hsv-1 are less common than outbreaks for genital hsv-2 and oral hsv-1. Recurrences after the primary outbreak are few to none and not nearly as aggressive. A swab test is the most accurate of them all when it comes to HSV. If there is a present sore, a swab test can determine which type it is, whether it's type 1 or 2. Blood tests are usually for the people who have no symptoms present. 5. It is possible you could have gotten it from your current partner or your previous partners. HSV can lie dormant in the body for yearssss. So it's nearly impossible to pinpoint who, when, or where you may have contracted it from, unless someone you were intimate with knew they had it. Hope that helped you some! :)
  3. @optimist Thank you! So I pretty much could've caught from either one of them but it's more likely that I got it from my ex, even though that would mean I didn't get my first outbreak til months later?
  4. Hi, I'm an 18 year old female who recently tested positive for genital hsv-1 (culture test) & im so confused. I've only had two sexual partners in my lifetime. My ex(who I was last involved with about 7 months ago) & a guy who I had just met recently at the end of December. I had sex with him on January 8th & 10th but both times we used protection and there was NO oral whatsoever. We didn't even kiss or do foreplay, just strictly intercourse. However, my ex & I did all of the above. A few days after the 2nd time me & the most recent guy had sex, I started getting symptoms of my first outbreak. Originally, I thought I had gotten it from him until my doctor told me that genital hsv-1 was most likely passed to my genitals through oral sex in which I've only done with my ex many months ago. I know there's no way to tell exactly who gave it to me or exactly how long I've had it but I wanna try to get as close as possible. I haven't told either of them yet in hopes that I only have to tell one of them(the one I contracted it from) unless it was my ex then I'd have to tell the recent guy too. I guess my question is: Who did I most likely get it from? My ex boyfriend who I was intimate with 7 months ago(who performed oral) or the most recent guy I was with before I had my first outbreak(who didn't perform oral)? If I didn't get it from my ex, is it possible for someone who has genital hsv-1(male) to transmit it to someone else genitally(female)? Should I call them both anyway? If I got it from my ex, why did my first outbreak occur 6-7 months AFTER I contracted it? I could honestly use as much help as I could get! I'm losing my mind here!
  5. You're not alone at all. A LOT of us have suffered the same feeling. I was recently diagnosed almost a month ago & though it didn't really surprise me because I had already felt like I had it(I was going through an outbreak) it's still a really hard pill to swallow. I'm still struggling with it just the same as you but educating yourself on the virus itself helps a lot. Especially depending on which type you have. I was tested positive for genital hsv-1 & I have TONS of questions. It's a learning experience for us all :). You're not alone, you're in the right place
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