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Posts posted by JohnJay

  1. Yeah, I'm just a bit over the top in the paranoid department. I'm just hoping I do have it orally. The issue would be if I was tested that they wouldn't be able to tell if I have anything genitally, considering I have tested positive for it orally.


    Just the paranoia speaking. Figured if I got from her kissing, she had to have given it to me genitally via oral (even though statistically, logically, and otherwise that is highly unlikely).


    Back to you though, I'm trying to figure out how to disclose myself. I'm not sure how, but if it goes well again maybe mention it? Or ask what they know about it? I'm sure there are some others here with more experience who could make a better suggestion than I.

  2. Male and been having severe razor burn as well. My doc said because the immune system is down it is easier to aggravate the skin and harder for the body to fight off the natural bacteria on it. IDK if that is true, if that is just in my case, or what, but I never had the issue shaving I've had the past month and half previously.


    I've also avoided washing that area as much and less lotion until everything heals so that probably plays a part as well.

  3. To answer your original question, I'd wait and see how the next meet goes. Like you said, it is a timing issue. I'm not really sure how to do it myself. I wouldn't do anything with those bumps you are concerned about, definitely as a precaution.


    As for you having it in both locations, did you acquire it at the same time? I have oral as of a month ago, and was freaking out I have got it genitally. However, I didn't have any symptoms down there or an outbreak, and am picking peoples minds to see if that should put me at ease.


  4. Minor panic attack. Would this make any sense?


    Found a bump about the size of a quarter between my ...actually looked up the term perineum. I've had not contact since Jan., and I'm assuming if I contracted something, say gHSV1, I would have noticed before now. It would also be where there was actual contact, right?


    I've been assuming I'm fine and it is just oHSV1 despite my earlier fears and just want someone to tell me I'm being stupid! :)

  5. If it makes feel any better I feel the same way. Might as well try to sleep since you know. My doc didn't think it was and then I got the call and that sent me for a loop because it was the exact opposite.


    At least it isn't permanent and will go away :)

  6. Hi! I'm not an expert, just recently diagnosed and only been on the forum for about 48 hrs.


    Um, I don't know how to read those tests. I'm assuming that the doc is saying that since you have the antibodies you have been exposed at some point. My understanding is that if you get symptoms, they will crop up with the week range after acquiring it.


    Apparently it is common, I'm not sure it is of no importance.


    Hope this helps.

  7. The crazy part is that considering how small my breakout was, a handful of spots on my face, the doc didn't even think it was that. I mentioned the fever and stuff and that is the only reason he asked if wanted to test it. I only told one other person and he was shocked, because he couldn't even tell it was that, just figured bad razor burn or a couple cuts.


    If I had been less paranoid I'd probably have never known, which in itself is a mind you know what.


    Of course my paranoia led to additional research and me being here. The additional research also kept me from sleeping for a couple weeks as I frantically inspected myself down below at random intervals of the night.


    At least the one thing that has calmed me is that because I didn't have antibodies, and I have an outbreak, it would be noticeable in some way, if I had it down there. That has basically been the only thing that has kept me sane after learning that information.

  8. Oh yes, I'm aware of that now. I'm just shaking my head because no one ever told me all this in regards to herpes. Just kind of weird that I was oblivious to the risk. I know I'm lucky as far as this is concerned (as far as I know).


    I just always assumed if you had it you knew. That whole asymptomatic thing has really thrown me for a loop mentally.


    Maybe there will be a cure in a few years and then we will all feel better. :)

  9. Thank you very much for the reply!


    Considering I only had sex unprotected once, well, twice I guess, and only ten times total; I'm thinking I might be somewhat safe considering I did have an outbreak on my face and that certainly shows symptoms.


    I will definitely get tested again. I guess it is just odd for me to have acquired it. I've never slept with a lot of people, but I have made out with a lot of girls. Guess luck of the draw and the recent shaving etc.


    The fact you mention that I probably contracted it orally makes me feel better. One of my other concerns was that if I had gotten in both places I'd have no way of knowing, and my main concern going forward (and a matter of a lot of anguish) was not spreading it to someone else.


    Thank you again for the reply!

  10. Hi! Um, I might not be the best person to talk to but I figured I could at least offer a reply.


    I recently acquired HSV1 oral, which, despite my despair, everyone seems to think is no big deal. I am educating myself and still in my primary outbreak.


    As I've been reading, my understanding is that while HSV1 is very common, HSV2 is around 20ish% of the population, not 99.9%.


    I can understand not disclosing initially, but I do think you made a mistake not disclosing going forward until the 15th time. Hopefully he comes back negative, and if you are on antivirals, that would severely reduce the chances. If I recall correctly, it is a 4% chance throughout the year unprotected, and with antivirals and condoms that would reduce the risk as well. You did the right thing in the end.


    I do not know the legality of a lawsuit. Sorry I'm not more helpful, but I figured a reply might be beneficial.

  11. Thank you for the reply.


    I understand a lot of people have it. It is simply a shock to me, as I was not aware of the prevalence of it and how it could spread without obvious symptoms showing from someone to someone else. It is scary how ignorant I was, which led to panic in regards to what else I didn't know. All of the asymptomatic people for HSV2, how condoms don't guarantee protection, etc.


    I had gotten this far in life without acquiring, and it was a slap to the head when it happened.


    I have lost 14 pounds, barely slept, and been chasing phantoms in my head. Thank you again for the advice, and I as shocked as I am by it, I feel embarrassed as well freaking out about it. I understand there is a far worse stigma in regards to having it genitally. Heck, my step-mother just had a stroke a few months ago. Logically, I completely understand what you are saying. Mentally, I'm trying to get myself under control. Thank you for the reply, as it does put my mind a bit more at ease.

  12. Allow me to clarify a few things.


    1) I got the swab test and blood test. Swab said HSV1. Blood was negative for both.


    2) The location is under my lip. Nothing on it.


    3) I had just recently shaved that evening, and I'm guessing that would have allowed the openings for this to occur.


    4) I was wondering if I acquired it from her oral to oral, or genital to oral as we did 69 for a minute.


    5) While I had all these symptoms orally, I didn't feel any different genitally except a bit of redness on my scrotum (which I am chalking up to me freaking out and stretching every couple hours in the middle of the night and looking for something in the mirror) and the day or two I mentioned where I was guessing if I had a burning sensation or not, which I'm assuming if it was truly burning I'd have no doubt.


    6) Is it possible I only contracted it orally under all these circumstances?


    7) I plan to get tested for HSV2 in a few months just in case.


    8) I am finally able to sleep at night. I think, unfortunately, my crazy reaction to all this has ruined the relationship. She said how everyone has it, (she is from S. America), and was very casual about it. She didn't mean to give it to me, but I think my reaction has messed with it.


    9) I appreciate any input and thank the lord for this forum. It is a vast pool of information and unfortunately, while I found it too late, it certainly is making me a bit more at ease.

  13. Good morning,


    I recently got oral HSV1. :( Last week of Jan. had a couple bumps under my lip. I had a fever, swollen lymph nodes in neck and under jaw, couldn't eat, went to doc and he thought bacterial follicilitus. I got tested anyway, and found out it was in fact HSV1. I had no prior contact to it.


    I couldn't sleep for weeks, and due to stress ran through all the standard STD testing. This isn't a random partner, have known since Sept., and only started having sex in Dec.


    Now, trying to educate myself, I have a couple concerns.


    I think the reason I got it in those places was due to shaving, and I had relatively fresh cuts open. She knew she had "cold sores" before, but said she hadn't had an outbreak in years. However,we did make out and have sex that night. What is the risk she had it genitally as well?


    Next, what is the risk I received it genitally? Of the 10 times we had sex, 1 was unprotected, and another was half unprotected. She had also performed oral on my previously. To note, I've had no pain down there, no real discomfort, no bumps. One or two days I felt something when urinating, but IDK if that was me freaking myself out after reading about all the symptoms online.


    Also, what are the odds I contracted HSV2? I simply trying to reassure myself where the issue is. I figure because I've never been exposed I'd actually have some symptoms, but this whole asymptomatic thing I've been reading about has freaked me out.


    Thanks! I apologize for the disjointed nature of the writing. I'm just starting to wrap my head around it, and my sores are just starting to heal.

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