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Posts posted by Lilly82

  1. So an update. I told a guy I have been seeing for the last month. He said he needed time to think about it. I felt a strong connection and was developing feelings for him. He text me tonight to tell me that he couldnt see us going any further, and that it was because he wasnt feeling a connection, and wasn't because of my herpes. It almost hurts more that he said that. I cant handle rejection very well. I really liked him.

  2. Hi everyone.


    I was diagnosed 3 years ago with type 2 by an ex who says he didn't know he had it.

    I recently started seeing someone and had to tell him last night. He's amazing and so I was terrified to tell him.


    Things were progressing to sex so i had to tell him. It was the hardest thing ever.

    I finally got it out and he was quiet at first then asked a few questions. I tried to explain all that I could about it, and he said sorry if he was being weird or quiet about it, because he has never had this come up before.


    He was very appreciative that I told him and said that it was brave of me and showed my good character. We were laying on his bed and he was hugging and kissing me still.

    Then he said he needed some time to think about it. I just imagined the worst, that what he means is he can't deal and it was a way to let me down easy.

    He walked me to my car and hugged me and I said 'are you going to bail on me?' And he said he wasn't that he just needs time.

    So I text him when I got home and said thanks for listening and he said I didn't need to thank him, and thanked me instead and said how much he respected me etc.

    I told him to take all the time he needs, but that I hoped I could see him again.

    He ended with 'we will see each other again I'm sure. Just gotta work this through. Have a good sleep and great day tomorrow'.


    I know all I can do is give him space and come to me and hope for the best. I'm scared though and mad that this could be the end of it but don't want to imagine that yet:

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