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Everything posted by SPATX919

  1. If I were in your position, I'd request my partner get a full panel of STD tests - not just HSV. It wouldn't hurt for you to get a follow-up test well. If you do have gonorrhea, treatment is effective in curing.
  2. It can't hurt to get tested and have your partner get tested for the full panel of STDs as well. What symptoms are you experiencing? Have you had an outbreak of HSV-2 yet? A lot of the symptoms are similar for both.
  3. It's been nearly six weeks since I got my HSV-2 diagnosis and I hadn't told anyone except my giver and two doctors I've seen. My giver and I are not together so I struggled quite a bit with feelings of isolation. This forum has been wonderful but the anonymity feels so detached. It's not the same as having someone who knows me in my corner. So tonight I told two trusted friends (one of whom is a psychiatrist) and it could not have gone any better. Both have HSV-1 and understand that it's just a virus with a pretty unfortunate stigma attached. They gave me hugs, poured me a shot of whiskey and assured me that this will not define me. It's simply my next obstacle to overcome. It was exactly what I needed to hear. So if you're worried about sharing your shame, don't be. The people in your life who love you are going to regardless. Share at your discretion but don't keep it all bottled up.
  4. Oh dear, this sounds like a really painful life lesson. The good news is that you've still got a long life ahead of you. Read through some of the other posts on this forum, you're going to realize that you can still live a very fulfilling life with H. You're probably going to want to talk to someone like a therapist, support group or trusted network of friends and family. You've been through a lot but just remember that struggle builds strength! If you haven't already, start looking into cleaning up your diet. Not only is it going to build up your body's natural defenses to this virus, it's going to help treat the depression. Discuss with your doctor as well because prescription anti-depressants could also help in the meantime. Remember, this is just a virus that affects the skin and happens to affect the genitals. It comes with a stigma of shame because of that. It's not a death sentence. You are loved. You still have worth. You're going to get through this and come out stronger on the other side.
  5. My giver knew and didn't disclose either. I didn't show symptoms for a couple months and he'd rejected me before I was diagnosed. He'd been actively trying to reconcile with his ex the whole time we were sleeping together. Got hit with a one-two punch just like you. My pain is still fresh so I'm afraid I don't have much in the way of wisdom to impart but just wanted you to know you're not alone. These men are the WORST but I have to believe not all men are like that. Keep your chin up!
  6. I'm trying to keep myself busy, too. I sit behind a desk all day, which makes the rash and nerve pain particularly uncomfortable. I make so many needless trips to the ladies room people are going to start to wonder! And sometimes the fatigue hits me like a freight train. I've crawled into bed before sunset more than a few times. I've decided to confide in a trusted friend who will help me laugh about all this.
  7. First of all, congratulations on the new job. That should be your primary focus because stressing over this can only hurt you at this point. How were you diagnosed? Blood test or are you having an outbreak? Stress can trigger an outbreak. What makes you worried about HIV? HSV is transmitted skin-to-skin, HIV requires an exchange of fluids. If you've used protection, you're probably worried over nothing. When your partner is tested, have her get tested for HIV as well. Start browsing through this forum. You're going to find people who have been living with this virus for a long time with the same quality of life of those without it. Some wth no symptoms or symptoms so mild they didn't even realize what it was. It's just a skin condition and considered sexually transmitted because of the location of infection. I was blindsided with my diagnosis just a month ago and this forum has helped me tremendously already.
  8. Thanks. I wouldn't call this severe by any means. The skin irritation is quite mild. Coconut oil does the trick and my doctor prescribed a lidocaine jelly if I need something stronger. It's the muscle aches, fatigue and general sick feeling that is wearing on me. I've survived worse. I can get through this.
  9. I'm over three weeks into my first outbreak and it's just not going away. I'm taking anti-virals (Valocyclovir) and it seems to get better...then it's back within a few days after finishing the recommended 3-day course. And now it's starting back even though I'm on day 3 of meds. Should I be trying a different anti-viral medication? Or let this outbreak run its course to develop my body's natural defenses?
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