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  1. I might be wrong, but I'm pretty certain I read on the blog somewhere that someone had asked a doctor about that and was told that there is a very minimal chance of hsv2 genital transferring to oral. It is very rare and highly uncommon. But if course they're is always a chance.
  2. I'm sorry you're in that situation. Getting "the news" is tough. Ive had it only a few months now. Honestly, there aren't any words that will make the anger, sadness, and frustration go away. It just takes time and just really accepting it and then educating yourself on it. This blog here has helped me SO MUCH. Also, just having someone to ask your questions to and talk about it is important too. Regardless of his results, I hope your significant other can be understanding and supportive. The longer it is in your system, the less painful your outbreaks will become and less frequent as well. Good luck!
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