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  1. When I experienced my first outbreak, at the very beginning of it I had gone to the gyno and was swabbed for vaginosis and diagnosed with it. My symptoms got progressively worse even with the vaginosis medication they gave me. I did begin to have A LOT of discharge. When I went back to the doctors three days later they took one look at me and told me it was herpes before they even tested me. I would recommend going back to the gyno especially if your symptoms are getting worse. They may not have tested for herpes right away and with your first outbreak you can get a watery discharge along with having flu like symptoms. I hope you feel better!
  2. I was diagnosed with HSV2 about 10 months ago. I contracted it from my then boyfriend and although he claimed not to know he had it, I have many reasons to believe otherwise. Despite my gut feelings, I stayed with him and about 6 months later we broke up for other reasons. I've done a lot of research on HSV2 and have come to terms with my status. Although hard at times, the more I learn about it the more I realize it truly is just a skin condition and it does not dictate my life. Being back in the dating world with my new HSV2 status, I have a profoundly different perspective and approach. I have disclosed my status one time to a potential hook-up and although he was very kind and understanding, he did not want to proceed (understandably so - neither of us wanted a relationship so I can understand not wanting to take that risk with just a hook-up). Although I've dated a few people since my breakup, I haven't been interested enough to become intimate so haven't needed to disclose my status. Recently however, I have met somebody who I like and respect and can see relationship potential with. On our most recent date, the drinks were flowing. Earlier in the evening he invited me back to his place and I said no (I didn't want to put myself in a physical situation with him because I was not ready to disclose my status). Unfortunately, the drinks continued to flow and we ended up staying out pretty late and against my better (drunken) judgement I went back with him. He performed oral on me. I stopped it rather quickly once I comprehended that what was happening was NOT good but now I am faced with having to tell him after the fact. I am riddled with guilt, shame and a lot of inner turmoil. I consider myself to be a good person with good and honest values and morals. I am ashamed of my behavior and my guilt is at times unbearable. I plan to continue to see him and will be telling him but am very terrified. It truly was never my intent to let things escalate to the point they did. I have done a lot of research since the occurrence and have read that it is not common to transmit HSV2 to someone orally which has eased my anxieties a tad. I have spoken to the few close friends who are aware of my status and they all are amazing and listen to me and offer advice, but I feel I need advice from someone who better understands what living with H is like. I know I need to forgive myself because at the core I know I'm a good person who made a mistake that cannot be taken back. I also know that once I tell him I will feel much lighter, whether he reacts negatively or positively. I made a mistake that I wish endlessly I could take back, but I cannot. I am now faced with having to do something difficult and I am and will continue to own my mistake and move forward having learned the hard way. Any advice, encouragement, or personal stories similar would be so much appreciated and helpful for me. Thank you!
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