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  1. I've talked to a few friends who all said "it's no big deal" which made me feel better. I plan on using the handouts. The verbage and using more positive words has helped me so much and I am praying helps in the conversation with him. The truth is that if he told me there was a 1-2% chance of the virus spreading to me from him, I'd stay so, I hope that the same. I know I sound a little desperate about the man part of this. I am not that way. It's just that I had a very painful past and thought I might have finally found someone and I have also educated myself (I think) inside and out and I get it, it totally stinks but it's a skin condition. I am just so wrapped up and terrified about the stigma.
  2. Thank you so much Kaybe. I'm so upset because not only do I have to tell hime but, we have been having uprotected sex for almost 2 months already so, there's the extra fear that I may have infected him. I had absolutley no idea at all that I had it otherwise I never would have been so careless. Were there any particular handouts or fact sheets you used with your man? I feel like he and I are both the kind of people that are comforted by those things.
  3. Oh my goodness, you did not go on and on! Please, go on as much as you like, I really need to hear it. Again, thanks so much. I'm still not ready to tell him but, my doctor assured me that it's ok to wait until I have all of my retesting info before I do that otherwise I may be put him through this for nothing. Although, I pretty much know it's not going to be nothing.
  4. Thank you. I really appreciate your feedback. Ultimately, I love him. I loved him as a friend even prior to our relationship so, even though it's early days for our relationship, I know in my heart that I couldn't decieve him. I do thank you for not judging me for saying that there is a part of me that doesn't want to tell him. I sincerly mean it when I say that since I have never had an outbreak, I really wish I didn't know. Believe me I am on information overload! I can't stop reading about it. I am fine with the health part because I am a very healthy and have a strong immue system. For me it's the emotional part and the social stigma. I find the female to male transferrance statistics very encouraging. Did you? I assume things went well with you and your boyfriend?
  5. Hi all. I am very new to this group and to the diagnosis. As a matter of fact I am in the process of being retested and waiting for the results of that. I'm horrified. I'm trying to be rational but, I am literally making myself sick, can't eat, sleep, etc. I understand that Herpes is very, very common. I understand that since I am a woman the rates of me transferring this to a partner are quite low, especially with precautions. I am so scared to tell and lose the man I am with. I am a almost 46 years old and about 2 months ago became sexually involved with a man that had been a close friend for about 7 years. We were having unprotected sex. I know, not smart but since we had both been in long term committed relationships for the most part I guess neither of us thought much about it. I want to be clear, I had no idea I had this virus at the time. My last partner was unfaithful, as a matter of fact, after 13 years together he got my best friend pregnant. When I finally wised up and went to my gyno to get birth control he said that I should get an std check based on that, which I did and now here I am. To my knowledge I have never had an outbreak but, carry antibodies for both types. I can really use some support. This man is important to me but, I am terrified. Of the social stigma and of losing him. The facts for female to male transmission are 4% with doing nothing, 2% with abstaining during breakout and 1% with antiviral drugs. I feel like if someone said that to me, I wouldn't run but, yet, I am so scared he will. I'll be very honest, there's a huge part of me that wishes I didn't know and that part of me almost feels like sparing him the anquish. I know this is morally wrong but, I feel like I can't be the only one that ever had that thought, can I? At the very least, I am waiting for he 2nd set of results. to see if it's IGG or IGM. I'm very grateful to this forum and for all of you posts and support.
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