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Worse with Valtrex

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Has anyone has worsening of symptoms with Valtrex? I have GHSV1. I get tingling, itching, and twinges in my groin, butt, and down my legs and even in my arms sometimes. I’ve tried taking Valtrex with hopes of things subsiding (because im afraid of having a major outbreak) but my vagina and groin area is on fire and so irritated after taking it. Anyone else ever experienced this? I don’t know what else to do and don’t really have another antiviral option since acyclovir is basically the same as Valtrex. I take lysine daily. 

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I am so sorry to hear about your adverse reaction to the Valtrex. That is terrible!! Your body may be allergic to something in the Valtrex, or it could even be reacting with a medication you take. Do you take anything else? For the mean time, if you haven't already, it's probably a good idea to stop taking the Valtrex. Also, give your doctor a call and let them know the reaction you had to the medication. 

There is a third antiviral called Famciclovor. Have you looked into that? I honestly am not sure if it is similar to the Valtrex and Acyclovir, but a medical professional such as a pharmacist could let you know. A pharmacist would know the difference between all three, since they understand the biochemical differences of the medications that may be causing your adverse reaction. Pharmacists are awesome!! Trust me, they are great. 

Here is a link to the American Sexual Health Association regarding HSV treatment options. I hope it helps!! https://www.ashasexualhealth.org/herpes-treatment/

In addition, I reccomend going to back to or calling the doctor who prescribed the Valtrex and inform them of the adverse reaction. Then, they hopefully can see what is causing the reaction (something in the medication) and help get the ball rolling with alternative methods of antivirals and nerve care. 

Sending blessings of health and wellness your way!! 

❤️ Grace

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